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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,7B Unit 8 Reading,Poems about pets,7B Unit 8 ReadingPoems about p,1.,可爱的宠物,lovely pets,a little mouse,2.,一只小老鼠,some small and soft mice,3.,一些又小又柔软的老鼠,teach a parrot to speak,4.,教鹦鹉说话,sleep on his knees,5.,在他膝盖上睡觉,feed rabbits carrots,6.,喂兔子胡萝卜,=feed carrots to rabbits,7.,看金鱼四处游泳,watch goldfish swim around,8.,带给我一些吃的东西,bring me something to eat,hold an e-dog in the hand,9.,把电子狗握手里,Thats it.,10.,这就对了。,1.可爱的宠物lovely petsa little mou,poem,wide,hunt,hide,build,camp,stick,bark,bite,诗歌,充分地,寻找,搜寻;打猎,藏,隐藏,建造,建筑,营地;阵营,树枝,枝条;棍,棒,(,狗,),吠,叫,咬,poemwidehunthidebuildcampstick,fight,till,end,trouble,bubble,gentle,touch,rhyme,take care of,打仗,(,架,),直到,为止,末尾,终点,麻烦,吐泡泡,温柔的,触摸,碰,押韵,照顾,fighttillend troublebubblegent,Do you love dogs?,Do you love dogs?,What does a dog do?,What does a dog do?,He,barks,or,bites,He barksor bites,He,runs after,a cat.,He runs aftera cat.,He,hunts,.,looks around for sth.,He hunts.looks around for sth.,He does,wonderful,tricks,.,amazing things,He does wonderfultricks.amazin,He opens his eyes,wide,.,He,hides,in the,cage.,He opens his eyes wide.He hide,He,builds,us,camps,out of,sticks.,=He,builds,camps,for us out of,sticks.,Hebuildsus campsout of sticks.,He,fights,with his friends for fun.,He fights with his friends fo,Where do they live every day?,in water,not need beds,Can they make any noise?,No.,They dont bark or miaow.,We can look after them easily.,We dont have to feed them much.,Where do they live every day?i,Lets enjoy the poem,Lets enjoy the poem,T or F:,1.The dog is clever and can do many things.(),T,2.The dog doesnt hunt if his master hides.(),F,3.The dog never does anything for his master.(),F,4.The dog likes barking and biting.(),F,5.The master likes the dog very much.(),T,T or F:1.The dog is clever an,My goldfish,?,Is the goldfish a wonderful pet?,Yes,she is.,?,Does she need a bed or abowl,or much food?,No,she doesnt.,?,What do they usually do?,Bubble,?,Does she bark or miaow?,No,she doesnt bark or miaow.,My goldfish?Is the goldfish a,My dog,My dog is the cleverest animal of,all,.,He doesnt just run after a,ball,.,With eyes open,wide,He hunts when I,hide,.,He does wonderful,tricks,Builds me camps out of,sticks,.,Hed never bark or,bite,And he doesnt like to,fight,.,My dog is my very best,friend,And Ill look after him till the,end,.,My dogMy dog is the cleverest,My dog is the cleverest animal of,all,.,He doesnt just run after a,ball,.,With eyes open,wide,He hunts when I,hide,.,He does wonderful,tricks,All,rhymes with,ball.,Hide,rhymes with,wide.,Sticks,rhymes with,tricks,.,Bite,rhymes with,fight.,Builds me camps out of,sticks,.,Hed never bark or,bite,And he doest like to,fight,.,My dog is my very best,friend,And Ill look after him until the,end,.,Friend,rhymes with,end.,My dog is the cleverest animal,p.95 Part B1,ball,1.,All,rhymes with _.,wide,2.,Hide,rhymes with _.,tricks,3.,Sticks,rhymes with _.,fight,4.,Bite,rhymes with _.,end,5.,Friend,rhymes with _.,pet,6.,Bed,rhymes with _.,trouble,7.,Bubble,rhymes with _.,touch,8.,Much,rhymes with _.,Words rhyme if the last syllables,make the same or similar sound.,p.95 Part B1ball1.All rhymes,B2 Match the sentences,1,He doesnt just run after A.He does amazing,a ball.things.,2.,He hunts when I hide.B.He can run after a ball,and do other things.,3.He does wonderful tricks.C.He looks around,for me.,4.,Hed never bark or bite.D.And I always take,care of him,5.And Ill look after him E.He is friendly.,until the end.,B2 Match the sentences1He doe,My cat is very friendly.She is a happy cat.,miaows,She _ when she is hungry.She is very,quiet and does not do any _.Sometimes,tricks,hides,she _ under the chair.,She does not make any _.,trouble,My dog likes to play in the park.He often,runs,barks,_ after cats and birds.Sometimes he _,when someone comes to visit us.Some people,are afraid of him.They think,bite,he will _ them.,My cat is very friendly.She i,Discussion,What should we do for,the animals?,DiscussionWhat should we do fo,Love animals,Protect animals,Love animalsProtect animals,the cleverest animal,1.,最聪明的动物,run after a ball,2.,追赶球,hunt me=look around for me,3.,四处寻找我,do wonderful tricks,4.,玩精彩的把戏,build me camps out of sticks,5.,用树枝为我建造营地,=build camps out of sticks for me,6.,喜欢打架,like to fight,7.,直到永远照顾他,look after him till the end,8.,一个精致的宠物,a wonderful pet,dont have to/neednt feed it much,9.,没必要喂它太多,need a gentle touch,10.,需要一个轻柔的抚摸,make trouble,11.,制造麻烦,the cleverest animal1.最聪明的动物ru,Homework:,1.Find more English,poems about pets.,2.Translate the,following sentences,into Chinese.,Homework:1.Find more English p,1.,她能把那只老鼠拿在手里吗?,不,她害怕老鼠。,Can she hold the mouse in her hand?,No,shes afraid of mice.,We should keep our classroom clean and tidy every day.,2.,我们应该每天保持教室干净整齐。,3.,我经常听见他们在隔壁房间唱歌。,4.,爷爷去年养了许多猪。,5.,不要把包带进超市。,I often hear them sing in the next room.,Grandpa raised a lot of pigs last year.,Dont bring the bag into the supermarket.,1.她能把那只老鼠拿在手里吗?不,她害怕老鼠。Can she,


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