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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Doing business,1.,很高兴通过香港贸发局网站收到您的询盘。,2.,我需要跟我的供应商确认一下新的价格。,3.,报价单会在本周五之前发给您。,4.,请提供一下您的联系方式,我们会把报价单打印好寄给您一份。,5.,请问您想要看我们的样本么?,2,1.Very pleased to get your inquiry through HKTDC.com.,2.I have to check with my vendor about the updated price.,3.The quotation sheet will be provided no later than this Friday.,4.Please advise your contact info for receiving the hard copy of price list.,5.Would you like to receive our catalogues?,3,1.,关于您询价的行李包,请看附件的报价单。,2.,关于我公司的化妆箱,请看附件更新过的报价单。,3.,样品会在本周内完成。,4.,我们所有的产品都是通过澳大利亚,SAA,认证的。,5.,您想先看看我们的样品吗?,4,1.Concerning your inquired luggage bag, please help to find our offer sheet in attachment.,2.Please find our updated price list for our beauty cases in attachment.,3.Samples will be finished within this week.,4.All of our products are SAA certified.,5.Would you like to evaluate our samples in advance?,5,1.,我们主要供应纺织类产品到海外市场。,2.,抱歉,我们不是供应商。,3.,暂时不需要报价。,4.,附件是我们木制品的图片,供您选择。,5.,你们主要做那些产品?,6,1.We mainly supply home textile products to overseas market.,2.Sorry, were not a manufacturer.,3.No need for quotation at the moment.,4.Attached the photos for our wooden products for your selection.,5.Whats your business category?,7,1.,这超出了我们的目标价。,2.,也许我们能找到解决办法。,3.,我们可以做些适当的让步来硬的订单。,4.,我觉得我们需要做一些改动来降低成本。,5.,放心,这绝对是我们最好的价格。,8,1.This is out of our target price.,2.Perhaps we could work something out.,3.We would like to offer up a compromise to get this order.,4.I think we have to do some changes to reduce the cost.,5.Rest assured, it is absolutely our best offer!,9,1.,如果可行的话,麻烦您通知我。,2.,这个时候没有必要先看样品,更重要的是产品价格!,3.,在此给您推荐我们最新款的电吹风。,4.,请注意,,EMC,认证会在,12,月底到期。,5.,请问您有没有打算下个小单来测试一下市场情况?,10,1.If it works for you, please let me know.,2.It is not necessary for the sample at the moment, but the price counts for much more!,3.Now announcing our newest model of hair dryer.,4.Kindly note that the EMC certificate will be about to expire at the end of Dec.,5.Would you like to try a small order to test the market?,11,1.,如果你需要任何进一步的帮助,请随时通知我。,2.,您可以放心,我们的价格是绝对有竞争力的。,3.,感谢您抽出宝贵的时间来向我询价。,4.,我们做信用证如何?,5.,若您能尽快回复,我们非常感激!,12,1.Kindly let me know if you need any further assistance.,2.You can be certain that our price is really competitive.,3.Thank you for taking time to send me the inquiry.,4.How does L/C sound?,5.Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated!,13,1.,如果数量达到,1,万件,我们能给一个更好的价格。,2.,我们在英国的分公司会处理您的订单要求。,3.,(影响产品价格的)最大问题就是包装。,4.,更否提供多一些关于您找的产品的图片?,5.,我明白我们的报价远远超过您的目标价,但我还是希望您能看一下样品。我保证,(我们产品的)品质是完全不同的!,14,1.We could provide you a better price if the quantity up to 10000 pcs.,2.Our subsidiary in UK will handle the business with your company.,3.The biggest problem for unit price is namely about package.,4.Would you mind giving me some more photos about your inquired item?,5.I know our price is far exceeds your target, but I still would like to evaluate the sample. Im sure the quality is different!,15,1.,请跟买家确定价格,并尽快给我回复。,2.,您能接受每件,3.5,欧元的最终价格吗?,3.,如果数量可以达到一个,40,尺高柜,我们可以给您一个,10%,的特别折扣。,4.,我需要重新核算一下价格,看看能否达到您的目标价。,5.,我们非常需要您的价格确认,从而(把这个项目)进展下去。