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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7 How much are these socks?,Brainstorming,Tell me the names of clothes you wear and you know.,A: How much,is this,green,sweater?,B:,Its,seven dollars.,$,2,$,7,A: How much,are these,red,socks?,B:,Theyre,two dollars.,socks,bag,hat,T-shirt,trousers,shoes,shorts,sweater,$10,$6,$2,$7,$9,$8,$5,$3,Pair Work,1. a skirt _ 3. socks _ 5. shorts _,2. a sweater _ 4. trousers _ 6. shoes _,How much do you think these things cost?Match each clothing item with a price.,Thinking,2a,b,a,f,e,d,c,a. $3 c. $30 e. $22,b. $15 d. $20 f. $25,Read the ad and fill the price tags.,Mr. Cools Clothes Store,Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Do you like sweaters? We have red and green sweaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12! Do you need trousers? For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. And shorts are only $16! For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. How much are our jackets? Only $30! And we have black shoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pairs,!,Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store now!,2b,$,15,$,12,$,20,$28,$,22,$,16,$2,$30,1.,Mr.Cools,clothes store,库尔先生的服装店,clothes(n,),衣服 为复数形式 做主语时谓语动词用复数,many / some /these/those clothes,These clothes look very nice.,Many clothes are on the bed.,a clothes store,一个服装店,a sports star,一个体育明星,a man teacher,一个男老师,two men teachers,两个男老师,a woman doctor,一个女医生,three women doctors,三个女医生,vegetable salad,蔬菜沙拉,a fruit shop,一 个水果店,Points,2. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale.,我们的衣服打折销售,快来买吧。,=Come to buy your clothes.,让我们去找他们吧。,Lets go and find them.,=Lets go to find them.,3.,buy(v,),买,buy,sth,for,sb,=buy,sb,sth,给某人买某物,我给妈妈买了件紫色的毛衣。,I buy a purple sweater for my mother.,I buy my mother a purple sweater.,我妈妈给我买了一条棕色的裤子。,My mother buys a pair of brown trousers for me.,My mother buys me a pair of brown trousers.,buy,sth,from +,人,/,地点 某人,/,某地买某物,我从那个服装店了买了一顶帽子。,I buy a hat from that clothes store.,Points,4.,sell (v),卖,seller,(,n,)售货员,sell,sth,to,sb,把,.,卖给某人,那个商店卖给我一双运动鞋。,That shop sells a pair of sports shoes to me.,我把 那个旧帽子卖给了,Tom.,I sell that old hat to Tom.,sale(n,),出售,卖,at a great sale= on sale,削价出售,出售,我们有一些衣服出售。,We have some clothes on sale./ at a great sale.,有一条短裤在削价出售。,A pair of shorts is on sale./ at a great sale.,big sale,大降价!,50% off 5,折,70% 3,折,Points,5.pice (n),价格,the price of .,的价格,这条短裤的价格是,20,美元。,The price of the shorts is 20 dollars.,at a low/high price,以低的,/,高的价格,at a very good price / at very good prices,以很好的价格,这家商店以很好的价格卖衣服。,This shop sells,chothes,at a very good price.,How much is/are.,=Whats the price of .,多少钱?,这件夹克衫多少钱?,How much is the jacket?,=Whats the price of the jacket?,Points,6.We have green sweaters for only $15.,for+money,.,多少钱,我们有一些毛衣仅仅只有,15,元。,We have some sweaters for only 15,yuan,.,for +,人,/,一日三餐 对于,.,For boys, we have black trousers for $22.,For lunch, I have some chicken and rice.,ask,sb,for,sth,向某人要某物,Points,7. We have,skirts in purple,for only $ 20.,in +,颜色,.,颜色的衣服,一顶红色的帽子,a hat in red,一双棕色的袜子,a pair of socks in brown,那个穿蓝色衣服的女孩,the girl in blue,那个穿绿色衣服的男孩是,Tom.,The boy in green is Tom.,Tom is in green.,in +a/an/+,颜色,+,单数衣物 穿着才,戴着一个,.,穿着一件白色的夹克衫,in a white jacket,那个戴着红色帽子的女士,the woman in a red hat,那个女士戴着一个红色的帽子。,That woman is in a red hat.,in +,颜色,+,复数衣服,那个穿着蓝色短裤的男孩,the boy in blue shorts,那个男孩穿着蓝色的短裤。,That boy is in blue shorts.,Points,8.Come to,Mr.Cools,Clothes Store now!,come to+,地点 来到某地,他经常来我的学校。,He often comes to my school.,Come here!,来这儿!,Go there !,去那!,Points,Practice the conversation in a group.,You:,Hello, Can I help you?,Girl:,Yes, please. I need a skirt.,You:,How about these purple skirts?,Girl:,Oh, I like this one. How much is it?,You:,Its only 20 dollars.,Girl:,Oh, good. Ill take it.,You:,And what do you need?,Boy:,Well, I need a pair of black shoes for school.,You:,What about this pair? They are only 28 dollars.,Boy:,Great. And do you have shorts, too?,You:,Yes, our shorts are only 16 dollars.,Boy:,OK. Ill take the shoes and the shorts.,填表格,记数字。,10,11,15,ten,thirteen,twelve,20,18,30,sixteen,nineteen,26,28,39,twenty-one,thirty-five,eleven,13,fifteen,12,twenty,16,eighteen,19,thirty,twenty-six,21,twenty-eight,35,thirty-nine,Exercises,做数学题,学英语。,1. twenty-six,twelve,nine = _,2. sixteen,eight,eleven = _,3. eighteen,seven,fifteen = _,4. thirteen,fourteen,twenty-five = _,5. twenty-nine,thirteen,ten = _,6. thirty-nine,twenty,five =_,7. twelve,thirteen,fifteen= _,8. nineteen,eleven,twenty =_,five,thirty-five,twenty-six,two,six,fourteen,ten,twenty-eight,用介词,at, for, in,填空。,1. _ girls, we you can buy skirt _,¥,16.,2. The girl _ red sweater is my cousin, Jenny.,3. Come and buy your clothes _ our great sale.,4. Do you know the boy _ black?,5. They sell nice clothes _ good prices.,6. His grandfather likes noodles _ breakfast.,7. Please call Allan _ 789-5466.,For,in,at,in,at,for,for,at,1.Complete 3a,2.Complete Self Check,3.Write an ad for your own clothes store.,Homework,


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