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most of the western countries.Mainly included:America,Germany,France,the UK,Italy and Japan.,Developing or,underdeveloped,countries,are most of countries in Asia,Africa and Latin America.,Why do you think these countries are developing,or,underdeveloped countries?,People,have low,_.,Most of them,live in,_.,income,poverty,收入低,生活在贫困中,Many students,have no money to go to school.They don,t have a good chance to,receive,_.,education,接受教育,Many people,suffer from,_.,hunger,遭受饥饿;挨饿,Many people,suffer from,_.,Many of them can,t be cureddd.,diseases/illnesses,遭受疾病,developing countries/,underdeveloped countries,economy,:People have low_,most of them live in_.,education,:Many people can not afford to go to school.,medical care,:Many _can not be cured.,food,:There is not enough food.Many people suffer from_.,income,poverty,diseases,hunger,The differences between developing and developed countries:,developed country,economy:People have higher_.Less people live in_.,_:Most people are well educated.,medical care:Many _can be cured.,food:Few people lives in_.,income,poverty,education,diseases,hunger,Poverty,What are the problems that the developing countries face?How to solve them?,Less education,hunger,Diseases,A Short Discussion,Bad,environment,war,1),Develop education(make sure everyone,can receive education),2),Reduce tax items;,3),Improve the environment;,4),Encourage developed countries to give,more help to the developing countries;,5),The government should encourage,people to improve the present condition,to reduce poverty and hunger,Developing countries,Developed countries,Imbalance,We should pay more attention,Africa,Most Asian,countries,Europe,America,Human Development Report(HDR),The Human,Development Report(HDR),Para.1,Para.2,Para.3,Para.4,Para.5,Read the passage carefully and find out the main idea of each paragraph,How the Human Development Report came out.,The H.D Index measures a country,s achievement.,Examples of successful development in 2003,Developed countries should give more financial help,The most five important goals of the report,Skimming,Read the text carefully and answer the questions,1.what did world leaders agree to do in 2000?,2.what does the Human Development Index,measure?,4.what do developed countries need to do?,They agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015,or earlier.,It measures a country,s achievement in three ways:life expectancy,education and income,They need to give more money,.,Scanning,3.What are the first two development goals?,To reduce poverty and hunger,and ensure all children are,educated up to the age of 11.,Top of the list,Number 7,Number 13,Bottom of the list,Top of the list,Number 7,Number 13,Bottom of the list,Read carefully and finish the exercise at activity 2,Page13.(Para.2),Top of the list,Norway,Number 7,the US,Number 13,the UK,Bottom of the list,Sierra Leone,position,country,Where is China in the list?,A,developing,country,In the middle,Read the text again and complete the chart with figures from Paragraph 4.,Increase in life expectancy in china(19531962),Number of people moved out of poverty in china(19932003),Number of hungry people in developing countries,Number of children not receiving education in developing countries,Number of people without safe water in developing countries,13 years,150 million,799 million,115 million,1 billion,In the year 2000,147 world leaders agreed to work together to _poverty by 2015 or earlier.From this agreement came the _ _ _.,The index measures a country,s_in three ways:Life expectancy,_ and _.,The list has some _.Norway is _ the list,_ the US is at number 7.The _ ten countries are all African countries,.,China is _ the list.It is one of the examples of successful _.China increased life expectancy _ 13 years.In the last ten years in China,150 million people _ poverty.However,a great many people in _ countries are hungry.,Over _ of these are in South Asia or Africa.In developing countries about 115 million children are not being _,and more than 1


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