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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,P.Desyllas 2011,*,Marcela MiozzoResearch interests,Service firms:capabilities,strategy and structure,outsourcing,internationalisation,operation in DCs and LDCs,Projects,Anglo-German Foundation High-tech business services in Germany and the UK 2003,British Academy Larger Research grant The developmental role of knowledge intensive business services in Argentina and Brazil 2004-2005,ESRC Service multinational enterprise acquisitions and linkages in emerging economies,2005-2008,ESRC,Using intellectual property protection to capture value from innovation in knowledge-intensive service firms,2012-2013,.,1,Selected publications services firms,Miozzo,M.and Yamin,M.(2012)Institutional and sectoral determinants of headquarters-subsidiary relations:a study of UK service multinationals in China,Korea,Brazil and Argentina,Long Range Planning,45,16-40.,Massini,S.and Miozzo,M.(2012)Outsourcing and offshoring of business services:challenges to theory,management and geography of innovation,Regional Studies,46(9),1219-1242.,Miozzo,M.and Grimshaw,D.(2011)Capabilities of large services outsourcing firms:the outsourcing plus staff transfer model in EDS and IBM,Industrial and Corporate Change,20,3,909-940.,Grimshaw,D.and Miozzo,M.(2006)Institutional effects on the market for IT outsourcing:analysing clients,suppliers and staff transfer in Germany and the UK,Organisation Studies,27,9,1229-1259.,Miozzo,M.and Grimshaw,D.(2005)Modularity and innovation in knowledge-intensive business services:IT outsourcing in Germany and the UK,Research Policy,34,9,1419-1439.,Miozzo,M.and Soete,L.(2001)Internationalisation of services:a technological perspective,Technological Forecasting and Social Change,67,2,159-185.,2,Research interests,2.Science based firms:mergers and acquisitions,institutional effects on early firm formation,open innovation and governance,Projects,Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship/ESRC Research and Knowledge Exchange RAKE grant,Do cross border acquisitions affect local and regional knowledge creation,exchange and spillovers?:an analysis of knowledge-intensive firms in the UK,2010,ESRC Follow on Funding,Funding gap or trap?Effect of foreign acquisitions of science-based firms on local knowledge transfer and spillovers,2011,ORA(ESRC,NSF,DFG),Comparative entrepreneurship:development of early technological and organizational capabilities of new high tech firms”(UK,USA and Germany),2014-2017?,3,Open innovation and governance:Innovation partnerships between industry and university in science-based sectors,Marcela Miozzo,Manchester Business School,University of Manchester,UK,(joint research with,Steve Casper,Keck Graduate Institute,USA),Closed innovation model,Source:Chesbrough(2003:36),Open innovation model,Source:Chesbrough(2003:37),Outside-in process,Inside-out process,Coupled process,Closed Innovation,Exclusively internal talent,All R&D performed internally,commercialisation,First to market by original R&D,First to market monopolises,Company performs all functions and succeeds,IP to prevent competition,Open Innovation,Internal&external talent,Flexible to increase value,No need for original R&D,Better business model first to market,Best mix of internal&external functions,IP exchanged knowledge,From closed to open innovation?,Motivation and aims of research,Over the past 25 years pharmaceutical companies have spent$billions on long-term partnerships with leading universities,Many partnerships failed to produce important patentable innovations for pharmaceutical firms,Aims of the research:,understand relation between open innovation and governance(incomplete contracting challenges),show how different types of industry-university partnerships need the creation of varying governance arrangements,in terms of formal and informal contractual mechanisms used to manage partnerships,Theoretical background 1,Open innovation and governance,:,Open innovation helps explain when collaboration or contracting for technology and R&D can improve the innovative performance of firms,(Chesbrough 2003;West and Bogers,2011).Literature tends to focus on how to acquire an existing innovation from an external source,contractual issues are often of a short-term,transactional nature(,Hagedoorn and Ridder,2012),.,We focus on the governance of the creation of innovation in an open innovation context.Most of the literature on open innovation is concerned with the search for external sources of innovation(that is,the identification of external partners which have already developed an innovation and access to this innovation).,We focus on open innovation in science-based sectors.Science-based sectors face,prolonged periods of risky investment in research and uncertain outcomes,.,Theoretical background 2,Contracts and innovation,approaches to incomplete contracting:,Importance of legally enforceable contracts:creation of more sophist


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