,16,1.Please help to check with buyer and give me reply soon.,2.Would you accept EUR 3.50/pc as final price?,3.We could give you a special discount of 10% if the quantity up to 1*40 HQ.,4.I have to recheck the price and see if we could meet your target.,5.We are desperate to get your price confirmation to proceed.,17,1.,价格很重要,但质量更重要。,2.,第一次下单我们无法达到这么大的数量。,3.,我们可以下个试单来测试下市场行情。,4.,对于这个产品,消费者最多只会愿意在,9.99,美元以下购买。,5.,如果您把数量加倍,我们可以给您,10,个点的折扣。,18,1.Price is important, but quality counts for much more.,2.It is not workable for us to place such a big quantity first time.,3.we could try a trial order to test the market.,4.Consumers could only pay for USD 9.99 as maximum for this item.,5.10% discount will be provided if you double the quantity.,19,Order Follow-up,1.,请看附件杯子的订单。,2.,我们只能接受远期,60,天信用证这种付款方式。,3.,请尽快根据我们选定的潘通色号打样。,4.,这次我们仅仅会下一个试单给你。,5.,如果能降价,5%,,我们会考虑再追加一个,40,尺柜的订单。,1.Attached you can find the order for mugs.,2.We could only accept L/C 60 days as payment terms.,3.Please arrange the sampling in our selected Pantone No. ASAP.,4.Only a trial order will be place this time.,5.If 5% discount provided, well decide to place another 1*40FCL.,1.,你们能接受信用证吗?我们公司不会给供应商付任何订金。,2.,如果你们坚持做信用证,恐怕我们得额外增加百分之三的操作费用。,3.,很遗憾你们不能接受我们的付款方式。我只能转单给另外一家贸易公司。,4.,你们的价格尽管合理,但是产品质量仍然有问题。,5.,根据我们昨晚讨论的,麻烦你尽快把修订好的订单发给我。,1.Is it possible for you to accept L/C? We wont settle any deposit to suppliers.,2.If you insist on doing L/C, we have no choice but charge you 3%as handling fee.,3.Its a pity that you wont accept our payment terms. I have to transfer this order to another trading.,4.Your price is reasonable, but the quality problem still existed.,5.As per our discussion yesterday, please send me the revised PO soon.,1.,几天没您的消息了。,2.,我们想得到您的进一步确认来把订单进展下去。,3.,我明白我们私底下是朋友,但是生意终归是生意。,4.,好吧,我们同意接受,60,天远期信用证。,5.180,天远期信用证?干脆杀了我吧。,1.No news from you for several days.,2.We have to receive your further approval to go ahead.,3.Actually were friends in private, but business is business.,4.Well, we confirm L/C 60 days finally.,5.L/C 180 days? You killed me.,1.,我刚从德国的一个户外家具展回来。,2.,成交!请给我形式发票。,3.,我们可以做付款交单或信用证。,4.,如果没问题的话,请把形式发票发给我。,5.,请再给我几天时间。我要再跟老板确认一下。,1.I just come back from a patio furniture fair in Germany.,2.Deal! Please send me PI.,3.D/P or L/C is workable for us.,4. Send me PI if everything is OK.,5. Please give me some more time. I have to re-check it with my boss.,1.,请尽快盖章回签。,2.,我三天内会发给您形式发票。,3.,你想以邮件形式还是传真形式接受它?,4.,请根据我下面提供的信息来修改您的形式发票。,5.,抱歉,我们已更换公司名和地址,详见附件。请帮忙(在形式发票上)更新一下。,1.Kindly/Please stamp and sign back ASAP.,2.I will send you the PI in 3 days.,3.Would you like to receive it by email of by fax?,4.Please revise your PI and add some info as below.,5.Sorry, we have changed our company name and address as attached file. Please help to updated it.,1.,样品已经通过联合包裹寄出了。,2.,快递单号是,.,。,3.,样品经品质确认后,我们会寄给您最终的大货样。,4.,是的,螺丝刀的材质是铬钒钢及橡胶手柄。,5.,请严格根据我们指定的潘通色卡号来打样。,1.The samples were sent to you by UPS.,2.The tracking number is.,3.The final sample will be sent to you after quality approval.,4.Yes, the material for the screwdriver is CRV with rubber handle.,5.Kindly do the sampling strictly according to our PANTONE code.,1.,我们无法确认样品。质量太差了!,2.,一切顺利。请进展下去!,3.,请注意,以后的订单里我们不会接受任何色差。,4.,我觉得彩盒包装不是太好。双泡盒怎么样?,5.,请使用棕色邮购盒包装。所有的外箱都必须经受摔箱跌落测试。