2019版高考大一轮复习英语(人教版)名师课件:第二部分 基础语法 12并列连词(共36张PPT)

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2019版高考大一轮复习英语(人教版)名师课件:第二部分 基础语法 12并列连词(共36张PPT)_第1页
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2019版高考大一轮复习英语(人教版)名师课件:第二部分 基础语法 12并列连词(共36张PPT)_第2页
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2019版高考大一轮复习英语(人教版)名师课件:第二部分 基础语法 12并列连词(共36张PPT)_第3页
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并 列 连 词 并 列 连 词 用 来 连 接 属 于 同 一 层 次 并具 有 相 同 句 法 功 能 的 单 词 、 短 语 或 句 子 。在 高 考 中 , 要 求 考 生 选 择 一 个 恰 当 的 并列 连 词 填 空 , 或 某 个 连 词 用 错 了 , 要 求考 生 改 正 过 来 。 顾真 题 回一 、 语 法 填 空 在空白处填入1个适当的单词。 1. (2016全国卷)In much of Asia, especially the so-called “rice bowl” cultures of China, Japan, Korea, _ Vietnam, food is usually eaten with chopsticks. 因China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam这四个国家是并列关系,因此在最后两个之间加连词and, 连接四个单词。and 2. (2014全国卷) But the river wasnt changed in a few days _ even a few months. 在否定句中表示并列用or,意思是“但这条河在几天内或者几个月内都不可以被改变”。连接a few days和a few months两个短语。or 3. (2014全国卷) There were many people waiting at the bus stop, _ some of them looked very anxious and disappointed. 前后两句是顺承关系, 用and。连接两个句子。4. (2016四川卷) It was time for her to have a new baby, _ it was also time for the young panda to be independent. 前后句是并列关系。连接两个句子。andand 二 、 短 文 改 错 1. (2017全国卷) Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructors orders, so once I started the car, my mind went blank.因“已经领会”与“头脑一片空白”是转折关系。2. (2017全国卷) I have grown not only physically, and also mentally in the past few years. 因not onlybut also是固定搭配。but but 3. (2016全国卷) Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are used for cooking. 他应是确保使用“新鲜蔬菜和高质量的油”, 故改用and。4. (2016全国卷) If we stay at home, it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money. “舒服”与“不必花钱”不是转折关系,改but为and。andand 5. (2015全国卷) Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in the countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains are green. 在乡村,“空气洁净”“山岭碧绿”是同时存在的,而不是其一,即是“和”而非“或”,故改or为and。and 6. (2013全国卷) He had a deep voice, which set him apart from others in our small town, he was strong and powerful. 句中which引导的是非限制性定语从句,补充说明deep voice的,将其去掉,你会发现He had a deep voice与he was strong and powerful这两个句子之间缺少连词,两句之间是并列关系,故加上and。and 7. (2011全国课标卷) I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor, and then I realized that someone had stolen it. “买票”与“转身从地上拾起包”是顺承关系,而非转折关系,故改but为and。 and 8. (2012全国大纲卷) We, as well as animals, cannot live without water and neither agriculture or industry can go without it. 因neithernor是固定搭配。nor 析考 情 分 考 情 :并列连词是常考点,特别是在短文改错中,尤其是全国卷的短文改错,最近三年,年年都考。 解 法 :在语法填空中,若是有两个或多个单词、短语、分句并列,最后两个之间没有连词,必定填连词,根据前后之间的逻辑关系选择恰当的连词,如and(和,然后), but (但是), or(或)等。在短文改错中,遇到and, but, or时,要分析前后逻辑是否通顺。 纳考 点 归英语中,两个或多个单词、短语或分句并列,最后两个之间通常要有连词,即用A and B或A, B and C之类的结构。除and外,还有多个并列连词: 联合或顺承and 和,与,又;然后,接着,就转折或对比but但是,然而;而,却;但也yet但是,然而while而,却选择或否则or或者,还是;亦即;也不;否则or else否则,要不然otherwise否则,要不然 原因或结 果for因为(不用于句首,前面常有逗号)so因此,所以;以便固定搭配betweenand 在与之间bothand 既又eitheror 或者或者neithernor 既不也不not onlybut also不但而且 固定搭配notbut 不是而是as well as 和,和一样,不但正在/要做某事时突然(发生另一意外之事)was /were doing sth when(就在这时)was/were about to do sth whenwas /were on the point of doing sth when 翻 译 下 列 句 子:1. 保持积极的态度,好事就会发生。Keep a positive attitude and good things will happen. 2. 抓住机会,否则你会后悔的。Seize the chance, or /or else /otherwise you will regret it. 3. 英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。English has hurt me thousands of times, but I still regard it as my first love. 4. 他们需要的不是你的同情,而是你的帮助。They want not your pity but your help. 5. 汤姆学习很努力,所以他考试成绩好。Tom studies very hard, so he gets good results in the exams. 6. 史密斯一家不但过圣诞节,也过春节。The Smiths keep /celebrate the Spring Festival as well as Christmas. 或The Smiths not only keep Christmas but also observe the Spring Festival. 7. 我正要给他打电话,就在这时他走了进来。