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恩城一小 甄秀媚Unit 3 Hello. Im Miss Zhen. I am tall and thin. Im 30. I like apples and milk. I like swimming and riding a bike. What about you? Task 1: Learn the new words.学习要求:1、以小组形式学习以下新单词,小组长带领组员一起学习拼读新单词,并在括号内写上其中文意思。如存在困难可以向老师和其它小组请教。2、要求每个组员都能拼读。组长确定小组成员掌握其读音后举手向老师示意。 1. help help - healthy heli ( ) happy-unhappy healthy- unhealthy ( )2. pen pen plenty plenti ( )3. can kn candy kndi ( )4. touch tt enough inf ( )5. chocolate tklt ( )6. jump dmp junk dk junk food( ) 1. help help - healthy heli ( ) happy-unhappy healthy- unhealthy ( )2. pen pen plenty plenti ( )3. can kn candy kndi ( )4. touch tt enough inf ( )5. chocolate tklt ( )6. jump dmp junk dk junk food( )足够的健康的不健康的充足的糖果巧克力垃圾食品 请根据图片猜单词。 Are they? Are they? Apples are good for us. Too many chips are bad for us. Too many candies are bad for us. Plenty of fruits are good for us. Plenty of vegetables are good for us. Too much chocolate is bad for us. Plenty of milk is good for us. We should drink enough milk every day. Too much cola is bad for us. The hamburger is tasty, but we shouldnt eat too many. Junk food is bad for us. We shouldnt eat too much junk food. We should eat enough healthy food and get plenty of exercise. be good for 对 有好处 be bad for 对 不好的 Task 2: Lets talk. (Practice 2)活动要求:1、小组内两人进行问答。2、组长组织小组内大家交流。3、尽可能用到更多的句子来进行问答。 eg: Whats good for us? Are they good/bad for you? Whats good/bad for ? else els 别的,其它的 This is my friend, Jim. He is sick. He has a stomachache. He is talking to the doctor. Jim: Good afternoon. Doctor Li.Doctor Li: Good afternoon. Whats your name?J: My name is Jim.D: Whats wrong with you?J: I dont feel well. I have a stomachache.D: What did you eat this morning?J: I ate too much ice cream and drank too much cola.D: Oh, thats bad for you. Please take the medicine and you should eat enough healthy food. From now on(从现在开始), dont eat too much junk food. Its bad for you.J: Thank you very much.D: You are welcome. Try to answer the questions.1.Whats the matter with Jim? 2. Why does he have a stomachache?3. Is Jims dietary habit (饮食习惯) healthy? He has a stomachache.Because he ate too much ice cream and drank too much cola.No, its unhealthy. Bens favorite food is cola, cake, hot dogs, chocolate, fried chicken and hamburgers. He ate too much every day. But he doesnt like vegetables, water and fruit. And he doesnt like doing sports.John likes fruits, meat, milk, fish and vegetables. He drinks plenty of water every day. He goes jogging in the morning, and plays soccer in the evening. Task 3: Talk about the two boys with your partner. Can you give some advice to Ben?Ben, you shouldnt .Because its . You should .drink too much colaunhealthydrink plenty of water and milk Health Motto 健康格言An apple a day, keep the doctor away.一天一个苹果,疾病远离我。Walking is mans best medicine.行走是人的最佳良药。Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起使人健康,富有和聪明。 Homework:1. Copy the new words, each word a line.2. Oral practice.3. Collect more mottos .


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