六年级下册英语课件-小升初英语重点词汇复习课件 全国通用(共13张PPT)

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六年级下册英语课件-小升初英语重点词汇复习课件 全国通用(共13张PPT)_第1页
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六年级下册英语课件-小升初英语重点词汇复习课件 全国通用(共13张PPT)_第2页
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六年级下册英语课件-小升初英语重点词汇复习课件 全国通用(共13张PPT)_第3页
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小升初重点词汇复习 have to:_ 浇花:_look for:_ 扫地:_in front of:_ 打扫卧室:_do homework:_ 做运动:_empty the trash:_上英语课:_cook the meals:_ 爬山:_play chess:_ 弹钢琴:_eat dinner:_去购物:_on the third floor:_植树:_第2 6路公交车:_ 堆雪人:_National Day:_ 画画:_不 得 不 , 必 须 water flowersclean the room在 前 面 sweep the floor 做 家 作 play sports 倒 垃 圾 have an English class做 晚 饭 climb mountain下 棋 play the piano吃 晚 饭 go shopping在 第 三 层 plant treesNo.2 6 bus make a snowman国 庆 节 draw pictures 寻 找 July 4 th :_ 接电话:_Pick up leaves:_ 写信:_Catch butterflies:_野餐:_Watch insets:_ 数昆虫:_交通灯:_ 笔直走:_turn right:_next week:_读杂志:_拉小提琴:_ 去旅行:_集邮:_read newspapers:_make kites:_come from:_far from:_去看电影:_ see the doctor:_ 7月 4号 采 摘 树 叶 answer the phonewrite a letter 抓 蝴 蝶 have a picnic 观 察 昆 虫 count insectstraffic lights go straight 向 右 转 下 周read a magazine play the violintake a trip collect stamps读 杂 志 离 远 制 作 风 筝 来 自 于go to the cinema 看 医 生 look up dictionary:_east of the hospital:_+头疼:_ 感冒:_发烧:_洗衣服:_went fishing:_照相:_去滑雪:_买礼物:_want to+ 动 词 原 形 :_would like:_on your holiday:_stay in bed:_a few days:_ take some medicine:_stay at home:_drink some water:_take care:_ Help yourself:_line up:_ fromto_ Dont worry:_放风筝:_ 查 字 典 医 院 的 东 边have a headache have a coldhave a fever wash the clothes去 钓 了 鱼 take picturesgo skiing buy presents想 要 做 某 事 想 要在 你 假 期 里 呆 在 床 上几 天 服 一 些 药呆 在 家 喝 水小 心 、 保 重 请 自 用排 队 从 到 别 担 心 fly kites a lot of/lots of:_ work hard:_划船:_ 去溜冰:_have a good time:_Good luck:_put on_ take off _Christmas Day_ 寄一封明信片_在夏天_ 与相邻_居住_ 起床_wake up_ get there_On Saturday_ go to bed_see a film_ have breakfast/lunch/supper_ help sb(某人)+do(动词原形)_there is/are _ look like_Here you are_ Youre welcome_ 许 多 努 力 工 作 , 努 力 学 习row a boat go ice-skating玩 得 开 心 好 运穿 上 、 戴 上圣 诞 节 send a postcardin summer next tolive in go to bed醒 来 到 达 那 儿在 周 六 睡 觉看 电 影 吃 早 餐 /午 餐 /晚 餐帮 助 某 人 做 某 事有 看 起 来 像 脱 下给 你 别 客 气 你 认 识 它 们 吗 ?1 . What_ what colour_ what subject_2 . how_ how many_ how much_ how old_ how tall_ how heavy_ how long _ how far_ how big_3 . why_ which_ when_ where_ who _ whose_什 么 什 么 颜 色 什 么 科 目怎 样 多 少 数 量 多 少 钱多 少 岁 多 高 多 重多 长 多 长 多 大什 么 时 候为 什 么 哪 一 个哪 儿 谁 谁 的 请 记 住 下 面 人 称 哦 !I ( 我 ) you (你) he (他) she (她) it (它) We (我们) you (你们) they (他 们 me you him her it us you themmy your his her its our your their 你知道这些固定搭配吗?1 Can(能、可以) will (将) should(应该)must(必须) need(需要) Lets(让我们) want to 后 面 +动 词 原 形2 . 这些句型搭配你知道吗?Its time for supper.(该 吃 晚 饭 了 )Its time to go to bed.(该 上 床 睡 觉 了 )Please say hello/goodbye to Lily.(向 Lily问好/道别)Write a letter to me.(写 信 给 我 )Thank you for telling me .(谢 谢 你 告 诉 我 )I would like a cup of tea.(我 想 要 一 杯 茶 ) Im good at English.