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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Im watching TV.,Section A 1,1a-2d,use the computer,read a newspaper,newspaper,make soup,soup,wash the dishes,go to a movie,1. This is Jenny.,我是詹妮。,这是打电话用语。当打电话时,介绍自己时用“,This is”,或“,Its”,;问对方用“,Is that?”,或“,Whos that?”,例如:,Hello? This is Bob. Whos that?,喂?我是鲍勃,你是谁?,Hi, Bob. Its Mike here.,你好,鲍勃。我是迈克。,Language points,2. Not much.,(口语)没什么大事。也可说成,,nothing much,例如:,A: What are you doing, Linda?,你在做什么事,琳达?,B: Not (Nothing) much. Im just reading a,book.,没什么大事。我在读一本书。,3. join sb. for +,某餐饭,和某人一起进餐,e.g. Can you join,us,for,lunch,?,你能和我们一起吃午饭吗,4,. Id love to.,我很乐意。,1),交际用语,用于礼貌地接受他人邀,请,还可以说成,Id like to,但语气比,较弱。,2),当委婉拒绝他人邀请时,多用,Id,love to, but.,或,Sorry, Im afraid I,cant because.,等。,Hi, Li Xue. What _,you _?, Im _., What _ your dad _?, Hes _ his car., What _ your mom _?, She is _ in the kitchen., What about your sister?, Shes _ my mom.,are,doing,exercising,看图补全对话,。,Exercise,is doing,cleaning,is doing,cooking,helping,1.,你在做什么?,_,2.,我在看电视。,_,她在做什么?,_,4.,她在洗衣服。,_,5.,他们在做什么?,_,他们在听,CD,。,_,你在做作业吗?,_,是的。,/,不是。,_,阅读,Grammar Focus,部分,完成下列句子。,Im watching TV.,What are you doing?,Whats she doing?,Shes washing her clothes.,Theyre listening to a CD.,What are they doing?,Grammar Focus,Are you doing your homework?,Yes, I am. / No, Im not.,9.,我在打扫我的房间。,_,10.,他在读报纸吗?,_,10.,是的。,/,不是。他在打篮球。,_,11.,他们在用电脑吗?,_,12.,是的。,/,不是。他们在锻炼。,_,Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.,Is he reading a newspaper?,Are they using the computer?,Yes, they are./No, they arent. Theyre exercising.,Im cleaning my room.,现在进行时态,一、,用法:,1.,表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。例如:,我正在做作业。,Im _ my homework now.,他们在操场上踢足球。,Theyre _ soccer on the playground.,2.,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在,进行的动作。例如:,这些天来,我们在做一架模型飞机。,We are _ these days.,playing,doing,making a model plane,这个月我们一直在为英语考试而学习。,We _ for the English test this month.,二、句子结构:,1.,陈述句:主语,+ be (am, is, are) not + V. ing +,我正在洗衣服。,_,他正在打电话。,_,他们没在下象棋。,_,彼特没在打篮球。,_,I,m washing,the clothes.,They,are not playing,chess.,are studying,He,is talking,on the phone.,Peter,isnt playing,basketball.,2.,一般疑问句:,Be (Am, Is, Are) +,主语,+ V.-ing ,她正在弹钢琴吗?,_,你们正在做作业吗?,_,3.,特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词,+ be (am, is, are) +,主语,+ V. ing,杰克正做什么事情?,_,他们正在做什么事情?,_,Are,you,doing,your homework?,What is,Jack,doing,?,What are,they,doing,?,Is,she,playing,the piano?,三、常用时间状语:,now, right now,或表示现在情景的,look, listen,等。,格林先生现在正在写一个故事。,_,看!他们正在吃早饭。,_,Mr. Green is writing a story now.,Look!,Theyre eating breakfast.,四、与一般现在时态的区别,一般现在时态表示经常性、习惯性的动作;谓语动词为原形或第三人称单数形式;时间状语常为,usually, often, sometimes, on Monday, every day,。,琳达通常在早上冲个澡。