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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,饮食与健康,话题解读,包括各种食物食品、汤水饮料的介绍、健康饮食、绿色食品、饮食文化、快餐、饮食习惯与喜好、订餐与供给;个人卫生、各种疾病与防治、意外事故、医疗保险,财富与健康等等。,命题预测,基础写作:介绍某种食物;,近视/肥胖的现状,、,成因与预防,;怎样实施急救;订餐(叫外卖)的各种方式;,早餐的重要性,;,健康饮食的基本做法;介绍中国饮食文化;睡眠与健康;吸烟与健康;酗酒与健康;饮食与情绪;心理健康的重要,绿色食品的基本概念;介绍一种医疗保险等。,读写任务:,西式快餐的利与弊;中西饮食对比;锻炼与健康;你对健康食品的认识;怎样保持心理健康;怎样保持身体健康;阐述你对“绿色食品”的认识。,一、(常用词语、句型)翻译并背诵下列内容,。,必备词汇:,遭受,患上_;,感到紧张/沮丧_;,某部位疼痛 _in.;,心理不健康的 mentally _ ;,恰当的饮食 _ ;,按时吃三餐_;,suffer from,feel stressed/depressed,have a pain,unhealthy,proper diet,take three meals on time,吃很多的垃圾食品,_ junk/unhealthy food;,在含量高/低/丰富_;,生理和心理状况 _ condition;,感觉虚弱(健康/很糟/恶心),_。,相关句型:,当今越来越多的人开始意识到体育锻炼的重要性。Nowadays more and more people,_ the importance of _.,eat much,be high/low/rich in.,physical and mental,feel weak(well/terrible/sick,are becoming aware of,physical training,似乎,我们在日常生活中的,锻炼,对于身体健康来讲是不够的。_our daily life doesnt _ us _ which is essential to our health.,所以我们要加一些,额外的锻炼时间,。Thus,we should spend _.,有可以,满足不同人兴趣爱好,的,各种体育活动,。There is _ which can _.,清晨慢跑很,有利,,我们可以,呼吸新鲜空气,保持身体健康,。Jogging in the morning can _ us a lot,which makes us _.,It seems that,some extra time doing exercise,a great variety of sports,breathe fresh air and keep fit,provide,enough exercise,satisfy different peoples interests,benefit,每天一只苹果不用看医生。_ keeps the doctor away.,早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。,Early to bed and early to rise _.,读书健脑,运动强身。,Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.,An apple a day,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise,二、翻译句子,1.我们形成的饮食习惯越健康,我们的生活就会越幸福。,_,2.早睡早起让人拥有健康、财富和智慧。,_,3.医生建议他减少脂肪的摄取量。,_,4.适当的饮食和运动对于健康都是很重要的。,_,The healthier eating habits we form,the happier our life will become.,Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise.,The doctor told him to cut down his consumption of fat.,Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.,5.为了保持健康,人人都应该健康饮食。,_,6主要原因是中国人已经非常注重保健了。,_,7我们最好坚持规律饮食,因为这可以让我们有足够精力进行日常活动。,_,In order to keep fit,everybody should keep a healthy diet.,The main reason is the fact that the Chinese people have attached much importance to their health care.,Wed better eat regular meals,because regular meals can give us enough energy to carry out our daily activities.,预测演练:基础写作:阳光体育运动。,当今学生身体状况令人担忧,“吃得好,跑不动,跳不高”成为一种很普遍的现象,而眼睛近视的学生大约占到三分之二。针对这一现象,教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央在全国范围内全面启动了“全国亿万学生阳光体育运动(Sunshine sports for millions of students nationwide)”。,【写作内容】,1.当今学生的身体状况及你对“全国亿万学生阳光体育运动”的评价;,2.你对学生们的一些建议。,体育与健康,【A possible version】,Nowadays the students health,is becoming worse,.“,Eating well,running slowly and jumping low,”has been so common among teenagers and about two thirds of them,are shortsighted,.So I think“Sunshine sports for millions of students nationwide”is a very good activity that can help solve students health problems.,For all the students,taking part in the above activity is really a good chance for them to,_ _,.Also,students should,_,habits,and exercise by doing all kinds of sports.,build,强身健体,up their bodies,改掉坏习惯,get rid of bad,基础写作2:请以“how to keep healthy为题写一篇英语文章,向一家报社投稿。【写作内容】,最近一项调查表明:超过30%的青少年有着不健康的饮食习惯。不健康的饮食有害于身体和学习:1、导致各种疾病,影响正常的成长。2、容易劳累、困乏,视力和记忆力差。养成良好的饮食习惯很重要:1、摄取足够的能量,一天至少喝610杯水。2、多吃富含维生素和纤维的水果和蔬菜。3、进行适量的锻炼。【写作要求】,1、使用5个句子介绍全部内容;,2、将5个句子组成连贯的短文。,【评分标准】,句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。,【参考词汇】困乏 sleepy;视力 eyesight;记,忆力 memory。,A survey,(performed/carried out recently),shows that more than 30%teenagers have formed,unhealthy eating habits,which are extremely harmful to their growth/health and study.,To begin with,unhealthy eating habits will cause various kinds of disease and affect teenagers normal growth.,Worse still,not only will they get tired and sleepy but also their memory and eyesight will become poor.,Therefore,it is of extreme necessity/importance to develop such healthy eating habits as taking in enough energy and drinking at least 6 to 10 glasses of water.,In addition,we are supposed to have plenty of fruits and vegetables containing rich fibers and vitamin and take regular exercise.,How to keep healthy?,As the proverb says,“,No one knows the value of health until he loses it.”,In other words,nothing is important than health.Good health,is beneficial to,your work and study.But how to keep healthy?Here I want to give you some advice.,First,you should have a regular life.Go to bed and get up early.Second,keep a healthy and balanced diet,eat more vegetables and fruits and other food full of energy and fiber,eat as less sugary and oily food as possible.Dont eat food which has gone bad.Third,get rid of,the bad habits such as drinking or staying up too late.Physical exercise can make your body strong,so we should exercise every day.,In a word,health is,more,valuable,than,anything else.We should do everything we can to keep us healthy.,范文1,How to keep healthy?,As the proverb says,“,No one knows the value of health until he loses it.”,In other words,nothing is important than health.Good health,is beneficial to,your work and study.But how to keep healthy?Here I want to give you some advice.,First,you should have a regular life.Go to bed


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