英语人教版八年级下册unit4 SectionA 3a

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Section A(3a,-3,c),Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,learning aims,1.To practice reading skill.,2.To expand(,扩大,)our vocabulary by focusing on words and phases with the same or similar meanings.,3.Give advice to help others to solve the problems.,学 习 重 点,单词,:relation,communication,argue,cloud,elder,instead,whatever,nervous,offer,proper,secondly,communicate,explain,clear,copy,return,anymore.,短语:,get on with,hang over,refuse to do,let sb.do,be normal to,offer to,communicate with,mind sb.doing,all the time,句型,:1.Whats the matter?/Whats wrong?2.What should I do?/What should he/she do?,3.Why dont you.,预 习 检 测,一、请根据中文意思写出下列重点单词。,1._ n.,关系;交往,2._ n.,交流,3._ n.,云,云朵,4._ v.,沟通,5._ v.,争吵,争论,6._ v.,主动提出,7._ v.,解释,说明,8._ v.,抄袭,复印,9._ v.,归还,返回,10._ adj.,年纪较长的,11._ adj.,焦虑的,relation,communication,cloud,argue,communicate,offer,explain,copy,return,elder,nervous,预 习 检 测,二、请认真阅读课本,找出下列重点短语。,18.,与某人相处,_,19.,笼罩,_,20.,拒绝做某事,_,21.,主动提供帮助,_,22.,一直,_,23.,介意某人做某事,_,24.,与某人交流,_,25.,以便,_,26.,害怕做某事,_,get on with,hang over,refuse to do sth.,offer to help,all the time,mind sb.doing sth.,communicate with sb.,so that,be afraid of doing sth.,write problems and advice on the blackboard.,Some Ss give some problems.Other,s,Ss give advice.,Talk about problems and give advice.,Task 1,1.Is the relation between your parents good?,4.,How do you communicate with your,parents?,Problems and advice:,Lead in,2.Do you get on well with your family?,3.Do you have any problems with,your family?,watch a short play,FyTV,汾阳电视台,SxTV,山西,电视台,Maybe he is 13 years old,he feels sad.,Because he has problems.,2.Why did Sad and Thirteen write the,letter?,1.What can you get from the name,“Sad and Thirteen”,?,3.Who gave the advice to him?,Robert Hunt.,Task 2,Dear Sad and Thirteen,,Its not easy being your age,and its normal to have,Task 3,判断正误(,T or F,),()1.Relations between his parents have become good,()2 His elder brother isnt very nice to him,()3.At home he always feels lonely and nervous,()4.His elder brother shouldnt let him watch his favourite Show,Task 4,短文填空,每空一词。,Sad and Thirteen doesnt know how to get on 16._ his family.His parents fight 17._ lot.He doesnt like it and he doesnt know if he should say 18._ to his parents about it.His elder brother is not very nice 19._ him.He always 20._ to let Sad and Thirteen watch his favorite TV show.21._ he watches whatever he wants until late at night.,with,a,anything,to,refuses,Instead,Mr.Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen,should talk about the feelings,with his family.He also thinks,that Sad and Thirteen should,offer to,watching,三、短文填空,每空一词。,22._ solve problems.He advises Sad and Thirteen to 23._ to his brother that Sad and Thirteen doesnt mind her 24._ TV all the time.However,he should let Sad and Thirteen watch 25._ favorite show.,Task 3,help,explain,his,1)instead,adv.,代替;反而;却,e.g.If we cant go to Huashan Mountain,well go to the city of Xian for the trip,instead.,如果我们不能去爬华山,我们就去西安游玩。,Language points,LastsummerIwenttoQingdao.,ThissummerImgoingtoDalian,instead,.,去年夏天我去了青岛。今年夏天我要去大连。,Insteadof,goingtoQingdaoImgoingtoDalianthisyear.,今年我打算去大连,而不去青岛。,instead,代替(常用于句末,有时句首,),instead of+,短语,/,名词,/,代词,/,动名词,1.Dave went swimming _,going skating.,2.My brother isnt good at math._,he is good at English.,3.I like reading in the library _ in the classroom.,4.Yesterday John _,Jim gave us a talk.,5.-Does your brother go to the library?,-No,he doesnt.I will go _.,instead of,Instead,instead of,instead of,instead,用,instead,instead of,填空,2,.If your parents are having problems,you should,offer to help,.,offer to do sth.,主动做某事,He,offered,to go instead of me.,他主动提出代替我去。,e.g.She,offered,me a cup of tea./She o,ffer,a,cup of tea,to,me.,她给我端了杯茶。,提供某人某物,offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.,3,.get on with,sb,和某人睦相处,=get along(well)with sb,Do you get on well with your,classmates?,get on with sth=get along with sth取得进展,4,.communication n.,交流,communicate v.,交流,If you want to have better communication with your friend,you should communicate with them often.,5.,elder 年纪较长的 年龄长幼 只能做定语,older 较老的 可指人,也可指物 做定语或表语,eg:My elder brother is 1 year older than me.,6.,When they argue,,,its like a big black cloud hanging over our home.,(1),argue,是,动词,,意为“,争吵;争论,”,,argue,表示“,为,而争论,”时接,about,on,或,over,;,表示“为,反对,而争论,”时接,against,;,表示“,为赞成,而争论,”时接,for,;,表示“,与,争论,”时接,with,。,argue about/on sth.,意为“争辩某事。”,argue with sb.,意为“与,.,争吵,争论”,。,如:,He often,argues with,his classmates.,他经常和他的同学争吵。,One student makes so bold as to,argue with,the,professor,.,有个学生真冒失,竟然和教授争论起来,。,Language points,7.hang over,在此意为“,笼罩;悬挂,”,。,如:,A pall of mystery seems to,hang over,it all.,整个事件似乎笼罩上一层神秘的气氛。,A lamp,hang over,the table.,一盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。,Language points,3b,Agree:,Lack of communication is the cause of many problems.In this case,the family may truly not be aware,(觉察到,),of how the writer feels as they are too absorbed,(专注于),in their own problems.The parents may also be touched if the writer tries to help them by doing jobs around the house.In addition,it is not hea


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