Lesson4AVisittoLanzhou (3)(精品)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,初中英语冀教版七年级下,Lesson4 A Visit to Lanzhou,唐县川里镇中学 邵兴华,Warm-up,1,Presentation,2,Language Points,3,Exercise,4,内容结构,the Yellow River,Warm-up,Lets enjoy some pictures,the Yellow River in Lanzhou,the Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge,the Mother River Statue,group,n.,群;组;团体,The,group,wants to travel all over the world.,Presentation,Learn some new words,bridge,n.,桥梁,This,bridge,is very beautiful.,cross,v.,横跨;横穿,Please take care,when you,cross,the street.,wild,adj.,宽的;广泛的,The Yellow River is so,wild,.,cheese,n.,干酪;奶酪;,Would you like some,cheese,?,Everyone,say“,Cheese,!”,微笑,Lanzhou stretched noodles,Fast-reading:,Task1 Answer questions,How does the group visit to Lanzhou?,2.How long is the Yellow River?,3.Where does the group see the Mother,River Statue?,4.Where do the children take their picture?,Read and answer.,1,How does the group visit to Lanzhou?,2.How long is the Yellow River?,The group takes a train to Lanzhou.,The Yellow River is about 5400 kilometres long.,Answer,3.Where does the group see the Mother River,Statue?,4.Where do the children take their picture?,They take a picture in front of the statue.,Beside the Yellow River.,Careful-reading,Task2,circle the correct words,1.The group(drives/walks)along the Yellow River.,2.Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge is the (first/second),bridge over the Yellow River.,Read,and,circle the correct words.,2,3.They see(a statue of a mother with a baby/a statue of a father with a baby)beside the Yellow River.,4.They(can/cant)take a picture in front of the statue.,Work in groups.Think about the places of interest in Lanzhou we are mentioned in the passage.,Pair Work1,1,2,3,Zhongshan Bridge,t,he Yellow River,Mother River Statue,The Statue of Liberty is in New York.,It has the special meaning.,It is the symbol of a country the United States of America.,Example,Pairwork2:,find out the useful phrases in your group,then share them,短语汇总,1.,散步,go for a walk=go out for a walk=take a walk 2.,黄河,the Yellow River,3.,好的,all right,4.,在交通灯处左拐,turn left at the traffic lights,5.,河上有座桥。,There is a bridge over the river.,短语汇总,6.,在,前面(范围外),in front of,7.,反复地;一再地,over and over,8.,结束,be over,9.,一组,a group of,10.,过马路,cross the road,11.,左右看,look right and left,12.,跳过,jump over,My parents and I often _ after supper.There is a park near my house.First,we look right and left before we _ the road.,go for a walk,cross,Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box.,3,over,cross,in front of,turn right,go down,go for a walk,Then,we _ the street and _ at the second crossing.Then we jump _ a stream.My parents walk slowly.I walk quickly.So I am always _ them.,go down,turn right,over,in front of,1.The,group,takes a train to Lanzhou.,group,如果 指代“整体”看作单数形式;如果指代“成员”则看作为复数。,e.g.The,group,to visit Beijing.,The,group,having a meeting.,wants,are,Language points,2.Later,they,go for a walk,along the Yellow River.,go for a walk,散步,e.g.,咱们出去散步吧。,Letsgoforawalk.,3.It was the first bridge,over,the Yellow River.,在,上(指垂直的正上方),e.g.There is a bridge,over,the river.,“,越过”,e.g.I can jump,over,the wall.,4.Can we,take a picture,in front of,the statue,Ms.Martin?,take a picture/take pictures,照相,take a photo/take photos,A.in front of,在某事物外部的前面,B.in the front of,在某事物内部的前面,1.I often go to school _.,A.by a bus B.by the bus,C.by bus D.by buses,2.Will they _ to Beijing?,I dont know.,A.take a bus B.by a bus,C.take bus D.by bus,Exercise,3.There is a big tree _ the classroom.,A.in front B.in the front of,C.at the front of D.in front of,4.The teacher let everyone _ “cheese”.,A.to say B.to speak,C.say D.speak,5.A bridge is _ the river.,A.on B.in C.over D.above,6.Mr.Wang came in _ a book in his,hand.,A.on B.hold C.with D.carry,Homework:,搜集关于兰州更多的信息分享给大家。,


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