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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 4,Shalling,Lesson 4Shalling,1,短文填空,短文填空,2,完形填空的技巧梳理,1、,context,(,上下文语境,),2、,logic,(,逻辑推理,),3、,regular collocation,(,固定搭配,),4、,grammar analysis,(,语法分析,),5、,background(,背景知识,),6、,expression(,习惯表达,),完形填空的技巧梳理,3,解题技巧,1.,从上下文的结构和语境方面考虑,2.,从语法方面考虑,3.,从习惯语法和固定搭配方面考虑,4.,先易后难,5.,检查错误,解题技巧,4,短文填空解题策略,1.,跳过空格,通读全文,,把握大意,解题时先跳过空格,通读短文,了解全篇的首句。要重视首句,善于以首句的时态、语气为立足点。,2.,复读短文,结合语境,,确定词义,利用上下文的语境,结合所学过的知识,先确定空格处所需词语的意义,3.,周密分析,上下兼顾,,确定词性,再根据空格在句子中的位置,判断其在句子中充当的成份,从而确定所填的词性,再依据词语搭配和语法规则,判断所填的词的正确形式。,4.,依据搭配,遵循语法,,确定答案,5.,全面考虑,仔细检查,,注重细节,短文填空解题策略,5,短文填空解题策略,空前空后要注意,“,名词,”,单复数要牢记,还有,s,不能 弃,“,动词,”,注意要变形,“,形、副,”,注意用三级,“,数词,”,牢记,“,基,”,和,“,序,”,“,代词,”,五格,“,要谨记,短文填空解题策略,6,实战演练,1,Jane is a cute girl.She was _on 28th,2003.She,can_Chinese very well,_she couldnt speak it,when she was eight.She loves drawing very much.She often_pictures in the classroom.She can_English,songs and perform ballet.She often_other students,with their Engish.,Two weeks_,she hurt her right foot and she could,not go to school for a week._the teachers help,she,can catch up with other students.She studies hard.,She is a good girl.,born,be born,固定搭配,speak,speak+,语言,固定搭配,but,结合上下文,转折,draws,固定搭配,注意三单,sing,固定搭配,情态动词,+V,原,helps,help sb.with sth.,固定搭配三单,ago,一段时间,+ago,语法知识,With,with ones help,固定搭配,实战演练1 Jane is a cute girl,7,实战演练,2,Dear Wei Hua,I am in America now.I_with my grandparents.Yeasterday was my birthday.I_a good time.Many good friends _to my birthday party.We ate some fruits.We sang and danced.We also _games.There_a big birthday cake at my party.And there were_candles on it.Each candles stands for a year of my life,so I am 13 years oldnow.We all sat around the cake.I_a wish and then we all _the candles,out.That means my wish will come ture.,live,live with sb.,固定搭配,had,have a good time,固定短语,came,上下文推断,played,固定短语,过去式,was,固定短语,there be,过去式,13,下文推断,13,made,make a wish,固定短语,过去式,blew,blow out,固定短语,实战演练2Dear Wei Hua,livelive wit,8,实战演练,3,There are four _in Dicks family,his parents,his sister,Mary and he.Now they are talking about the_.,Dicks father,Mr.Green,_swimming best,so he likes_a lot.In spring,Dicks mother can grow(,种植,)some vegetables,so spring is her_.What about his sister,Mary?Ah,flying_is very interesting,she thinks.Of course she likes spring _.Dick likes fall best because its cool.Its a good time to _hills.,people,下文推断,seasons,下文推断,likes,likebest,固定搭配,三单,summer,常识,favorite,下文推断,kites,fly kites,固定搭配,best,likebest,固定搭配,climb,climb hills,固定搭配,实战演练3 There are four _,9,英语七年级下册短文填空专练及答题技巧课件,10,Attention!,Practice makes perfect.,建议,;,1.,系统复习语法知识,2.,熟练掌握词汇,3.,坚持每天练习一篇,Attention!,11,1.,名词,:单复数形式,所有格的用法,2.,动词,:,谓语动词的人称、数、时态,语态的变化,不定式,to do,动词的现在分词、动词,ing,形式、过去式、固定搭配等,3.,形容词、副词,:原级、比较级、最高级的用法,4.,代词,:单复数,人称代词,反身代词,指示代词,关系代词,不定代词等的用法,一般由意思判定,5.,连词,:句子的逻辑关系,6.,数词,:基数词或序数词,7.,介词,:固定搭配,8.,冠词,:,a,an,the,1.名词:单复数形式,所有格的用法,12,Peter was _ in London.Now he is studying at No.1 High School in Shanghai.He came to China _his parents.,Peter could _ Chinese when he came to China,but only a little.Now he can speak Chinese very well,but he cant _ Chinese songs.Three years ago,Peter couldnt _ basketball at all,but now he can do it a little.,Peter _ hard at school and,likes,all the subjects.We all like him.Next Friday is his thirteenth _.We plan to have a party for _.Im sure well have a good time at the party.,born,with,speak,sing,play,stud,ies,birthday,him,1,be born,固定搭配,Prep.,的用法,speak+,语言,,v.,用法,modal.+,动原,固定搭配,,v.,用法,modal.+,动原,语境推断,,and,平行结构,语境推断,Pron.,用法,Peter was _ in Lond,13,There are four seasons in a year in China.Spring is from March to May.In spring,the weather gets _,but iss often windy.So we often _kites.In summer,its very hot.Sometimes it rains.Its a good time to swim in the water.Fall _from September to November.Its the harvest time.The farmers are _ harvesting.In fall,its cool.The _on the tree begin to turn yellow.Winter is usually cold.We need to _ warm clothes.When it _,we can make snowmen with our friends.Its my favorite season.So I like_ best.,warm,lea,ves,busy,last,s,fly,wear,snow,s,winter,2,语境推断,fly kites,固定搭配,语境推断,,v.,用法,be busy doing,,固定搭配,语境推断,,n.,用法,need to do,下文推断,,v.,用法,语境推断,There are four seasons in,14,3,Today is my mothers birthday.Some of my classmates usually _their mothers do some washings on their birthdays.Others usually _ some flowers for their mothers.But what should I do?My mother says to me.Why not make a birthday _by yourself toshow your love?“Good idea!”I say.And then I go to my study to make a _birthday card,she says again and again”oh,thats _.Love is the most expensive(present)in the world.”,help,buy,card,loving,great/wonderful,语境推断及固定搭配,help sb do sth,固定搭配,buy sth for sb,下文推断,下文推断,语境推断,3 Today is my mothers bir,15,Im Michael.I _in a,big community with my parents.There are many tall _in it.We live in one of them.Its an apartment building.It has twenty _.There are many families with young children living there.Our neighbors are kind to each _.,building,s,floor,s,other,1,live,固定搭配,,live in,上下文推


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