I was about to phone him, when he walked in. 8. 他喜欢流行音乐,而我喜欢民间音乐。He likes pop music, while /but I am fond of folk music. 练模 拟 操一 、 语 法 填 空 在空白处填入1个适当的单词。1. (2018广西二模) China may be home to both the longest and highest bridges in the world, _ neither is as pioneering as the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. 前后句意为转折关系, 故填but。句中be home to 意为“是的所在地”。but 2. (2018河北张家口) If you have supportive friends, you are more likely to be happy _ free from health concern.前后两个形容词短语是并列关系,故填and。3. (2018黑龙江七台河)which means that employees can know how much the company earns _ what is happening at all times. 前后两个宾语从句为并列关系,故填and。andand 4. (2018福建福州) Nowadays in the West, millions of people keep dogs as pets. People feed them, take them on holidays _ look after them. 前后三个谓语动词为并列关系,故填and。and 5. (2018福建漳州)The lights had gone out, the oven had stopped working and my phone was no longer charging. My flatmates and I tried to fix it _we soon realized that we couldnt. 前后句意为转折关系,故填but。6. (2018福建泉州) In China, the question is not “What shall I have?” _ “What shall we have?” 由not but(不是而是)可知。but but 7. (2018广东肇庆) I thought I could find someone to play with on campus in China, _ when I arrived I found that only a few students knew about it. 前后句意为转折关系,故填but。8. (2018河南安阳) The pieces of pottery were either in yellow, green and white colors _ in yellow, green and brown colors. 因eitheror可知,故填or。orbut 9. (2018江西九江) Some people believe smoking is harmful to health, _others thought smoking is helpful for reducing working pressure. 表示前后对比,用while(而,却)。while 10. (2015广东卷) One day, the cow was eating grass _ it began to rain heavily. 因was /were doing sth whendid(当某个动作正在发生时突然又发生另外一件意料之外的事)固定句型。并列连词when =and just at that time(就在这时,突然)。when 11. (2013广东卷)So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much _ too little. ”构成并列连词neithernor。12. (2014广东卷)We were told that our rooms hadnt been reserved for that week, _ for the week after. 这是表示“不是而是”的notbut句型,意为“预订的不是那周,而是之后的那一周”。nor but 二 、 短 文 改 错 1. (2018广东深圳) I had intended to catch the 7: 30 subway, and I didnt make it. 前后句子是转折关系,故改为but。2. (2018四川绵阳) My mother had always told his parents that too much fast food was harmful, and they ignored my mothers advice.根据前后句意可知是转折关系。but but 3. (2018湖北七市) Glad to see youve made rapid progress in learning Chinese but I am writing to tell you about our next lesson. 前后句意是并列关系,故改为and。4. (2018山西晋城) In my opinion, our gratitude should first go to our parents because they not only provide us with food and clothing and also care for us in many ways. 由not onlybut also可知。butand 5. (2018山东泰安) Give the gift of our smile, or we will make a difference in others life. 这是“祈使句+and +陈述句”,祈使句表示条件,前后为顺承关系用and。注意比较: Work hard, or you will fail the exam. / Work hard, and you will pass the exam. and 6. (2018湖北重校) More importantly, I am lucky to have met many lovely teachers, who teach me only how to study, but also how to be a good person. 由固定结构not onlybut also(不但而且)可知。not 7. (2018河北张家口)We chose to take a bus for it is not far from our home, but it is not easy to park at weekends. 前后句意是并列关系,故改为and。8. (2018福建龙岩)I felt quite pleased with it, and my friends were a little disappointed as they liked huge waves. 前后句意是转折关系,故改为but。andbut 9. (2018四川内江)I offered him some money, so he refused. 前后句意是转折关系,故把so改为but。10. (2018山东淄博)First of all, he told us that Chinese paper-cut is a traditional art form or its a kind of folk culture with a long history. 前后句子是并列关系,故改为and。but and 11. (湖南常德)The other day after supper, I was walking along the river while I saw a boy about my age lying by the river with his eyes closed. 此处的when意为“这时候”,while没这个含义。12. (广西二模)She was about to cross the road while a truck ran out of control and knocked her over. 这里的when意为“这时候”,while没有此意。whenwhen Thank you !


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