单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Tiger Mother,蔡美儿(Amy Chua)1962年虎年生于伊利诺州香槟(Champaign)。,1984年以极优荣誉毕业生毕业于哈佛大学。,曾供职于华尔街,并曾在杜克大学、哥伦比亚大学、纽约大学及斯坦福大学任教,现任耶鲁大学法学院终身教授。,蔡美儿的祖辈是中国福建人,大约在20世纪二三十年月先后乘船前往菲律宾,蔡美儿的奶奶精明能干,做塑料制品的卖卖,赚了一大笔钱。从今家族开头变得富有。蔡美儿父亲是蔡少棠(Leon M.Chua),颇有数学天分,前往美国开拓人生,后毕业于麻省理工大学。目前他是柏克莱加大电机系教授,被称为“非线性电路理论及细胞式神经网络”之父。,蔡美儿嫁给耶鲁法学院授Jed Rubenfeld美国犹太裔,生有两个女儿。,Here are some things her daughters were never allowed to do:,NO attend a sleepover 不在家过夜,NO have a play date 参与玩乐日,NO be in a school play 参演校园剧,NO complain about not being in a school play 埋怨不能参演校园剧,NO watch TV or play computer games 看电视,玩电脑玩耍,NO,choose their own extracurricular activities,自己选择课外活动,NO,get any grade less than an A,功课不拿,A,NO,not be the No.1 student in every subject except PE and drama,任何一门功课不拿第一,除了体育和戏剧,NO,play any instrument other than the piano or violin,弹除了钢琴和小提琴以外的乐器,NO,not play the piano or violin.,不弹钢琴或小提琴,Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,又译,虎妈战歌,这本书表达了一位华裔妈妈,和两个女儿、两条狗在书中他的女儿们连狗都不如的故事。,她身为华裔其次代美国移民,以华人家长对子女的高度期盼与严格的教养方式来教育2个女儿。在这本书里,蔡美儿坦露了自己抚养两个孩子的心路历程,与孩子“斗智斗勇”的过程。,妙趣横生的家庭故事,剧烈的文化冲突,执着付出的华裔妈妈,叛逆聪明的女儿使得这个故事引人入胜,又发人深省。,这位自称“虎妈”的美国华裔妈妈,因其出版的虎妈的战歌一书中严峻的逼子成才的教育方式,在美国掀起了一场“中美教育方法”的论战,究竟是中式的严峻管教对孩子的培育更有力,还是美式的宽松教育更能激发孩子们的潜力?这场争论更是席卷了全球知名媒体的各大版面。在美国,时代杂志、华尔街日报等媒体进展专题报道,争论者的主题从子女教育方法、中西方文化的差异,甚至上升到中美国家间的竞争。有美国读者评论说,蔡美儿的做法是虐待儿童,但也有不少美国家长表示,西方人应当借鉴这种严格的管教方式,并坦承自己也是“虎爸虎妈”。,假设你是一位母亲,你会赞同哪那一条?假设你有这样一个妈妈,你认为是幸运呢还是不幸?,Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,I think there are three big differences between the Chinese and Western parental mind-sets.,我觉得中国和西方父,母的思维方式有三大,区分。,First,I”ve noticed that Western parents are extremely anxious about their children”s self-esteem.They worry about how their children will feel if they fail at something.In other words,Western parents are concerned about their children”s psyches.Chinese parents aren”t.They assume strength,not fragility,and as a result they behave very differently.,首先,我留意到西方父母对孩子的自尊特殊在意。假设孩子事情没做好,他们担忧的是孩子的感受。也就是说,西方父母特殊关心孩子的心理。但中国父母不是,他们在意的是顽强,而不是脆弱,于是结果也截然不同。,Second,Chinese parents believe that their kids owe them everything.The reason for this is a little unclear,but it”s probably a combination of Confucian and the fact that the parents have sacrificed and done so much for their children,其次,中国父母认为孩子的一切都是欠父母的。这里面的缘由还不是很清晰,但或许来自儒家的孝道和父母为孩子做出的牺牲和奉献。,.(And it”s true that Chinese mothers focus on putting in long hours personally training,and spying on their kids.)Anyway,the understanding is that Chinese children must spend their lives repaying their parents by obeying them and making them proud.中国妈妈们确实亲力亲为,长时间孜孜不倦地辅导、培训、盘问和监视自己的孩子。无论如何,中国孩子必需穷尽一生,以听从和让父母引以为傲来回报父母。,By contrast,most Westerners have the same view of children being permanently indebted to their parents.They believe that Children dont choose their parents.They dont even choose to be born.Its parents who foist life on their kids,so its the parents responsibility to provide for them.Kids dont owe their parents anything.,而相对地,我觉得大多数西方人不会认为孩子永久亏欠父母。他们认为孩子没有选择父母,他们甚至没有选择诞生。是父母把生命强加于他们的子女,所以供给子女是父母的责任。孩子不欠父母任何东西。,Third,Chinese parents,believe that they know what,is best for their children and therefore override all of their children”s own desires and preferences.That”s why Chinese daughters can”t have boyfriends in high school and why Chinese kids can”t go to sleep away camp.,第三,中国父母认为自己清晰什么对孩子最好,因而会拒绝孩子的要求和喜好。所以中国女孩儿不能在中学交男朋友,中国孩子不能去野外露营过夜。,Don”t get me wrong:It”s not that Chinese parents don”t care about their children.Just the opposite.They would give up anything for their children.It”s just an entirely different parenting model.,不要误会:不是中国父母不,关心自己的孩子,恰恰相,反,他们可以为孩子放,弃一切。只是父母之道,的模式不同。,两个女儿在妈妈的严格管教和倾心培育下,承袭了华人的优秀传统,在学业、音乐等方面都有卓越的表现,在当地被誉为音乐神童,。,2023年除夕早晨,一名来自南京市跟随父母到美国旅行的4岁幼童多多,以他自己的独特裸跑方式在美国纽约零下13的暴雪中迎接2023农历新年。裸跑视频被孩子的家人放到网上,被称为“裸跑弟”的四岁男孩多多快速引来了网民关注,网民对这一大事持褒贬不一的态度,并将这种极限教育方式称为鹰式教育,My opinion,As far as I am concerned,I don not know this strict pattern of education is good or not.But I do firmly believe that satisfying is the best.Everyone is unique in the whole world.And our parents,hobbies,experiences,dreams and work are totally different.Consequently,best is not satisfying.,Satisfying is the best.We should choose the satisfying according to our truly conditions.,Thank you,