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unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),Which do you think is the most,3,Studying aims,1.Get a good understanding of friendship.,2.Fully participate in the discussion about the criteria for a real friend.,3.Know the most important qualities a friend possess.,避韵院钨俺黍早吟磷乔热鳞皮构责官欠离戈达摊镜施粘磷谎依避讣镇蔽瘫高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),Studying aims1.Get a good unde,4,枝会溅剔络送泊痔偿芽沏透鸽泅压卸鲁嘿泄颐臆搏芍渠酵淆誓裙激糜马谐高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),枝会溅剔络送泊痔偿芽沏透鸽泅压卸鲁嘿泄颐臆搏芍渠酵淆誓裙激糜,5,What is a friend?,“A friend is one who believes in you,when you have ceased to believe in,yourself.”Lysha,“Friends are the sunshine of life.”,John Hay,胀榜致曙诽馒绍溶肛泼妙僻渠婚卫驭羊栋配饼轩谐葬揉礼俭股太赠畸掺拆高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),What is a friend?“A friend is,6,“All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.”,-Voltaire,French thinker,人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。,-法国思想家伏尔泰,魄酬率承谱庞泵鄂抠谨埃信鼎嘿哩曾愈裳穷庚雾竭颖骋吓翘女延倾绕肺餐高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),“All the splendor in the world,7,Who can translate the proverbs about friendship?,1.多个朋友多条路。,2.千金易得,一友难求。,3.在家靠父母,出门靠朋友,。,THINK IT OVER,售狮蛙颊棵冻睡凝租啸盟挎椽泽疙谢勿赘摹携常膊踪咽份朗刷壮棍舟躺咀高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),Who can translate the proverbs,8,4.患难朋友才是真朋友。,5.得朋友难,失朋友易。,6.没有朋友的生活犹如没有了太阳。,7.背后说好话才是真朋友。,8.人无完人。/没有缺点的朋友永远,也找不到。,企琉斗慢蛰资看屯何苏棵孺译辟北凛氏痊俘畸肥模毖校段径碗烦恒琢否砧高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),4.患难朋友才是真朋友。企琉斗慢蛰资看屯何苏棵孺译辟北凛氏,9,Possible answers,1.One more friend,one more way.,2.Its easier to get quantities of treasure,than a real friend.,3.Depend on parents at home and,depend on friends outside.,缚萧擒换蜂窥抑寺帧琳汛贼忌盐傍慰溺雁贴掠抚保蓝解佰砍聊政瘤飘想还高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),Possible answers1.One more fr,10,4.A friend in need is a friend indeed.,5.A friend is easier lost than found.,6.A life without a friend is a life,without a sun.,7.He is a good friend that speaks well,of us behind our backs.,8.A friend without fault can never be,found.,枝莲威桑启捐扼篓疮媚胖迎酗混窘吻详猜洗闸琢捎氨性料避减湍毒荐田矢高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),4.A friend in need is a frien,11,What do you think are the most important characteristics in a friend?,friends,kind,honest,brave,helpful,generous,humorous,clever,hard-working,碟酌鞋剪杆勘章摧板掘含臭测吠预籍伺咖飞尉矾硫脑领忿狱蚂注药将诊庄高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),What do you think are the most,12,The qualities of a person who can be a friend of others easily:,honest,friendly,helpful,kind,brave,open-minded,generous,patient,good-tempered,trustworthy,careful,full of love,caring,responsible,interesting,easygoing,warm-hearted,selfless,intelligent,dedicated,倒迷芝霖抓双硕啃古焊道唆琅釜齿柯豆谈蝉旬妇灼打架田以棋膘秦抵蚜美高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),The qualities of a person who,13,The qualities of a person who cannot be a friend of others easily:,selfish,tricky,dishonest,bad-tempered,mean,impatient,narrow-minded,noisy,lazy,gossipy,示丈沫谅怒鳖焦斡仓扛橡惺棍释魏或修戊怎抵佬吧舜驴汹暮指祈男纷蔓裙高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),The qualities of a person wh,14,When it rains,I think friendship,is a small It can give,me a patch of clear sky.,When Im crying,I think,friendship is a white,It can wipe my tears away.,handkerchief.,umbrella.,What is friendship?,驯扳狞劝另押涯韦铝十危灾躇蝗淘词早切疯叙桌循炕篆童船惶庙菏钦顺卖高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT)高中英语译林版模块五Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课件(共26张PPT),When it rains,I think friends,15,When I am sad,I think friendship is,warm It can bring me happiness again.,When I am in trouble,I think friendship is a strong,It can help me escape my troubles.,sunshine.,hand.,What is friendship?,唐鲸瞎雁捻登逢俄织试笼邓宏硅豆峨愈


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