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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,English Grammar (第七讲 形容词和副词),Unit 7,Adjective and Adverb,长长的,黑色的, 英国制造的,非常漂亮的一支新的塑料钢笔,a nice long new black British plastic pen,形容词 adjective,一、形容词的位置,记住,opshacom,这个杜撰的词,就能掌握英语中形容词排列的顺序。,op,表示opinion, 人们观点的形容词,beautiful, lovely,sh,表示shape,形状的形容词,long, short, round,a,表示age,年龄,时代的形容词,old, new, young,c,表示color,颜色的形容词,red, black, white,o,表示origin,国籍、地区的形容词,German, British,m,表示material,材料的形容词,plastic, metal,二、形容词作,后置,定语的情况,Alive,creatures are,remarkably,diversified in,their,sizes,A B C D,and shapes,.,A. Alive 改为Living,1.形容词作anything, everything, nothing, something, anybody, everybody, somebody, nobody,2. 以字母a-开头的某些表示状态的形容词作定语时要后置,常见的有afraid, alive, alone, ashamed, alike, asleep, awake, akin(相似的), aware, ablaze(发光的), adrift(漂浮的), afloat, afire(燃烧的), averse,(不喜欢的), amiss,(出了差错的,有毛病的),等。,A man afraid is a man ashamed.害怕的人也是害羞的人。,3.某些外来形容词,常见的如total, general, martial, laureate, royal等在某些固定词组中作定语时。,sum total 总额,court martial 军事法庭,secretary general 秘书长,consul-general 总领事,Attorney-General检察总长,Poet Laureate 桂冠诗人,Astronomer Royal 皇家天文台台长,4.成对的形容词,如表示年龄、性别、大小、好坏等词作定语时要后置。,All countries,big or small,strong or weak,should be equal.,The neuron has no charge,either positive or negative,.,中子不带阳电,也不带阴电。,三、作前置定语和后置定语意义不同的形容词,present, proper, due, concerned, involved, adopted, used, elect, responsible, opposite,1. present,作前置定语目前的,现在的,作后置定语在场的,出席的,The,present,situation is excellent.,The employees,present,should vote on the issue.,2. proper,3. due,作前置定语适当的;恰当的,作前置定语到期的,作后置定语本身的,作后置定语应支付的,He has made a,proper,arrangement.,The question,proper,hasnt been answered.,Ill give you an answer in,due,time.,Theres much money,due,this month.,4. concerned,作前置定语担心的,忧虑的,作后置定语有关的,负责的,The,concerned,doctor rang for an ambulance.,The authorities,concerned,issued a statement yesterday.,5. involved,6. adopted,作前置定语复杂的,作前置定语收养的,作后置定语有牵连的,作后置定语采纳的,被选择的,It was a very,involved,explanation.,All the people,involved,have been questioned.,He is my,adopted,son.,This is the proposal,adopted,.,7. used,作前置定语旧的,二手的,作后置定语被用的,被采纳的,Im going to buy a,used,car.,The book,used,was written by him five years ago.,8. elect,9. responsible,作前置定语挑选的,精选的,作前置定语有责任心的,认真负责的,作后置定语当选的,选出尚未就职的,作后置定语负有责任的,This,elect,body (选出的机构)meets once a year.,The president,elect,takes over in May.,Jane is a,responsible,girl.,The girl,responsible,was dismissed.,10. opposite,作前置定语相反的,作后置定语对面的,对过的,The two men went off in,opposite,directions.,The woman,opposite,was knitting a cardigan,(开襟毛衣).,四、可用作副词的形容词,有些形容词有时可作副词,常见的有dark, dead, wide, right, bitter, white, new, tight, pretty, damned, precious 等。,深红色,极冷,大开的,非常高兴,冰冷的,白热化的,新生的,紧身的,累极了,十分聪明的,dark red,dead cold,wide open,right glad,bitter cold,white hot,new born,tight fitting,dead tired,pretty wise,He was _ drunk last night.,A. deadly B. dead C. death D. deathly,B,五、以-ly结尾的形容词不可混淆为副词,He was accused of possessing _ weapons.,A. dead B. dying C. deadly D. deathly,C,lively,friendly,lovely,lonely,lowly,manly,活泼的,友好的,可爱的,孤独的,卑贱的,男子气概的,heavenly,homely,womanly,cowardly,soldierly,kindly,天空的,简朴的,有女子气质的,卑劣的,英勇的,和蔼的,deadly,costly,likely,fatherly,worldly,timely,earthly,scholarly,ghostly,masterly,致命的,昂贵的,很可能的,慈父般的,老于世故的,及时的,世俗的,学者气的,苍白的,高明的,熟练的,六、表示肯定意义的tooto结构,“tooto”结构本来表示的是否定含义,但是如果前面有,only, all, but, not, never, simply, just,等词,too后面是,eager, anxious, pleased, kind, willing, apt, ready, glad, quick, inclined,等形容词时,这是这个结构表示肯定概念。