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,Click to edit headline,Click to edit text,Second level,*,|,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,*,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,AIA.COM,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,*,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,AIA.COM,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,*,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,AIA.COM,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,*,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,*,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,*,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,AIA.COM,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,*,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,*,*,|,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,*,*,*,|,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,*,Click to edit headline,First level of text,Second level of text,Third level of text,Fourth level of text,AIA confidential and proprietary information. Not for distribution.,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,金融的风险管理,金融人的思维,永续经营,三季人的故事,金融规律,小数法则(默菲定律),只要有可能一定会发生,大数法则(平均法则),发生量越大,越接近规律(概率),打麻雀、锄大D、赌博。,赢家在好运气(小概率)狠狠地赚钱、,在坏运气(小概率)时候保全资产,输家在好运气的时候赚小钱,在坏运气的时候毁灭,保险公司的风险管理,1、资本的20%放在人民银行清算债务,2、保险保障基金,3、偿付比率,保险公司的3道安全闸保护投保人和被保人的利益,银行的风险管理,1、存款准备金预防挤兑,2、资本充足率(1988巴塞尔协定8% )最后偿债能力,3、存贷比 70%,4、贷款安全措施 (抵押、按揭、担保、质押),银行最大风险是经济风险,1、止损会止损最多犯小错、不会止损犯大错,证券投资的风险管理,在投资中:,止损就是保险,1、止损会止损最多犯小错、不会止损犯大错,2、资金管理仓位控制、持股数,3、纪律(情绪管理),证券投资的风险管理,成熟投资者的三大基本功,金融堤坝,家庭理财核心,分帐管理,银行:备用金帐户,保险:急用金帐户,金融堤坝,重疾险和人寿险:抵御人身风险,分红险: 抵御经济和人性风险、规划未来,投资:钱生钱帐户,你知道四个帐户的最佳开户行吗?,1,养老,2,应急,3,生活,4,投资,证券,或,实体,银行,或,现金,银行,或,保险,年金,财富传承的奥秘,不是传承财富本身,而首先传承能力、责任、智慧,财富和权力没有得到制约或成长,后果就是灾难和毁灭,


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