英语人教版八年级下册授课课件Section A 1

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football.,was playing,B:He,is playing,football,.,A:What,was,she,doing,at seven,o,clock,yesterday morning,?,B:She,A:What,s,she,doing,now,?,B:She,is running.,was running.,过去进行时,含义,:,表示,过去,某个时刻,正在进行,的动作,。,结构,:,was/were,+doing,例句,:,I,was,having,an English,class at this time yesterday,.,现在,进行时,含义,:,表示,现在,正在进行,的动作,。,结构,:,is/am/are,+doing,例句,:,I,am having,an English class.,比较“,when,”and“,while,”,when “,当,.,时候”,后面跟的动作,不延续,常跟一般过去时,When the UFO took off,the boy was taking photos,while “,当,.,时候”,后面跟的动作,延续,常跟过去进行时,While the boy was taking photos,the UFO took off,Target Language:,practice,When I,He was doing,When I called him up,it was sleeping.,While I,He was doing,While I was sleeping,he was eating.,When it,He was doing,When it walked on the street,,he was eating.,Exercises,Fill with“,While,”or“,When,”,1._ May was talking on the phone,her sister walked in.,2._ Rita bought her new dog,it was wearing a little coat.,3._ I saw Carlos,he was wearing a green shirt.,4._ I was dancing,he was singing loudly.,When,While,While,When,1._ I was in the library.,2._ I was in my house.,3._ I was on the street.,4._ I was at the bus stop.,b,a,d,c,Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm?Match the statements with the people in the picture.,1a,1b,a.doing my homework/studying,b.playing basketball/reading,c.going to work/waiting for the bus,d.walking home/shopping,Listen to the TV report and circle the,correct responses.,1b,1.What _ people_ at the time of,the _?,2.The girl was at home _.,3.The boy_ at the library after,school.,4.The woman_ after,work.,5.The man_ from the,supermarket.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,were,doing,doing her homework,was reading,was waiting for the bus,was walking home,rainstorm,Pair work,Talk about what the people in 1a were doing at the time of the rainstorm.,1c,A:What,was,the girl,doing,at the time of the,rainstorm,?,B:,She,was doing,homework in her house,.,Example 1:,1c,A:What,was,the woman,doing,at the time of the rainstorm?,B:She was,Example 2:,A:What,was,the boy,doing,at the time of the rainstorm?,B:He,was reading,books in the library.,2a,Listen and number the pictures 1-5.,5,4,1,3,2,2a,1.My alarm didnt go off so I _ up late.,2.I _ to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.,3.I _ for the bus when it began to rain heavily.,4.I _ so busy _ for the umbrella,that I didnt see a car coming.,5.I took a hot shower and _ some warm,food.,woke,ran,Listen again.Fill in the blanks in the,sentences in 2a.,was waiting,was looking,2b,ate,Pair work,Use the information in 2a to retell the story in a conversation between the boy and a TV reporter.,2c,TV reporter:Tell us what happened,yesterday morning.,Boy:My alarm didnt,go off,so I,woke up,late.,Pair work,2c,TV reporter:So,when the rainstorm,suddenly came,what,were,you,d,oing,?,Boy:,I w,as waiting,for the bus when it,began,to rain heavily.,TV,reporter:Then,what happened?,Boy:,I,was,so,busy looking,for the umbrella,that I didnt see a car coming and it got,water all over me!,Pair work,2c,TV reporter:What happened at last?,Boy:,Finally,the,bus,came,and,brought,me home.I,took,a hot shower and,ate,some warm,food.It,felt,so good to be home!,TV,reporter:Oh,bad,luck!But,it will be Ok.,Boy:,Thank you.,记住下列短语。,in the library,at the time of,go to work,wait for the bus,walk home,on the street,play basketball,play the piano,1.,在图书馆,2.,在,的时候,3.,去上班,4.,等公共汽车,5.,走路回家,6.,在街上,7.,打篮球,8.,弹钢琴,Summary,1.when,和,while,的区分,2.,过去进行时:,was,were+doing,课时重点回顾,Review,1.What _(be)you _(do)when he arrived?,2.Jim _(sleep)when I came in.,3.They _(watch)TV at 8:00,yesterday evening.,4.Now he _(read)and _(write).,were,doing,was,sleeping,were,watching,is,reading,writing,.,用所给词的正确形式填空,5.Mother _(wash)clothes when I,_(get)home from school yesterday,afternoon.,6.Look,my sister _(be)there in the barber,shop.The barber _(cut)her hair.,7.-When _ you _(see)the accident?,-I _(see)it fifteen minutes ago.,was,washing,got,is,is,cutting,did,see,saw,1.Remember the words and phrases in this lesson.,2.Finish the exercises 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