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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 How do you get to school?,(Section A 1a-2c),Unit 4 How do you get to scho,Part 1,:,Analysis of Teaching Material,Part 2,:,Analysis of Students,Part 3,:,The Teaching Methods,Part 4,:,The Learning Methods,Part 5,:,Teaching Procedure,Part 6,:,Blackboard Design,Part 1:Analysis of Teaching M,Status and Function,Teaching aims and demands,Teaching key and difficult points,Teaching aids,Part 1,:,Analysis of Teaching Material,Status and Function Teach,人教版新目标英语八年级上册说课Unit-4-How-do-you-get-to-school(1a2d)说课ppt课件,人教版新目标英语八年级上册说课Unit-4-How-do-you-get-to-school(1a2d)说课ppt课件,人教版新目标英语八年级上册说课Unit-4-How-do-you-get-to-school(1a2d)说课ppt课件,Part 1,:,Analysis of Teaching Material,Part 2,:,Analysis of Students,Part 3,:,The Teaching Methods,Part 4,:,The Learning Methods,Part 5,:,Teaching Procedure,Part 6,:,Blackboard Design,Part 1:Analysis of Teaching M,Part 2,:,Analysis of Students,The students of my two classes are very active.,They enjoy taking part in all kinds of class activities.,They have taken great interest in English.,But their abilities are not of the same level.,Part 2:Analysis of Students,Part 1,:,Analysis of Teaching Material,Part 2,:,Analysis of Students,Part 3,:,The Teaching Methods,Part 4,:,The Learning Methods,Part 5,:,Teaching Procedure,Part 6,:,Blackboard Design,Part 1:Analysis of Teaching M,Communicative teaching method,Part 3,:,The Teaching Methods,Task-based teaching method,To use these methods is helpful to develop the Ss thoughts,Communicative teaching method,Part 1,:,Analysis of Teaching Material,Part 2,:,Analysis of Students,Part 3,:,The Teaching Methods,Part 4,:,The Learning Methods,Part 5,:,Teaching Procedure,Part 6,:,Blackboard Design,Part 1:Analysis of Teaching M,To take an active part in class activities.,Part 4,:,The Learning Methods,To summarize the language points through their own thinking.,To make use of the new language material to express their own ideas.,To take an active part in c,Part 1,:,Analysis of Teaching Material,Part 2,:,Analysis of Students,Part 3,:,The Teaching Methods,Part 4,:,The Learning Methods,Part 5,:,Teaching Procedure,Part 6,:,Blackboard Design,Part 1:Analysis of Teaching M,Part 5,:,Teaching Procedure,Warm-up,Presentation,Practice,Home work,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 6,Task 7,Sum up,Task 4,Presentation,Task 5,Practice,Part 5:Teaching ProcedureWarm-,Unit 4,How do you get to school?,Section A,Unit 4Section A,Task 1,What are you doing this Sunday?,What are you doing tomorrow?,What is he doing this Sunday?,What is he doing tomorrow?,Free,talk,Warm up:,Task 1What are you doing this,Listen and guess what it is.,car,motorbike,train,bus,plane,ship,Presentation,(1),Listen and guess what it is.ca,How,does Jim get to school?,He,rides a bike,to school.,Jim,Presentation,(2),Who is the boy?,He is Jim.,What is he doing?,He is riding a bike.,How does Jim get to school?He,1._3 _ 5._ 2._ 4._ 6._ 7._ 8._,take the subway,ride the bike,take the bus,take the train,walk,take a taxi,take a ship,take the plane,Practice,(1),1,4,5,2,3,1b,1._3 _ 5._,-How do you get to school?,-I,take a subway,to school.,-How does he get to school?,-He,take a subway,to school.,-How does she get to school?,-She,take a subway,to school.,ride the bicycle,take a car,take the subway,walk,take the train,take the bus,Pair work,(2),-How do you get to school?rid,ride the bicycle,take the bus,take the minibus,take the subway,take the taxi,walk,A:How,do you get to school?,B:,I take,the bus.,A:,How long,does it take?,B:,It takes about,25 minutes,to walk and,10 minutes,by bus.,Presentation,ride the bicycletake the bust,Practice,(1),a,e,c,Listening,Practice(1)aecListening,Interview,How does your father/mother get to work?How long does it take?,How,How long,Report:Johns father takes the bus to work,it takes 20 minutes.,Practice,(2),Interview How does your father,(1)-,How,do,you,get to school?,-,I,to school.,(2)-,How,does he,get to school?,-,He,to school.,(3)-,How,does she,get to school?,-,She,to school.,(4)-,How long,does it take?,-,It takes about,25 minutes,to walk and,10 minutes,by bus.,Sum up,(1)-How do you get to school?,Homework,1.Collect more pictures of transportations.,(,收集交通工具的照片,),2.,Interview,(采访),your friends and,Your parents how to get to school.,And give a report.,Homework1.Collect more picture,Part 1,:,Analysis of Teaching Material,Part 2,:,Analysis of Students,Part 3,:,The Teaching Methods,Part 4,:,The Learning Methods,Part 5,:,Teaching Procedure,Part 6,:,Blackboard Design,Part 1:Analysis of Teaching M,Part 6,:,Blackboard Design,take the train,take the subway,Walk,ride the bike,take the bus,How do you get to school?,I ride my bike.,How does he get to school?,He walks to school.,How long does it take?,It takes about forty minutes.,Unit 4 How do you get to school?,Part 6:Blackboard Designtake,Li Liuyi,Thank you!,Li LiuyiThank you!,


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