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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and,background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,1,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and,background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and,background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and,background,colors,:,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and,background,colors,:,Nokia,2016,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,To change the document information in the footer,press Alt+F8 and use the“FORM“,R 18 G 65 B 145,R 0 G 201 B 255,R 104G 113B 122,R 216G 217B 218,R 168G 187B 192,Core and,background,colors,:,Nokia,2016,迈向,5G,时代的,移动边缘计算,(MEC),诺基亚通信,迈向5G时代的诺基亚通信,1,2,迈向,5G,时代,:诺基亚,MEC,应用案例,诺基亚移,动边缘计,算,(MEC),原理,3,MEC,商业,模式探讨,12迈向5G时代:诺基亚MEC诺基亚移动边缘计算(MEC)原,1,2,迈向,5G,时代,:诺基亚,MEC,应用案例,诺基亚移动边缘计算,(MEC),原理,3,MEC,商业,模式探讨,12迈向5G时代:诺基亚MEC诺基亚移动边缘计算(MEC)原,“,无限体验,”,“,瞬时稳定反应,“,连接所需,”,5G-,连接人,也连接物,,基于服务的模块化设计,10,年,待机,100 Mbps,随时,超高稳定性,10-100,x,更多设备,10 000,x,更多业务,M2M,超低成本,10 Gbps,峰值数据速率,7,秒,S1Venue(e.g.F1 stadium)一般互连网,S1,Venue(e.g.F1 stadium),移动边缘计算,(MEC),视频直播架构,Localproduction,LocaleNodeBs,EPC,LiquidApplications,Internet,时延,1,秒,节省传输资源,内容安全传送,S1Venue(e.g.F1 stadium)移动边缘计,中国移动与诺基亚,MEC,技术提供上海赛车场极佳,观赛体验,超高容量通信保,障,主办方因被,MEC,创新应用吸引,同意移动在赛场部署接近,100,个,LTE,小站,三天赛事数据总量超过,2.8TB,0.5,秒直播时延,0.5,秒直播时延,较互联网直播的,30,秒以上时延大幅改善体验,差异化创新应用,国内首次大型赛事创新,LTE,直播服务,,C114,及国际媒体均有报导,中国移动与诺基亚MEC技术提供上海赛车场极佳观赛体验超高容量,数字化麦加朝圣,MEC,提供实时位置及现场视频,实时体验,透过,MEC,技术提供朝圣者重要朝圣地的现场视频。实时位置服务让各朝圣团体方便聚集联系,大事件保障容量,麦加朝圣核心部属超过,78,个小站,保障大事件用户容量,面向,5G,新技术,诺基亚最新的,MEC,及小站技术,为超过,180,万朝圣者提供面向,5G,的创新应用,MEC area,Arafat Mountain,Hajj Terminal,Muzdalif,Mina,数字化麦加朝圣 MEC提供实时位置及现场视频实时体验透过,台湾职棒多角度现场直播,前进,5G,时代,小站快速部署,具备极高弹性的诺基亚一体化小基站,在异厂家的宏站下仍能实现赛场快速部署,创新应用,提高球迷忠诚度,提供球迷多样化的视频角度,增加观赛体验,台湾职棒多角度现场直播,前进5G时代小站快速部署具备极高弹性,韶山精品网应用,韶山精,品,网络,基于,Cloud Radio,移动边缘计算,MEC,eNB,SGi,IMS,HSS,Applications,EPC,Internet,App:Video Orchestration,Liquid Applications platform,预录,视频,四路纪念视频,循环,播放,可选显示:,4,小,/,1,大,3,小,/1,大屏,视频顺畅,不耗流量,需准备项目:,MEC,硬件:,2,台,AirFrame,服务器,,1,台,switch,EVO,硬件:,4,台,encoder,MEC,软件:,NCIR/LA/EVO,规划:,IP/VLAN,规划,路由配置,服务:软硬件安装,,MEC,网络集成,EVO,服务:,APP,接口修改,,EVO license,视频源:四路纪念影片,韶山精品网应用韶山精品网络基于Cloud Radio移动边缘,诺基亚,MEC,全球应用案例,现场视频导播,车联网,企业校园虚拟私网,互联网体验增强,增强现实,(AR),虚拟现实,(VR),诺基亚MEC全球应用案例现场视频导播车联网企业校园虚拟私网互,诺基亚车联网愿景:提高驾驶安全性,Of fatalities in car accidents are caused by human error.Majority could be avoided with assisted driving and connected,cars,人为错误引起的事故,Reduced vehicle damage&insurance claims as a result of improved driving behavior by up to


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