Welcometotheunit (3)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 Sunshine For All,Comic strip,&,Welcome to the unit,Lead-in,1.Are you willing to help others?,2.How do you help others?,Talk about helping others,Do you know who needs help?,a,disabled,person,(a part of a persons body does not work properly),disabled,adj.,残疾的,It is difficult for,disabled,people to go upstairs.,a,poor,person,(a person who has little money),a,blind,person,(a person who cant see),blind,adj.,盲的,We should help,blind,people cross the road.,an,elderly,person,(a person who is old),elderly,adj.,年老的,The,elderly,should be taken good care of.,a,homeless,person,(a person who has no home),homeless,adj.,无家可归的,Homeless,people have nowhere to live.,deaf,people,(people who cant hear),deaf,adj.,聋的,Deaf,people can talk with hand language.,Match the words with the meanings.,a blind person a person who is very old,a homeless person a person who has little money,a poor person a person who cant see,a deaf person a person who cant hear,a disabled person a person who has no home,an elderly person a part of a persons body,does not work properly,People who need help,A,blind deaf disabled elderly homeless poor,The Class 1,Grade 8 students have found some pictures of people who need help.Write the correct names under them.Then put a tick in the boxes if you have helped these people.,a _ person,a _ person,a _ person,an _ person,a _ person,a _ person,disabled,deaf,homeless,elderly,blind,poor,6,1,5,4,3,2,How can we help these people?,In the daily life,there are a lot of people who need our help around us.,How can we help them?,Discussion,tips:,Treat them as normal(,正常的,)people.,Tell stories to the blind children,.,Help the elderly people cross the road.,Donate our pocket money to them.,W,e,can train dogs as guides of the blind people.,When we have time,we can be volunteers to do meaningful things for them.,train,meaningful,Amy and Daniel are talking about people who need help.Listen to the recording and answer the following question:,How can,they help homeless people?,Give them food and clothes.,Write to the local government.,B,Amy:What are homeless people,Daniel?,Daniel:Homeless people dont have their own places to live.,Amy :How can we help homeless people?,Daniel:We can give them food and clothes.,Amy :Are there any other ways to help them?,Daniel:Yes.We can write to the local government.,They can provide special places for homeless,people to stay.,Work in pairs and talk about the people in Part A.,Free talk,Have you ever been a volunteer?,Have you ever helped people who need help?,Listen and answer,the questions.,What is Hobo,training,for,?,Will Eddie support him?,What,does,Eddie think about helping others,?,He is,training,to be a volunteer,for,the Olympic Games.,Yes,he will.,Its meaningful to,help the Olympics.,训练,Its+adj.to do-,Pair work:,1.Read in pairs,2.Think about:What are Hobo and Eddie like?,Act the dialogue out!,Everyone can live in the sunshine.,If everyone devotes support and help,.,1.Recite the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo.,2.Try to help the people in need around us.,


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