PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit3 My friends A Let’s learn教案

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PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit3 My friends A Lets learn教案教学内容: 本节课是新版的教材PEP四年级上册,Unit3 My friends ,Part A部分的Lets learn.本单元学习的主题是朋友。本部分的核心句型是:He is tall and strong.Who is he? His name is 教材通过John和Mike之间谈论朋友这一对话的情景,让学生感知上述功能句的语义及语用情景。学生在Lets talk中已学习核心句型Whats his name? His name is ,学习难度有所降低。本课所学贴近学生生活,学生比较感兴趣。教学目标:1. 语言知识及能力目标:1)理解并掌握单词及短语:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet.2)理解并初步运用句型:He is tall and strong.His name is Who is he?2. 情感态度目标:1)培养学生良好的友情及合作意识。2)学生积极参与各种课堂活动并运用所学英语进行表达和交流。3. 学习策略目标:1)通过看图片,听录音,感知文本内容。2)小组合作,共同完成学习任务,培养其团队意识。教学重点:熟练运用“Who is he ?”“His name is.”“He is.”等重点句型。教学难点:正确认读、听、说strong ,friendly,quiet. 教学准备:PPT、教学光盘、卡片等。教学过程:Step 1. Preparation (将学生分组,表现好的组加星。)1.Free talk)T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? Please look carefully. Whats in our classroom? (Ss answer.) Yes, youre so great! Boys and girls,do you like singing songs? Now lets enjoy a song, OK?2. Sing a song”Friends”.(播放课件。) Get the students sing together and do the actions. (Clap hands,stamp their feet.)Step2 PresentationT: Boys and girls,do you have good friends? Who is he /she? Can you tell me?Get some students to introduce his /her friends.T:I have a good friend. Hes in our class. Can you guess? He is a boy. He is tall. He has glasses. He has small eyes and a small mouth. Who is he? Get some students to say out his name.(让他到讲台上来。)T:(出示课件上的一张健美运动员的图片)The man is so strong.Look at my good friend. He is tall and strong,too.(做出动作)(呈现短语)教学tall and strong.(齐读-分组读-个读)(课件出示Zhang Peng和John的图片。) T :Look at the picture.Who are they?Whats Zhang Peng like?Yes,Zhang Peng is tall and strong.(加上动作). Whats John like? Oh,he is short and thin(加上动作).教学short and thin. T: Who is tall and strong /short and thin in our class? Can you tell me? Get Ss to answer. (课件出示人们握手、拥抱的图片。) 师指着课件中呈现的情景,引导学生说:Look!She is very kind.师通过引导学生做握手或拥抱动作,让生知道“友好的”意思,可以在做动作中练读。Whats she like?Yes,She is friendly. 出示卡片friend ,生跟读,再出示friendly,引导生体味从friend到ly /li/的发音过程。(呈现课件上的图片:一个人做出噤声的动作)出示卡片quiet,师边读边做动作,让生猜汉语意思。 师重点通过口型指导/ai/发音,师生反复练习,然后回到说句子练习新词。告诉学生,此词也可描述人的性格特征。(出示课件上的图片)练习friendly、quiet.T:Who is friendly/quiet in our class? (Ss answer.)Step3 Practice(播放教学光盘)1. Ss listen carefully.2. Ss listen and repeat.(注意语音、语调,评出阅读之星。)3. Work in pairs.4. Show.5. Lets chant.(边chant,边做动作。)Chant about their friends.Step4 Production1.(呈现课件)Team PK game(小组对抗赛)T:Now look here carefully. Can you talk about them using the sentence patterns? (找一生做示范)Please work in pairs.2. Show.Step5 Progress1. Do exercises of their workbooks.2. Check the answers.小结,并看哪个组是获胜组,给以表扬鼓励。)Homework:1. 本课所学内容读给家长听。2. 预习Lets spell.3. 练习介绍自己的朋友,下节课展示。板书设计: Unit 3 My Friends tall and strong friendly quiet A: I have a good friend. Hes tall and strong. Who is he ?B: His name is


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