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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our class!,How to learn English well,高一英语学习可谓是初中到高中的过渡。高中英语更加注重对学生听说读写能力的培养。因此,在英语学习中,应做好以下几方面:,一.过好语音关。,学习语音应结合学习词汇来进行。平时练习中要随时记下词汇的不规则发音,对于基本词汇要能正确拼写出国际音标。,二.过好词汇关。,课前词汇预习,运用初中所学的音标尝试拼读本课单词,并通过复习、课文阅读争取记住绝大部分单词。把老师讲过的或课外阅读是遇到的常用的词记录在词汇积累本上。动词是词汇中最重要的类型,应放在课文和句子中来记忆,才能达到较好的效果。,三.做好课前预习。,因为课时紧,内容多,强度大。不认真预习,课上会很被动。预习要做到认真听录音,模仿,掌握准确的语音、语调,了解单词意思,课文内容,找出疑难问题。,四。提高课堂效率。,课堂上认真听讲,积极参与课堂活动,给自己更多的机会锻炼听、说能力,认真,适当地记笔记。,笔记在课后还要经常复习、巩固,否则就会遗忘。,五.重视巩固复习。,课后要及时认真复习,按时完成作业是首要的。复习是为了巩固课堂知识,同时也应适当地做一些配套练习。遇到没有理解的内容应及时问老师,使问题尽快解决,六.多朗读,多背诵。,利用早自习及零碎时间背诵例句,佳句,课文等。活化语法学习及提高写作,培养语感。,七.,加强课外阅读。,阅读是巩固词汇、提高阅读能力、获取信息的主要途径。我们知道“阅读理解”题型的分值在英语考试中所占比例较大,因此熟练的阅读也有利于在考试中做阅读理解题的准确性,语言的学习与任何知识的学习一样,以自学为主。要有一定的自学能力,外语学习不是老师讲会的,是自己练会的。因此外语学习的过程是练功夫的过程,是长期坚持不懈的学习过程。在这个暑假尚未开学之前,希望大家要有一个英语学习目标,真正地行动起来做好新高一的准备工作。,国际音标,二.英语中的五种基本句型结构,句型1: Subject (主语) Verb (谓语) (不及物动词),1. 李明学习很努力。_,2. 事故是昨天发生的。_,Li Ming works very hard.,The accident happened yesterday.,句型2:Subject(主语) Verb (谓语) Object (宾语) (及物动词),3.当我遇到困难时,李雷总能给我帮助。_4. 她打算在即将到来的“五一”外出旅游。_5. 我不知道下一步该干什么。_,Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties.,She plans to travel in the coming May Day.,I dont know what I should do next.,句型3:Subject (主语) Link. V(系动词) Predicate(表语),6.这种食物吃起来很可口。_,句型4: Subject(主语)Verb(谓语) Indirect object(间接宾语)Direct object (直接宾语),7. 她爸爸给她买了一本词典作为生日礼物。_ 也可表述为:_,1_,2._,This kind of food tastes delicious.,Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present.,Her father bought a dictionary for her as a birthday,present.,She was bought a dictionary as a birthday,present by her father,A dictionary was bought for her by her father as,a birthday present.,被动句为:,句型5: Subject(主语)Verb (动词)Object (宾语)Complement(补语),8你应该让教室保持干净整洁.,_,9.我们选他当班长。,_,10. 他父亲告诉他不要在街上玩。,_,11.我们听到她在隔壁唱歌。,_变被动句:_,You should keep the room clean and tidy.,We made/elected him monitor.,His father told him not to play in the street.,We hear her sing next door.,Sheisheardtosingnextdoor.,Answers:,第一节 单项选择,21-25,A B B A B,26-30,C C C A B,第二节 完形填空,31-35,B A C A A,36-30,B A C B C,第三节 阅读技能,41-45,F T T F F,46-50,A C A B C,51-55,C C A B B,61. Germany and northern Eurpean countries.,62. The people in Germany.,63. No, they cant.,64. In the 1970s.,65. It tries to get governments to protect the environment.,三英语五大基本句型练习,1. I am sorry to have kept you _.,A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited,2. She found her dog _over by a car on the road.,A. run B. ran C. to run D. running,3. Rose is going to have her hair _.,A. do B. done C. did D. doing,4. She felt somebody _her.,A. touched B. touches C. touch D. to touch,5. He didnt enjoy the play because he _.,A. was boring B. bored C. was bored D. boring,6. I will make your dream _.,A. comes true B. to come true,C. coming truly D. come true,c,A,B,C,C,D,7. He warned _ home .,A. us to not go B. us not to go,C. we not go D. us not go,8. Canned food does not go _.,A. bad easily B. badly easy,C. bad easy D. badly easily,9. The sad news kept her _all the night.,A. awake B. waken C. wake D. to wake,10. I think _a bad habit to get up late .,A. that B. it C. this D. its,12. He found his money _.,A. steal B. stealing C. stolen D. to steal,13. Roses in bloom smell _.,A. sweetly B. sweet C. sweeten D. sweetness,B,A,A,B,C,B,14. We must have the machine _.,A. to repair B. repairing C. repair D. repaired,15. Yesterday was my birthday. My mother _.,A. made a cake to me B. made a cake me,C. made for me a cake D. made me a cake,16. The teacher _John a good student.,A. believes B. knows C. suggests D. considers,17. Its a fine day. Lets go boating, _?,A. will we B. dont we C. wont we D. shall we,18. Dont smoke in the classroom, _?,A. will you B. do you C. dont you D. wont you,19. He seldom has lunch at home, _he?,A. has B. hasnt C. does D. doesnt,D,D,D,D,A,C,20. Let us have another look, _you?,A. will B. would C. wont D. wouldnt,21. I dont think he is serious, _?,A. dont I B. do I C. isnt he D. is he,22. You arent a teacher, are you?,A Yes, I am not B. No, I am,C. No, but I was D. Yes, I wasnt,23. There _a lot of news about the fire on TV last night.,A. was B. had C. were D. is,24. There used to be a temple there, _?,A. usednt it B. used there,C. didnt it D. didnt there,25. There _ a river in front of our house.,A.lies B.has C.standD.lie,A,D,C,A,D,A,


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