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Unit 1 Women of achievement,Reading,A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE,张怡宁,A famous ping-pong,player in China,杨澜,A famous hostess,吴仪,前国务院副总理,被誉为“中国铁娘子”,Do you think she is a,great woman?,Do you think she can,?,Another great woman,A Chinese saying goes:,Women can hold up half of the sky.,Now lets see some other great women,Can you guess who she is?,现任美国国务卿,Hillary Clinton,She is one of the greatest,politicians(政治家) in,America. She is the wife of,former president Clinton.,In 2008, she took part in the,Presidential Election, but,lost to Obama. Now, she is,working as the US Secretary,of State.,She was Dr Sun Yat-sens wife. She was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. She,concerned,herself,with welfare,(福利),projects,especially,the China Welfare Institute,for women and children,.,Song Chingling,(1893-1981), China,Who is she,?,Another great woman,Lets appreciate another great woman:,As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals. She went to Africa and studied,chimps,. Her research showed the,connections,between chimps and human beings. She works to protect chimps everywhere.,Jane Goodall,(1934-,), Britain,Reading,A,Student,of,African,Wildlife,Look at the title and pictures of the passage.,This may help you understand the passage better.,Reading tips,(阅读技巧点拨),:,Guessing:,what is the passage about?,Task 1 Fast reading:,1. Who is the student?,2. What animals are observed?,3. The text is mainly about_.,Jane Goodall.,Janes life in protecting the wild life,Janes life in the forest in Africa,Chimps life in the forest,many wild animals in danger,A,Chimps.,Glance the passage quickly and find out the answers:,Task2,Intensive reading,Read again and find the main idea of each paragraph.,Para.1:,Para.2:,Para.3:,Para.4:,Reading tips:,First find the topic sentence,in each paragraph. This may help,you get the main idea as quickly,as possible.,A,. How and what Jane discovered about chimps.,B,. Janes achievement.,C,. How the group followed Janes way of studying chimps in the wild.,D,. How Jane tries to protect the lives of chimps in their natural habit,at,s.,Can you match them?,Task 3 Details-reading,The first paragraph,1. What did the group do first in the morning?,2. What did the writer think of the evening?,3. What did the group realize from the observation?,They watched the family of chimps wake up.,She thought it was worthwhile.,They realized the bond between members of a,chimp family is as strong as in a human family.,4. Then we see them go to sleep together in their,nest,for,the night. We realize that the,bond,between members,of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family.,The first paragraph,What are the meanings of the underlined words?,Learning tips:,Some words can be easily,learned through context,(上下文).,nest:,bond:,the chimps sleep,for the night.,Connection or relationship,It must be a place where,What,She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat.,She observed chimps as a group hunting a monkey and then eating it.,She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other.,How,1.,How did Jane discover the behavior of chimps and what,did she discover?,1.,2.,3.,The second paragraph,She spent years,observing and,recording chimps daily activities,The second paragraph,2. When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she?,She arrived in Gombe in 1960 when she was 26,.,3.Find a sentence from this paragraph that has,the similar meaning with the following one.,Peoples knowledge about chimps changed because of Janes discoveries.,Her work changed the way people think,about chimps.,The second paragraph,4.,Think,about how Jane Goodall,observed the chimps.,Then,try to,fill in the blanks.,Observing chimps was not easy work. They were very,shy and would run away whenever M,s,Goodall came near.,She learned to watch them from far away using binoculars,(双筒望远镜).,Over time, she slowly gained their trust. She,gave the chimps human _ such as David Graybeard,Flo and Fifi.,Giving the chimps human names was a very unusual,method. Most researchers,would have identified the animals,using _instead of names. But M,s,Goodall believed,that to understand animal behavior, the observer had to see,the animals as individuals, not as interchangeable,(可互换的) objects.,How Jane Goodall observed the chimps,names,numbers,From the way Jane observed chimps, we can conclude,that she was a _person.,determined and intelligent,The third paragraph,1. True or false:,1) She hopes that chimps can be left in the zoo.,2) She has helped build many homes for the wild,animals to live in.,3) She has spent about fifty years helping people,understand her work.,4) Once she stops working, all the scenes of chimps,in the laboratories will appear in her mind.,(False),(True),(False),(True),_,_,wild,forty,2. Translate the following sentence into Chinese.,For forty years Jane Goodall has been,outspoken,about making the rest of the world understand and,respect,the life of these animal.,40年来,简古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。,The third paragraph,The fourth paragraph,Please list three of Janes achievements:,Working with animals in their own,environment.,Gaining a doctors degree.,Showing that women can live in the forest,as men can.,1.,2.,3.,Task 4 Retelling,Read the passage again and try to fill in the blanks.,Since _, Jane Goodall had wanted to work with,animals in their own environment. She first arrived in,Gombe 1960, and she spent many years _ and,_the chimps daily activities. Her study of chimps,helped people understand how much they _ like,humans. For 40 years, Jane has been making every effort,to make people understand and _ the life of these,animals. She is _ a busy life but she has _,great success. She _ those who want to cheer the,achievements of women.,childhood,observing,recording,behave,respect,leading,achieved,inspires,More information about Jane Goodall,1. In 1991, Jane Goodall created the Roots and Shoots,(根与芽 )program for school children to learn about,wild animals and conservation of the environment.,This has since grown to a network of around,2,000,clubs,for children and young people in,87 countries,worldwide.,2. In 1998, Jane Goodall came to China for the first time.,Since then, she came to China almost every year to,promote(宣传促进) environmental protection. In one of,her lectures in Peking University, a university student,asked her a question, “if you had only one banana left,whom would you prefer to give, a chimp or a hungry,boy?” Jane Goodall answered, “ this is a very challenging,question.,I will”,Do you think Jane Goodall is a great woman?,What,qualities,does she have?,(Discuss in pairs using the,adjectives,that you think best,describe her).,Personal,qualities,of Jane Goodall,I think she must be,brave,hard-working,willing to sacrifice,determined,Task 5 Discussion,intelligent,Class is over,Homework,1. Read the passage again and again.,2.Write a short composition about Jane Goodall according to what you have learnt today.,Ways to protect wildlife,Let the animals live in the wild,Do not use animals for entertainment or advertisements.,Set up some nature reserves(保护区) to protect wildlife.,Make people aware of the importance of wildlife protection.,2. Do you think we should protect wildlife?,What do you think is the best way to,protect wildlife?,Task 5 Discussion,


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