,_,Linda usually takes a shower in the morning.,The tigers are swimming in the river.,(,变否定句,),_,His grandpa is drinking now.,(,变为一般疑问句,),_,句型转换,The tigers arent swimming in the river.,Is his grandpa drinking now?,3. The dog is,walking on two legs,.,(,对划线部分提问,),_,4. Linda usually gets up at six.,(,用,now,替代,usually,改写句子,),_,5. They usually watch TV in the evening.,(,用,now,替代,usually),_,What is the dog doing?,Linda is getting up now.,They are watching TV now.,Section B 1,1a-2c,pool,shop,Main words,supermarket,1a,Look at the pictures.,Complete the chart.,shopping,playing basketball,swimming,library,Writing,pool,supermarket,1b,Look at the pictures in 1a. Then,ask and answer questions.,Talking,Is the man swimming in a river?,No, he isnt. Hes swimming in a pool.,the United States,dragon,study,American,Dragon Boat Festival,Main words,miss,living room,delicious,1. study,学习,同义词,learn,,,study,还有“深研”之意,程度比,learn,深, 但,learn,有一些常用表达:,learn to do sth,学着做某事,learnfrom,向,.,学习,我们需要向雷锋学习。,We need to learn from Lei Feng.,2. the United States,美国,= America,American (1),形容词,美国的,(2),名词,美国人,美洲人,Mike is an,(America)boy,American,3. dragon,龙,Dragon Boat Festival,端午节,龙舟节,4. His dad and uncle are watching the,boat races on TV.,race,用于体育话题时,主要指赛跑,赛,车,游泳等与速度有关的“比赛”;而,game,则多指球类,棋类等体育“比赛”。,e.g. Do you like to watch NBA games on TV?,Hes the youngest swimmer in the race.,Language points,5. any other +,名词单数形式 意为“(除了某个以外)其他的任何一个”,Jack is like any other boy of his age.,杰克像其他和他同龄的孩子一样。,【,注意,】 any,意为“任何的;任一的”。,You can take any book.,你可以拿走任意一本书。,Any child will love them.,任何一个小孩都会喜欢它们。,6. host,主人,东道主,host family,寄宿家庭,7. children,孩子,复数形式,child,孩子,单数,8. miss,v.,意为“思念;想念”,Hows it going? I miss you very much.,你那里还好吗?我很想念你们。,【,注意,】,miss,的第三人称单数形式为:,misses,e.g. The little girl misses her grandma very,much.,小女孩很想念她的奶奶。,【,拓展,】,miss,还有“错过,没赶上”之意。,e.g. Get up quickly, or you will miss the bus.,赶快起床,否则你会赶不上公共汽车。,9. wish,v.,意为“希望”;常用结构:,wish,to do sth.,或,wish sb. to do sth.,e.g. I wish to meet my uncle there.,我希望在那里能见到我的叔叔。,I wish to marry Song Zhongji.,10.,delicious,美味的,好吃的,这个蛋糕很好吃。,The cake is very delicious,11. but theres still “no place like home”.,但是“千好万好还是不如自己的家好”。(金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。),还有一句谚语,: East, west, home is best.,1.,像其他小孩子一样,迈克喜欢冰淇淋。,Just like _ _ kid, Mike likes ice cream.,2.,小明的祖父母正在包粽子。,Xiaomings grandparents _ _ zongzi.,3.,你想念你在中国的家人吗?,Do you _ your _ in China?,练一练,miss family,any other,are making,4.,她希望格雷丝来参加她的生日聚会。,She _ Grace _ to her birthday party.,5.,李娜现在和一个美国家庭住在纽约。,Li Na _ _ _ an _ family in New York now.,wishes come,is living with American,drink _ 2. listen _,3. use _ 4. make _,shop _ 6. exercise _,sit _ 8. run _,9. study _ 10. brush _,drinking,making,listening,using,shopping,练一练,exercising,studying,sitting,running,brushing,


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