外研版九年级英语上册Module8 Unit1 练习及答案

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Unit 1I. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Uncle Wang is good at repairing things and he got my watch _ (go) again.2. My book _ (be) here a moment ago, but now I cant find it anywhere.3. Kate didnt pass the Chinese exam and she felt quite _ (happy).4. Everyone in our class _ (like) reading English in the morning.5. I think he is in with a chance _(win) the table tennis competition.II. 根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)。1. 汤姆叔叔马上就要抵达上海了,我们现在准备去机场接他。Uncle Tom is arriving in Shanghai soon, and were now preparing to _ _ _ at the airport.2. 卢克迫不及待地想试验一下他的新数码相机。Luke couldnt wait to _ _ his new digital camera.3. 王阿姨很乐于助人,她经常在邻居外出时帮他们照顾宠物。Aunt Wang is truly helpful. She often helps her neighbours _ _ their pets when theyre out.4. 你的英语最近学得怎样?How have you _ _ _ your English lately?5. 这座房子后面有个漂亮的小花园。Theres a beautiful small garden _ _ _ of the house.参考答案:I. 1. going 2. was 3. unhappy 4. likes 5. to winII. 1. pick him up 2. try out 3. look after 4. got on with 5. at the backUnit 2I. 英汉短语互译。1. 对感到高兴 _ 2. 与相比 _3. 即使 _4. 照片收藏 _5. at the prize giving ceremony _6. at the concert 7. congratulations to8. enter the competition II. 根据句意及汉语提示, 写出相应的单词。1. We were surprised at the _ (规模) of the Forbidden City.2. I watched his _ (动作) carefully and imitated (模仿) him.3. Qingdao is a city of great _ (美丽). Many visitors go there every year.4. The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $1,088. It _ (包括) round-trip airfare (来回机票钱).5. Wow, _ (祝贺你)! How did you get your first job?6. Sue _ (设法做到) to save enough money to buy her mother a dress.7. Please excuse me for not being able to go to your wedding _ (典礼).8. The photos are very nice. It looks like youre quite a good _ (摄影师).参考答案:I.1. be pleased with 2. compare with 3. even though 4. a collection of photos 5. 在颁奖典礼上 6. 在音乐会上 7. 祝贺 8. 参加比赛II. 1. size 2. movements 3. beauty 4. includes 5. congratulations 6. managed 7. ceremony 8. photographerUnit 3I. 选用适当的关系代词填空(who, which, that)。1.He is the only person _ knows the secret.2. We went to the farm _ was not far away from our school last month.3. The person _ is talking to Mr. Li is Jims father.4. Do you know anyone _ knows about the history of the Ming Tombs.5. It is the important thing _ should be finished soon.II. 将下列句子合并为含有which或who引导的定语从句的复合句。1. Here is the pen. I bought the pen yesterday. _2. The girl is my best friend Jane. The girl is in a red skirt._3. The book is about a girl called Alice. I read the book yesterday evening._4. Is that the boy? You talked about the boy yesterday._5. I dislike people. People talk much but do little._III.根据汉语提示,用定语从句完成下列句子。1. I respect people _(诚实的).2. There are a few guests _ (我想向你介绍的).3. Ted likes the bike _ (他妈妈送他作生日礼物的) very much.4. Do you know the boy _ (在池中游泳的)?5. Hangzhou is a city _ (以西湖而闻名的).参考答案:I. 1. that 2. which/that 3. who/that 4. who/that 5. thatII. 1. Here is the pen which I bought yesterday.2. The girl who is in a red skirt is my best friend Jane.3. The book which I read yesterday evening is about a girl called Alice.4. Is that the boy who you talked about yesterday?5. I dislike people who talk much but do little.III. 1. who / that are honest2. who / that / whom I want to introduce to you3. which / that his mother gave him as a birthday present4. who / that is swimming in the pool5. which / that is famous for the West Lake


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