,He is,too ready to,promise.,他总是轻易地许诺。,I am only,too glad to,help you.,我非常乐意帮助你。,I know,but too,well to,hold my tongue.,我深知少说为妙。,One is,too apt to,overlook ones own mistake.,人们总是很容易忽视自己的缺点。,In the theater the actors are very _ to the reaction of the audience.,sensible B. sensitive C. emotional D. positive,2.If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be _ to leave it blank and go on with the test.,advisable B. valuableC. considerable D. probable,3.There were some _ flowers on the table.,A. false B. artificial C. unnatural D. unreal,B,A,B,七、常考同根而意义不同的形容词,1. alternate, alternative,-He comes here on _ days.,-If this plan is not accepted, we have an _ plan.,alternate轮流的,交替的 day (隔一天),alternative两者挑一的,替代的, plan (代替的计划),2.,amiable/ amicable,-Please make yourself _ to me.,-Nations should settle a quarrel in an _ way.,amiable 温柔的,和蔼可亲的,amicable和睦的,3.,barbarous/barbaric,-These people came from _ countries.,-A cultivated person may occasionally enjoy _music.,barbarous残忍的,野蛮的barbarous country (蛮邦),barbaric 粗俗的,未开化的,不优雅的,barbaric music (粗俗的音乐),4. beneficial/beneficent,-No one was so _ as he.,-Exercises are _ to health.,beneficial有利的,beneficent仁慈的,5. ceremonial/ ceremonious,-They are wearing _ costumes at the banquet.,-We gave the distinguished guests a _ welcome yesterday.,ceremonial 正式的,礼仪上的 costume (正式的服装),ceremonious,仪式隆重的,过于讲究礼节的,a welcome (隆重的欢迎仪式),6. childlike/ childish,-I like his,_ face.,-That is a _ idea.,childlike天真烂漫的,childish幼稚的,7. comparative/comparable,-Chaucer is _ with Dante.,-He lives in _ comfort.,comparable 可以比较的 with Dante(可与但丁相比),comparative比得上 comfort (比较舒适),8. comprehensive/comprehensible,-One finds a writers books more _ if one knows about his life.,-He is student with a _ mind.,comprehensible 能理解的(用于事物的),comprehensive有理解力的(用于人),a mind,(理解力很强),9. conscientious /conscious,-He is a _ teacher.,-He became _ again in a minute.,conscientious 认真的,诚心诚意的,conscious有意识的,10. considerate/considerable,-Your explanation is of _ help to us.,-He is always _ towards other people.,considerable 值得考虑的,相当大的,considerate考虑周到的,11. contemporary/ contemporaneous,-Li Bai was _ with Du Fu.,-The launching of the 24000-ton tank-ship(油轮) was _ with the completion of the new workers dormitory.,contemporary 同时代的 (with,只用于人),contemporaneous同时发生的 (with,只用于物),12. continual/continuous,-I cant work with these _ interruptions.,-The _ flow of the brook formed a ravine.,continual连续的(指不时重复的动作,可以有短暂的中断),continuous连续不断的(指不停地动作,没有中断),13. delighted/delightful,-I am _ to hear the news.,-The music is _ to me.,delighted感到快乐的(被动含义),delighted at 听到或见到而高兴,delighted with对喜欢或高兴,delightful 令人感到快乐(主动含义),delightful to sb.令某人感到快乐,14. destructive/destructible,-Suspicion is _ of friendship.,-Everything man made is _.,destructive破坏性的,有害的(主动含义),destructive of 破坏,有损于,destructive to对有害;有害于 destructible可破坏的,可消灭的(被动含义),15. economical/economic,-We are faced with many_ problems.,-He is _ with money.,economic 经济学的,经济上的,economical节约的,节省的,16. exhausting/exhausted/exhaustive,-He has made an _ study of the problem.,-What an _ day I have had!,-My patience is _.,exhaustive 彻底的,无遗漏的,exhausting 耗尽的,使人筋疲力尽的,exhausted用尽的,疲倦的,17. historic/historical,-We are going to visit many _ spots.,-He wrote a _ novel two years ago. (历史小说),historic有历史意义的 