,1.We couldnt approve your samples. Too poor quality!,2.Everything is OK. Please proceed!,3.Kindly note, we wont accept any color difference in future orders.,4.I dont think color box is a good idea. What about double blister?,5.Please use brown mail order box as packaging. All the cartons should be passed the drop test.,1.,今天请将修改好的订单传给我。,2.,请看附件中已经签字盖章确认过的订单。,3.,我们在订单中发现了一些问题。请看下面的细节描述。,4.,由于原材料上涨和人民币兑美元的汇率问题,很抱歉通知您,我们无法接受这张订单。,5.,我们在此确认这张修改的订单,请速寄正本给我方。,1.Please send me the revised PO within today.,2.Please find the confirmed PO in attachment, with stamp and signature.,3.We could find some issues in the order. Please check the below points in detail.,4.Were sorry to advise you that we couldnt confirm the order, because of the raw material increase and RMB to USD exchange rate issue.,5.We hereby confirm this revised order. Please send us the hard copy at once.,1.,设计真漂亮!,2.,请帮忙发给我,AI,格式的设计稿。,3.,如果你可以订一个,20,尺整柜的货,我觉得价格可以降,5%,。,4.,我们得重新谈一下价格。你的新报价我们不可能接受!,5.,你的目标价是多少?,1.So amazing design!,2. Please help to send me the artwork in AI format.,3.I think the price could be reduced 5%, if you order a full 20FCL.,4.We have to negotiate the price again. It is impossible for us to accept your new offer!,5.What about your target price?,1.,我觉得产中验货是有必要的。,2.,好的,根据您的要求,我会向,BV,公司申请最终验货。,3.,我们将会在,7,天内安排大货生产。,4.,不行,任何延迟都会被处罚?,5.,如果你延迟,2,个船期交货,我们会扣款,10%,。,1.I think DUPRO inspection is necessary.,2.OK, I will send the booking to BV for final inspection according to your request.,3.We will arrange the mass production in 7 days.,4.No, any delay will be punished!,5.We will charge you 10% if you delay more than 2 shipments.,1.,验厂是强制性的!,2.,如果你方想延期验厂,我们不得不征收额外费用。,3.,请填好验货申请并回传我方。,4.,其他客户是否验过你们工厂?,5.,重验费是,1500,美元。,1.The factory audit is a must!,2.If you would like to delay the FE, we have to charge you the additional cost.,3.Please fill in the FE application and send us back.,4.Have you audited by other customers?,5.The re-audited charge is USD1500.,1.,我们的验货员会负责这次验货。,2.,最终的结果是“没有通过”。,3.,是的,根据,AQL,等级,II,的要求,我们最终通过了验货。,4.,我把我们供应商的邮箱地址放在抄送栏里。她会直接和你联系。,5.,最后验货和监装都会由,BV,公司派人负责。,1.Our inspector will handle this case.,2.The final result was NOT CONFORMED.,3.Yes, we passed the inspection according to AQL level II.,4. I put our suppliers mail in cc line, and she will contact with you directly.,5.The final inspection and loading supervision will be handled by BV.,1.,抱歉,我们最终没有通过验货。,2.,我认为重验没有必要。,3.,我们有自己的验货团队来控制产品品质。,4.,测试报告是由,TUV,莱茵公司出具的。,5.,没问题,我们会承担重验的费用。,1.Sorry, we failed in the final inspection.,2.I dont think re-inspection is needed.,3.We have our own inspection team to do the quality control.,4.The testing report was issued by TUV Rheinland.,5.No problem, we will absorb the re-inspection charge.,1.,附件里是重新验货的申请。,2.,我们重新做了包装,我相信这次一定能通过摔箱测试。,3.,我们必须得等产品全部完成后才能开始验货。,4.,我们急需一批新彩盒来替换原有的。,5.,基于质量问题,请出具保函再出货。,1. Attached you could find the re-inspection booking.,2.After our re-work for packaging, Im sure we could pass the drop test this time.,3.We have to do the inspection after 100% completed.,4.We are in urgent need of new color boxes as replacement.,5.Due to the quality problem, please issue the L/C and ship the goods accordingly.,1.,请告诉我截关日期。,2.,麻烦你让货代安排另一班快船。