(我 擅 长 于 英 语 ) 1 Are you ready _ your trip tomorrow? A、on B、for C、in2、Look!Dad _ a book _ Chinese history(历史). A、read,on B、read,of C、is reading,about3、Why _ you make a cake? A、not B、dont C、dose5、Look!My mother is _ an e-mail. A、writes B、writing C、write6、He often _ up early in the morning. A、get B、 got C、gets7、What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to _ stamps. A、collects B、collet C、collecting8、In England,drivers drive on the _ side of the road. A、left B、right C、 middle9、Did he _ the flowers this morning? Yes,he _ him. A、water,watering B、water,watered C、watered,water BCB BC B AB 1 0、 A:Are you listening to music? B:Yes,_. A、Im B、I am C、Im not1 1、Cloud comes from the_? A、vapour B、water C、rain1 2、How many _ can you see ? A、book B、sheep C、watchs1 3、Have some juice,please. _. A、No,I dont B、Thank you C、Yes,I have1 4、What _ Amy do ? A、doing B、does C、is1 5、Does he often _ football after school ? A、playing B、play C、plays 1 6、How can the water _vapour? A、becoming B、becomes C、become1 7、I write on e-mail_alice every week. A、in B、of C、to1 8、I live_China_my mom and dad. A、in,with B、at,of C、in,byB ABB B B C C A 1 9、Tum right_the traffic hights. A、in B、on C、at2 0、I want to _a new notebook. A、to buy B、buy C、buys2 1、Lets_my mother _the clothes. A、helps,wash B、help,wash C、help,washing2 2、Thank you all for_. A、come B、comes C、coming2 3、Go straight_six minutes. A、for B、at C、in2 4、My room is _the_floor. A、in,six B、on,sixth C、on,six2 5、National Day is _. A、June 1 st B、October 1 st C、August 1 st 2 6、_there_tall buildings in the village? A、Is,same B、Are,any C、Are,some2 7、His mother is_salesperson and his father is_good engineer. A、an,an B、a,an C、a,aB C CB B A B B C 选 出 对 划 线 部 分 发 音 不 同 的 单 词 ( ) A、 row B、 how C、 know ( ) A、 last B、 back C、 map ( ) A、 this B、 think C、 there ( ) A、 whose B、 what C、 where ( ) A、 learned B、 cooked C、 washed ( ) A、 pain B、 baby C、 bad ( ) A、 pine B、 big C、 bike ( ) A、 look B、 book C、 food ( ) A、 good B、 school C、 cool ( ) A、 teacher B、 doctor C、 turn ( ) A、 soap B、 coat C、 point ( ) A、 house B、 run C、 south ( ) A、 pet B、 desk C、 weu u au h w wd t tei ei ai i: aiu u u:eu u: u: :u u iau aue i:BABAACBCACCBC 四、连词成句 1) does,your,do,mother,what ( ? )2)any, there, students, are, classroom, the, in ( ? ) 3)are,what,their,clothes,colour ( ? ) 4)is, going, Amy, library, to, the ( ? ) 5)having,now,English,an,they,lesson,are ( . ) What does your mother do? =Whats your mother?Are there any students in the classroom? What colour are their clothes?Is Amy going to the library?They are having an English lesson now. 6 ) me, are, you, than, taller, 4 , cm (.) 7 ) matter, is, what, the ,Tom, with(?) 8 ) do, last, did, you, what, weekend (?) 9 ) failed, John , Chinese, the, test(.) 1 0 )yesterday, did, swimming, you, go (?) You are 4 cm taller than me.What is the matter with Tom? What did you do last weekend? John failed the Chinese test.Did you go swimming yesterday?


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