significance/ spots (名胜古迹),historical历史上的,有关历史的 figure,18. honorable/ honorary,-His father is an _ teacher.,-He is an _ member of the association.,honorable 受人尊敬的,honorary 名誉的,荣誉的,19. imaginary/imaginable/ imaginative,-Her illness is only _.,-Cao Xueqin is an _ writer.,-I was then faced with the greatest difficulty _.,-All means _ have been considered by us.,imaginary 虚构的,想像出来的,imaginative 富有想像力的 writer(富有想象力的作家),imaginable可以想像得到的,20. imperious/ impetuous,-He always speaks with _ looks.,-She had an _ manner.,imperious 专横的,蛮横的,impetuous猛烈的,轻举妄动的 an manner,(举止冲动),21. industrial/ industrious,-Birmingham is the centre of an _ area.,-He is an _ worker.,industrial工业的,industrious勤奋的,22. intense/ intensive,-He is an _ person.,-She gives _ care to her patient.,intense 热烈的,热情的,intensive彻底的,精深的,精心的,23. judicial/ judicious,-She got a _ separation from her husband.,-His _ father encourages him to study hard.,judicial法庭的,法院判决的,judicious贤明的;深思熟虑的,24. luxurious/luxuriant,-She wrote an essay in a _ style.,-He has a _ imagination.,-She has a _ habit.,luxuriant 茂盛的(指树木);华美的(指文体);丰富的 style,(华美的文体),/imagination,(丰富的想象力),luxurious奢侈的,豪华的,25. momentary / momentous,-There was a _ silence.,-He takes a _ decision without debate.,momentary 瞬间的,momentous重要的,26. negligent/ negligible,-He is a _ official.,-He is a _ person.,negligent 疏忽的,粗心大意的,negligent of /in 对粗心大意,马虎, official,(玩忽职守),negligible可以忽视的,微不足道的, person (不重要的人物),27. political/politic,-They think it _ never to disagree with their employers. -He joined that _ party last year.,politic精明的,明智的,political政治的,28. primal/primary,-Money was a _ necessity to them.,-That is his _ goal in his life.,primal 原始的,基本的 necessity (最基本的需要),primary第一的,最初的,29. temporary/temporal,-He cares for nothing but _ affairs.,-Many students in America find _ jobs during their summer holiday.(临时的工作),temporal 时间的,世俗的 affairs,(世俗之事),temporary暂时的,临时的,30. regretful/ regrettable,-She shed _ tears.,-He should be _ for his _ conduct.,regretful遗憾的,后悔的,(后悔的眼泪),regrettable令人遗憾的,(指行为、事件等令人遗憾),31. satisfactory 令人满意的, satisfied感到满足的(主语为人),-Your explanation,is,not,satisfactory to,me.,-I,am satisfied with,your explanation.,32. respectable受人尊敬的(被动的意味), respectful (to)尊敬的,有礼貌的(主动的意味), respective各自的,各个的),-He is a,respectable,high-ranking official.(受尊敬的高级官员),-Our elders are,respectable,and we young people are,respectful,to them.(受人尊敬,尊敬他们),- We go back to our,respective,dormitories after work.(各自的宿舍),33. sensible (of)可以察觉到的,通情达理的(被动含义), sensitive (to) 敏感的(主动含义),-This is a,sensible,fall in the temperature.(可以感觉到的温度下降),-An artist is,sensitive,to beauty.(对美是敏感的),34. sensual 好色的, sensuous 美感的,-He is a,sensual,person. (好色之徒),-All art has a,sensuous,element: color, form or sound. (美感的要素:颜色、外形或声音),35. spiritual 精神的, spirituous含酒精的,-They two are rich in the,spiritual,life. (精神生活),-,Spirituous,liquors are not good for patients.(含酒精的饮料),36. tasteful 风雅的,雅致的, tasty美味的,-He will buy a set of,tasteful,furniture.(雅致的家具),-He got a,tasty,meal for five yuan.(美餐),37. tired (from /with) 感到疲倦的, 厌烦的 tiresome 令人厌倦的,烦人的,-I am,tired,form a long walk. (感到疲倦),-Its a,tiresome,speech. (令人厌倦的讲演),38. tolerable 可以忍受的,可容忍的,tolerant (of) 容忍的,忍受的,tolerant toward 对 宽大,-The pain was severe but,tolerable,. (忍得住),-He is not very,tolerant,of opinions different from his own. (不大能容忍与自己不同的意见),


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