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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,城管监察大队XX年工作计划分析,XX年我大队将继续围绕县委、县政府的中心工作,牢固树立科学发展观,建立健全智力长效机制,扎实推进城市环境的各项综合治理,强化日常管理,依法监管强化监督,全面提升城市治理的效率、质量和水平,努力实现城市管理工作再上新台阶。全面实现城市管理“文明执法,服务管理”,的工作目标,制定XX年工作计划。,一、指导思想,以“十七大”精神为指针,紧紧围绕城管局领导,充分发挥全体队员聪明才智、树立以人为本建设和谐城市的工作理念,高基点起步、高标准要求,促进城管工作全面提档升级。,二、工作目标,以“文明执法、服务管理”为目标,争创县级文明标兵单位、市先进单位。文明执法服务管理,就是指执法人员以人为本,依照法律规定的职权和程序,运用法律规范办理各种案件的执法行为,在管理中提供服务,在服务中文明管理。文明执法、服务管理包含着三层含义:一是依法行政;二是以德管理;三是把管理富于服务中,具体表现为严格、公正执法,以文明的语言行为、以理解的心情、以规范的执法程序去执法,文明执法服务管理是“三个代表”在,成管制法中的具体体现,是转变工作作风、建设文明的执法队伍、创建和谐城市的重要手段。,Unit 1 Lifestyles,Lesson 4,City and Country,天长市铜城中学 王祖勇,城管监察大队XX年工作计划分析Unit 1 Lifestyl,1,Before our class,Id like to tell you a story.,The City Mouse and the Country Mouse,Before our class,Id like to,2,Once there were two mice.They were friends.One mouse lived in the country;the other mouse lived in the city.After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse;he said,Do come and see me at my house in the country.So the City mouse went.The City mouse said,This food is not good,and your house is not good.Why do you live in a hole in the field?,You should come and live in the city.You would live in a nice house made of stone.You would have nice food to eat.You must come and see me at my house in the city.,The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse.,It was a very good house.Nice food was set ready for them to eat.,But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise.The City mouse cried,Run!Run!The cat is coming!They ran away quickly and hid.,After some time they came out.When they came out,the Country mouse said,I do not like living in the city.I like living in my hole in the field.For it is nicer to be poor and happy,than to be rich and afraid.,food and housing,Differences,Once there were two mice.,3,Think about some other aspects in which city life is different from country life.,Think about some other aspects,4,Lifestyles,City,Country,busy,tired,stressful,free,peaceful,easy,relaxing,LifestylesCity Country busytir,5,Transportation,City,Country,advanced,modern,convenient,inconvenient,backward,TransportationCity Country adv,6,Environment,City,Country,polluted,clean,fresh,EnvironmentCity Country pollut,7,Spare-time Activities,City,Country,exciting,interesting,lonely,boring,Spare-time ActivitiesCity Coun,8,According to our comparison above and what weve known about the city life and the country life,try to classify the following adjectives.,modern,boring,peaceful,crowded,stressful,busy,relaxing,convenient,free,inconvenient,noisy,lonely,quiet,polluted,exciting,fresh,backward,tired,easy,City life,Country life,modern,boring,peaceful,crowded,stressful,busy,relaxing,convenient,free,inconvenient,noisy,lonely,quiet,polluted,exciting,fresh,backward,tired,easy,According to our comparis,9,Until now,we have a better understanding of the city life and the country life.In this class,well have a close look at the two lifestyles in Britain.,an,accountant,a farmer,Until now,we have a better un,10,According to the title of this unit,the title of this lesson and the pictures in the two passages,try to guess what the main idea of the two tests is.,A.my busy life,B.my lifestyle,C.my typical day,D.my typical life,Skimming,Lifestyles,City and Country,According to the title of this,11,Match each paragraph with its general idea,Para.1,Para.2,Para.3,Para.4,weekend break,wake-up time;how to go to wok,evening,activities,work hours;what they do at work,Scanning,Match each paragraph with its,12,Read for detailed information,Para.1,wake-up time,How to go to work,additional information,adjectives,Debbie,Paul,Careful-reading,crowded,tired,relaxing,free,7 oclock,4 oclock,travel to work on the tube,Dont need to travel;walk out of the front door,fifty minutes;,crowed tube;,a big breakfast,dislike tube,Read for detailed informationP,13,Para.2,work hours,What they do at work,additional information,adjectives,Debbie,Paul,busy,busy,all the morning;,in the afternoon,check numbers;,return to paperwork,look after his animals and crops,a simple lunch,make sure his animals are free of sickness,flexible work hours,Para.2work hoursWhat they do a,14,Para.3,evening activities,additional information,adjectives,Debbie,Paul,have dance classes;,go to the gym;,have French classes,play with his children;,study Chinese,Dont get enough exercise;,work for a French company,be interested in China;,to see the Great Wall,active,healthy,stressful,aggressive,relaxing;,Para.3evening activitiesadditi,15,Para.4,weekend break,additional information,adjectives,Debbie,Paul,go to the cinema;,drive to the countryside,“a movie fan”;,go to London,like to visit and go walking in the nice and quiet places,the likes and dislikes of my family,convenient;,quiet;,polluted,inconvenient;,noisy and crowded;,love,fresh air,boring,lonely,Para.4weekend breakadditional,16,Ex1:Fill in the table with the information we have known,Debbie,Paul,Lives in,Wake-up time,Job,Working hours,Works in,Evening activities,Special activities,Consolidation,a big ci


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