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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/5/25,#,English,s on Animals,English,I find fifty-five flags.,I scream,you scream,we all scream for ice-cream.,Tongue Twister,I find fifty-five flags.I scre,A big black bear sat on a big black bug.,A big black bug,bit a big black bear and,made the big black bear,bleed blood.,Tongue Twister,A big black bear sat on a big,a wolf in sheeps clothing,“披着羊皮的狼”,English s,a wolf in sheeps clothing,a wolf in sheeps clothing,“披着羊皮的狼”,English s,a wolf in sheeps clothing,a black sheep,“害群之马,败家子”,a lost sheep,“迷途羔羊”,a black sheep“害群之马,败家子”a los,a black sheep,“害群之马,败家子”,a lost sheep,“迷途羔羊”,a black sheep“害群之马,败家子”a los,dark horse,“黑马”,lucky dog,“幸运儿”,lazy bug,“懒虫”,dark horse“黑马”lucky dog“幸运儿”,dark horse,“黑马”,lucky dog,“幸运儿”,lazy bug,“懒虫”,dark horse“黑马”lucky dog“幸运儿”,现在喻指“鲜为人知或出人意料之外而获胜的竞争者,意外获得提名的人”,此习语始于源出英国前首相本杰明.迪斯累利于,1831年出版的小说年轻的公爵。书中描写了,一场赛马,叙述了本来呼声最高的两匹马落到了,后面,而一匹从未有人注意过的黑马却以秋风落,叶之势冲过终点取得胜利。,dark horse,“黑马”,现在喻指“鲜为人知或出人意料之外而获胜的竞争者,意外获得提名,a wolf in sheeps clothing,Quiz-,a black sheep,a lost sheep,dark horse,lucky dog,lazy bug,a wolf in sheeps clothing,懒虫,Quiz-,黑马,迷途羔羊,败家子,幸运儿,披着羊皮的狼,懒虫Quiz-黑马 迷途羔羊败家子幸运儿披着羊,kill two birds with one stone,“一石二鸟”,teach fish to swim,“班门弄斧”,“一箭双雕”,kill two birds with one stone,kill two birds with one stone,“一石二鸟”,teach fish to swim,“班门弄斧”,“一箭双雕”,kill two birds with one stone,Love me,love my dog.,“爱屋及乌”,wake a sleeping dog,“惹是生非”,Love me,“爱屋及乌”wake a sleepi,Love me,love my dog.,“爱屋及乌”,wake a sleeping dog,“惹是生非”,Love me,“爱屋及乌”wake a sleepi,the fat cat,“有钱人,大佬”,Cats hide their claws.,“知人知面不知心”,the fat cat“有钱人,大佬”Cats hide,the fat cat,“有钱人,大佬”,Cats hide their claws.,“知人知面不知心”,the fat cat“有钱人,大佬”Cats hide,kill two birds with one stone,Quiz-,teach fish to swim,Love me,love my dog.,wake a sleeping dog,the fat cat,Cats hide their claws.,kill two birds with one stoneQ,知人知面不知心,Quiz-,一石二鸟,爱屋及乌,班门弄斧,惹是生非,有钱人,大佬,知人知面不知心Quiz-一石二鸟爱屋及乌班门弄,to rain cats,and dogs,“倾盆大雨”,西方人认为:猫可以预测天气变化,所以被看成大雨的象征;而狗是风的使者,所以两者相遇时可以想象.,to rain cats“倾盆大雨”西方人认为:猫可以预,Dogs do not eat dogs.,“本是同根生,相煎何太急”,Come on.,Dont be chicken.,“别害怕。”,Dogs do not eat dogs.“本是同根生,相,Dogs do not eat dogs.,“本是同根生,相煎何太急”,Come on.,Dont be chicken.,“别害怕。”,Dogs do not eat dogs.“本是同根生,相,Every bird loves to hear himself sing.,“孤芳自赏”,Every dog has his day.,“人人都有得意时。”,Every bird loves to hear hims,Every bird loves to hear himself sing.,“孤芳自赏”,Every dog has his day.,“人人都有得意时。”,Every bird loves to hear hims,to rain cats and dogs,Quiz-,Dogs do not eat dogs.,Come on.Dont be chicken.,Every dog has his day.,Every bird loves to hear,himself sing.,to rain cats and dogsQuiz-,倾盘大雨,Quiz-,加油,别害怕。,人人都要得意时。,孤芳自赏,本是同根生,相煎何太急,倾盘大雨Quiz-加油,别害怕。人人都要得意时,When the cat is away,the mice will play.,“山中无老虎,猴子称大王”,When the cat is away,the mic,When the cat is away,the mice will play.,“山中无老虎,猴子称大王”,When the cat is away,the mic,Birds of a feather flock,together.,物以类聚,人以群分。,我今天一点精神也没有。,I am a worm today.,It is a ouse that has only one hole.,狡兔三窟。,Birds of a feather flock 物以类聚,,Birds of a feather flock,together.,物以类聚,人以群分。,我今天一点精神也没有。,I am a worm today.,It is a ouse that has only one hole.,狡兔三窟。,Birds of a feather flock 物以类聚,,When the cat is away,the mice will play.,Quiz-,I am a worm today.,Birds of a feather flock together.,It is a ouse that,has only one hole.,When the cat is away,Quiz-,狡兔三窟。,Quiz-,物以类聚,人以群分。,我今天一点精神也没有。,山中无老虎,猴子称大王,狡兔三窟。Quiz-物以类聚,人以群分。我今天,A little bird told me.,Go to the sea,if you would fish well.,Who will bell the cat?,谁愿意先去冒风险?,有人私下告诉我。,不入虎穴焉得虎子。,A little bird told me.Go to t,A little bird told me.,Go to the sea,if you would fish well.,Who will bell the cat?,谁愿意先去冒风险?,有人私下告诉我。,不入虎穴焉得虎子。,A little bird told me.Go to t,Her husband is a real bear.,Dont count your chicken before they are hatched.,她丈夫脾气确实坏。,不要过早乐观。,Her husband is a real bear.Do,Her husband is a real bear.,Dont count your chicken before they are hatched.,她丈夫脾气确实坏。,不要过早乐观。,Her husband is a real bear.Do,Who will bell the cat?,Quiz-,A little bird told me.,Her husband is a real bear.,Dont count your chicken before they are hatched.,Go to the sea,if you would fish well.,Who will bell the cat?Quiz-,她丈夫脾气确实坏。,Quiz-,不要过早乐观。,谁愿意先去冒风险?,有人私下告诉我。,不入虎穴焉得虎子。,她丈夫脾气确实坏。Quiz-不要过早乐观。谁愿,I wish you were a fish in my dish.,I wish to wish the wish you,wish to wish,but if you wish,the wish the witch wishes,I,wont wish the wish you,wish to wish.,Tongue Twister,I wish you were a fish in my d,English,s on Animals,English,


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