,3.,我们会订一个,40,尺整柜,剩下的部分就走散货。,4.,请接收新的目的港阿姆斯特丹。,5.,如果你想要我们安排空运,请事先把运费支付给我们。,1.Please advise the cargo cut-off date.,2.Kindly ask forwarder to arrange another quick vessel.,3.We could book 1*40GP, and the other goods will be shipped by LCL.,4.If youd like to arrange the goods by air delivery, you have to pay for the freight charge in advance.,1.,货昨天已经出运,预计到港日是,1,月,25,日。,2.,从上海港到长滩港,海运需要大约,14,天。,3.,我们的仓库在伊利诺伊州。你能不能为我们提供门到门服务?,4.,请告诉我截关日、预计装运日和预计到港日。,5.,货物会在法兰克福机场中转,然后再发往奥斯陆。,1.The goods were shipped yesterday and the ETA would be 1/25.,2.It will take roughly 14 days, from Shanghai port to Long Beach.,3.Our warehouse is located in Illinois. Could you please provide us door to door service?,4.Please advise the cargo cut-off date, ETD&ETA.,5.The goods will be transited in Frankfurt airport and then delivered to Oslo.,Pre-business Contact,EXERCISE,1.,很高兴在香港展上跟您见面。,2.,您最近会来中国吗?,3.,您的行程怎么安排?,4.,我不确定您下周是否方便来我们公司。,5.,我们会把您在我们摊位上挑选的东西集中到样品间。,54,1.Glad to meet/see you at HK Fair.,2.Are you going to China in the near future?,3.What about your schedule?,4.Im not sure if it would be convenient for you to visit our company next week.,5.The items which you selected in our booth will be collected together in our showroom.,55,1.,感谢您的及时回复。,2.,能不能请您告知您的行程安排?,3.,请让我知道这件事的最新情况!,4.,很抱歉,我老板只有下周二才有空。,5.,早上八点半来接您行吗?在酒店大堂?,56,1.Thank you for your prompt reply.,2.Could you kindly advise your itinerary?,3.Please keep me posted on this!,4.Im sorry but my boss is only available next Tuesday.,5.It is acceptable to pick you up on 8:30 a.m.? In the lobby?,57,1.,麻烦您帮我取消酒店的预定。,2.,请看附件我护照的扫描件。,3.,抱歉通知您我不得不取消这次采购行程。,4.,希望能尽快见到您!,5.,请接受我的道歉。,58,1.Please help to cancel my hotel booking.,2.Kindly check the attached scanned copy of my passport.,3.Sorry to inform you that I have to cancel this buying trip.,4.Hope to see you ASAP!,5.Please accept my apology.,59,1.,请看附件的报价单。,2.,抱歉,我们没有完全一样的产品。,3.,我们可以提供一款类似的产品供您参考。,4.,我们对美国市场非常熟悉。,5.,您选中的产品我们已经都寄往您的公司了。,60,1.Please find the offer sheet in attachment.,2.Im sorry we dont have the exactly same model.,3.We could provide a similar item for your reference.,4.We are very familiar with the US market.,5.The items which you had interest were already sent to your office.,61,1.,我们的电动工具出货欧盟市场。,2.,我想推荐给您一些适合美国市场的新产品。,3.,我会另外写一封邮件给您,附上详细的报价单。,4.,我们的工具类产品完全符合德国,DIN,工具标准。,5.,如果您在展会之后有采购行程,请通知我们您的具体计划。欢迎您到时来参观我们在广州的样品间。,62,1.We supply power tool to EU market.,2.I would like to recommend you some new items which are suitable for US market.,3.The offer sheet in detail will be sent to you in another separate mail.,4.All of our products are strictly according to DIN tool standards.,5.If you have buying trip after this Canton Fair, please advise your time schedule. Welcome to visit our show room in Guangzhou then.,63,1.,我们有专业的市场调研及开发部门。,2.,首先,我想向您简要介绍一下我们的优势所在。,3.,这是我们独一无二的产品,且拥有专利。,4.,我们有充分的信心能拿到美国,UL,认证。,5.,稳定的交货期是我公司的一项重要优势。,64,1.We have a professional R&D team.,2.Firstly,Id like to introduce our advantages in short.,3.This is our unique and patented product.,4.We have full of confidence to get the UL certificate.,5.The stable delivery time is one of our advantages.,65,


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