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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,外研版,高二年级(选修7),Module 4,英语课件,Cultural Corner,Louis Armstrong,从1901年出生于新奥尔良到1971年心脏衰竭逝世为止的七十年岁月里,这位爵士巨人也是摇滚先驱者为后人留下了无数伟大的作品。早在1920年,19岁时他就已经开始演奏生涯。如何评价他在爵士音乐中的重要性都不为过,相当于古典音乐的巴赫、摇滚音乐的猫王,是音乐史中最有影响的音乐家之一。,“What A Wonderful World”是他最为著名的作品,被无数后来的音乐家翻唱过。Louis Armstrong的小号,可能是全世界最快乐的小号; Louis Armstrong的歌声,可能是世界上豁达的歌声,而他沙哑的演唱如同他的小喇叭吹奏一般令人怀念。,Robert Johnson,罗伯特约翰逊,一位一生只录了2张专辑不到30首歌的歌手兼吉他手,以其魔鬼般的天赋创造了感动人们的终极乡村蓝调风格。他的嗓音不像Armstrong那样低沉沙哑,但是却很有深度,感觉就在你的心底低声抱怨。,Woody Guthrie,Woody Guthrie, 最初民谣音乐的英雄,他将民谣音乐转变为申张社会正义的工具,为后来的Bob Dylan、Bruce Springsteen及许多其它民谣摇滚歌曲作者铺平了道路,他写出了数百首广为流传的歌曲,他的多彩生活使他的歌曲创作同样充满传奇。,Eric Clapton,The Rolling Stones,Bob Dylan,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. What kind of music was each artist famous for?,Louis Armstrong: Jazz,Robert Johnson: Blues,Woody Guthrie: folk,2. What else do you know about other musicians mentioned in the passage?,Eric Clapton,The Rolling Stones,Bob Dylan,Read the passage again and fill in the blanks by yourselves.,Louis Armstrong, _ in 1901, was one of the most _ artists,_ _ _ _ music. His nickname was,Satchmo, which,_ _ _ “Satchel Mouth”, because of his large mouth.,born,influential,in the history of,was short for,(2) Robert Johnson, _ in Mississippi, wrote very _ and sad blues songs, whose music has _ generations of modern rock musicians. He _ _ record 29 songs, and _ _ _ _ white audiences.,born,poetic,influenced,managed to,make an impression on,(3) Woody Guthrie, known as a pioneer of _ music, was _ _ a president. As he grew older, his songs became more humorous and optimistic. His belief is that it doesnt matter if youre black, white, , you can do something _ your life.,protest,named after,with,Language points,1.,make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象,I wanted black music to,make an impression on,white audiences.,The book,left/made a deep impression on,him.,impress sth. on sb.,impress sb. with/by sth.,under the impression that 觉得, 以为,What were your first,impressions,of Beijing?,His behavior gave her a bad,impression,.,Arriving late wont create a very favorable,impression,.,2.,try out 尝试,She would,try out,the theory and play us some classical music before the next test and see if we get better test scores!,She enjoys,trying out,new ways of doing things.,Ill,try it out,and see whether it works.,Tom,tried out,for the basketball team.,3. turn,n.,旋转; 轮流,Its her,turn,to call me.,by turns 轮流的, 逐个的,in turn 依次,take turns 轮流,take ones / a turn 轮班,e.g.,By turns, a 14-year-old child is affectionate than aggressive, silent than outspoken.,Each of us,in turn,had to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.,Everyone must,take his turn,to keep watch.,


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