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2020年1月1389国开电大本科管理英语4期末考试试题及答案一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.Is it possible for you to workout the plan tonight? _ A.Ill do that. B.I think so. C.Id love to. 答案B 2.How did your meeting go yesterday? _actually, it was really frustrating. A.Not so good B.Very good C.Nothing special 答案A 3.I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months. _Weve been working hard, but still getting behind. A.Youre right. B.Im afraid. C.I dont think so. 答案A 4.Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr.Brown, please? _ A.No, no way B.No, I cant. C.Sorry I cant.I have to finish my project right now. 答案C 5.Youd better not push yourself too hard.You can ask the team and listen. _ A.You are right. B.No, we cant do that. C.I think it will kill our time. 答案A 二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。6.AT&T found that employees with better planning and decisionmaking skills were to be _promoted into management jobs. A.more likely B.more like C.more unlikely 答案A 7._managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others,but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information. A.Not only B.Do not only C.Not only do 答案C 8._his anger, the employees called him Mr.Thunder, but they loved him, A.Because B.In spite of C.Due to 答案C 9._clearly communicate with and actively listen to employees is essential to improve their performance. A.Be able to B.Being able C.Being able to 答案C 10.I believe that I have a lot to contribute_a team environment, and am comfortable in both leadership and player roles. A.to B.with C.for 答案A 11.Compared _English, Chinese is generally believed to be more difficult to learn. A.with B.from C.against 答案A 12._the importance of English, we should put more effort into it and try to learn it well. A.Gave B.Giving C.Given 答案C 13._on the hilltop, you could enjoy the scenery of the city bathed in the sun. A.Standing B.Stand C.Stood 答案A 14.There is no_the fact that he is the best student in the class. A.deny B.denies C.denying 答案C 15.Her desire for the_of a beautiful town reina in ed. A.create B.creation C.created 答案B 16.Every time I tried to say something, he would_to something else. A.move off B.move on C.move over 答案B 17.To build the reservoir(水库) , thousands of people have to be_. A.relocated B.repeated C.reopened 答案A 18.Good work_good pay. A.deserves B.requests C.deserts 答案A 19.At a rough_, we will take another four weeks to finish this plan. A.value B.estimate C.account 答案B 20.Even the best continually seek ways to_their skills. A.sharp B.sharpener C.sharpen 答案C 三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分) 21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。Passage 1 If theres one word that captures the essence of what is occurring in the world today,its“change.”Downsizing, reorganizing, and cutting costs, are now the norm for survival.No industry is exempt.Even the most conservative institutions are undergoing significant change just to survive. Change management has always been an issue of debate amongst scholars; how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change process?And what can employees do to get through it? Tips for dealing with change in the workplace. Make yourself aware that change happens:it happens in personal life, it happens in your professional life.You can not live in the past, so denying that change could occur only makes things more complicated for you. Stay alert in the workplace:know what is happening around you.When you come across clues that hint change is on the way, acknowledge them! Maintain open communication channels; Dont lay back and expect things to pass you by smoothly.You need to get acquainted with the occurring changes.Seek more details from your management and peers to for man accurate understanding of the matter.Be transparent and honest about your fears:dealing with the unknown is often resented and daunting.Make the picture as clear as you can. Assess yourself:Changeisatimewhenonesconfidenceaboutonesskillsand capabilities gets shaky.Recognize your strengths and where you could bring them into play.At the same time, stay aware of your developmental areas and work on improving those. Dont be stiff:It will make the change process much harder if you are rigid.Be flexible enough to look at the different angles of the change and see where you could apply your“existing”skills and knowledge, and what news skills you need to acquire. Stay optimistic:Keepapositiveattitudeanddontletyourselfdrowninuncertainty.Involve yourself in the new process; locate yourself properly in the new scenario.Adjust! “You cant get to the top of Everest by jumping up the mountain.You get to the mountaintop by taking incremental steps.Step by step, you get to the goal”, says Robin Sharma, one of the worlds most-sought一after leadership and personal success experts. 21.Enterprises carryout downsizing, reorganizing and cutting costs in order to_. A.cut down on the number of workers B.reshuffle the organization C.survive 答案C 22.“No industry is exempt”means_. A.No industry is an exception B.No industry is an example C.Not every industry can be exempted 答案A 23.The following questions are often discussed among scholars EXCEPT_. A.How can bosses create favorable conditions for change B.How can productivity be increased C.What can workers do to get through change 答案B 24.How many suggestions does the author put forward? A.4 B.5 C.6 答案C 25.From the passage, we know that Robin Sharma is_. A.an expert on leadership, and personal success B.a great leader C.someone who likes to play the game of Hide and Seek 答案A 26-30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在答题纸上。Passage 2 Its no secret that good leaders are also good communicators.Indeed, communication and leadership are inextricably tied.How can you galvanize, inspire or guide others if you dont communicate in a clear,credible and authentic way?Here are 5essential communication practices of effective leaders: 1.Mind the say-do gap.Trust is the bedrock of effective leadershipyour behavior is your single greatest mode of communication, and it must be congruent with what you say.If your actions dont align with your words, you a restoring up trouble for the future. 2.Make the complex simple.Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms that colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon.The most important thing is to clarify what you want to say, lookout for technical jargon and avoid business speak, which add complexity.Say what you mean in as few words as possible. 3.Find your own voice.Use language thats distinctly your own; let your values come through in your communication.Correct use of language and grammar are important, of course, but dont become overly fixated on eloquence for eloquences sake; concentrate on being distinct and real.People want real, people respect real, people follow real. 4.Be visible.Visibility is about letting your key stakeholders get a feel for who you are and what you care about.Dont hide behind a computer and only interact with people electronicallysee them face to face and voice to voice, and interact with them in a real,substantial way.In todays environment, where people are often burned out, its important for employees to have a personal connection with you and the work you believe in.Show the people that work for you that youre engaged and that you care about them and their work.5.Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.Effective communication is a two-way process, and good leaders know how to ask good questions, and then listen with both their eyes and their ears.Because you are in a position of authority, others maybe reluctant to express their real opinions to you directly.You wont always get direct feedback, so you need to also be able to read between the lines and look for the non-verbal cues. 26.Communication and leadership dont always go hand in hand. 答案F 27.The say-do gap happens when people misunderstand their leaders intention. 答案F 28.Using technical jargon makes a leader convincing. 答案F 29.Communicating sincerely is always the best. 答案T 30.Observation is as important as communication when you want to know what people really think. 答案T 四、写作(共 20 分) 31.题根据写作要求,写出一篇作文。Write at least 100 words about an event based on the following information. You may need the 5Ws and l H elements. (/who/when/ where why/ what and how) 参考答案: Titanic was launched on 31 May 1911 and sailed on her voyage from Southampton to New York, (via Cherbourg and Queenstown,)on 10 April 1912. With a gross tonnage of 46,328 tons, she was the largest ship afloat; (882 feet long, 92 feet wide, 8 decks rising to the height of an 11 - storey building.) Four days and seventeen hours after the voyage began, at 11 : 40 p. m. on Sunday 14 April, she hit an iceberg and was badly damaged. Two hours and forty minutes later she sank. Of the 2227 passengers and crew, 705 escaped in twenty lifeboats and rafts; including her master, Captain Edward Smith. At dawn on 15 April the Cunard liner Carpathia, having heard the Titanics wireless distress calls 5 8 miles away, arrived at the scene and began picking up survivors.


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