HR的角色在管理变化-英文版(ppt 53页)

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,*,HR,的角色在管理变化 - 小型化,Ulrike KaepplerHR Director - SC Johnson Greater China,1,The Realities of Change,Typical cycle of change in any organization,Understand the specific challenges and opportunities that the organization and their employees face,How organizations begin to address the highs and lows of the change cycle,Have a plan to exploit the enablers and eliminate the barriers to change,2,CHANGE,Change Generates Formidable Challenges,How to Get,Desired,Results,How to Maintain and Increase Employee Commitment,How to Maintain,Business,Continuity During,the Process,How to Keep,Customers/Multiple,Constituencies,Satisfied During,the Process,3,Many Restructuring Events Dont Result In Substantial Gains for the Organization,Created substantial returns,Created some returns,Eroded substantial returns,Eroded returns marginally,4,Change Theory,Change theory has taught us:,Significant change is always driven by external forces,All change involves a loss,The process of change follows a sequence at the organization and personal level,Resistance and conflict are natural companions of change,Every member of the organization is affected by change, but the effect is not equal or at the same time for all members,5,Change Theory,Change theory has taught us:,Real, sustainable change will not take place unless there is,dissatisfaction with the status quo,a vision of the future,a plan for at least the first step in moving towards the future,a group of sponsors of the change effort,critical mass of support for the change,6,People Require Time And Sensitivity To Accept Change,Resistance,Denial & Immobilization,Bargaining,Depression or Anger,Testing,Acceptance,“,I feel,overwhelmed”,“,I dont care”,“,Things,might get,better”,“,This is,so unfair”,“,It wont,work”,“,Maybe if”,“,This is good,We are,succeeding,”,Negative,Positive,Responses,Time,7,Organization Respond Following An Effective Change Sequence,Unfreeze,Mobilize,Realize,Reinforce,Sustain,Set direction,Create will and,desire to change,Build,confidence,and energy,Secure shift in,behavior by,setting new,processes,Embed new,culture in the,organization,Strive for,continuous,change,Initiating the change,Building momentum,Sustaining results,Sequence,Activities,Phase,Resistance,Responses to change,Denial & Immobilization,Acceptance,Bargaining,Testing,Depression or Anger,8,Leading Change,Understand the phases of acceptance that retained employees will go through,Be aware of their roles when leading the change process,Be familiar with the competencies needed as a leader,9,Survivors Syndrome,Current State,Future State,Emotion,Enthusiasm,Trust,Acceptance,Business Impact,Committed employees,Happy customers,Thrilled stockholders,Emotion,Fear,Anxiety,Confusion,Business Impact,Sub-optimal performance,Lack of commitment,Lack of customer/market focus,Valley of Despair,Emotion,Anger,Frustration,Creativity,Business Impact,Reduced productivity,Lack of trust in management,Organizational conflict,10,Leading Change,Enabling Staff,Focusing the effort,Individual effort,Communicate vision,Drive for results,Team commitment,Influence & Persuade,Develop & Empower,Role model,Risk taking/Self confidence,Personal integrity,11,Organizational Competencies,Drive for Results,Displays passion, energy, and enthusiasm for accomplishing goals and objectives,Measures and tracks key business results and progress against established,benchmarks,Pushes boundaries and looks for ways to accomplish better results,Vision,Communication,Communicates the changes required of the organization in concrete tangible terms,Builds enthusiasm and support by consistently communicating through a variety of,mediums,Arranges for interactive exchanges to ensure that others understand where the,organization is headed and what the changed organization will look like,12,Staff Competencies,Team Commitment,Readily places the needs and goals of the organization above ones own,personal needs and agenda,Actively and publicly supports team/organization decisions even if they are,unpopular,Takes personal actions to break down organizational barriers,Influence & Persuasion,Take the time to ensure others understand ones goals, objectives, and vision,Sells own ideas by relating them to the values and goals of others,Anticipates potential objections and obstacles and prepares alternative,arguments and courses of action,13,Staff Competencies,Developing & Empowering,Personally works to develop the competence and self-confidence,of direct reports through regular feedback, reinforcement, and,personal support,Withdraws from decision-making and implementation as soon as,feasible in order to let others take charge and assume responsibility,Demonstrates genuine respect for and trust in the abilities of others,14,Individual Competencies,Role Model,Models words and behaviors which support the ethics and vision of the,organization,Openly supports the organization and its employees,Embraces the change process and takes action to move toward future,initiatives,Risk Taking Self-Confidence,Willing to take action which is sound but may not always be safe,Challenges both the system and others even when conflict is likely,Demonstrates a realistic and balanced sense of conviction regarding,ones skills and abilities,15,Individual Competencies,Personal Integrity,Behaves in a manner that is consistent with the law, ethics,and culture of the organization,Readily assumes personal responsibility for ones won,behavior and the overall behavior of his/her organization,Personally follows through to ensure commitments are kept,and promises fulfilled,16,Introduction to Johnson Pyramid,Awareness,Understanding,Belief,Commitment,Effective Communication During,Process Change,17,AWARENESS,UNDERSTANDING,BELIEF,OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE,COMMITMENT,Trust,Involvement,Consistency,Evidence,Clarity,Dialogue,Simplicity,Relevance,I want to make it happen,I buy it,I get it,I heard it,The Johnson Pyramid,18,I heard it,The Pyramid,AWARENESS,Simplicity,Relevance,19,To Achieve Relevance,Know Your Employee !,How much do they know about the topic?,Why should they care about it?,Whats their primary area of interest or concern about it?,Do they have any preconceived notions about it? Any past experiences with it?,What 3 questions are they most likely to have?,Are there other burning issues that need to be addressed before they can open their minds to the message?,Consider their reaction to similar communications in the past,20,Keep It Simple,Start with the main point that way if they dont pass the first sentence theyll still get the message,Emphasize how does this affect him or her? What must they do in response?,Use simple, everyday language avoid jargon, slang and complex sentences,Organize details logically use bullet points, graphs, columns, charts and pictures to make information easier to digest,21,AWARENESS,UNDERSTANDING,Clarity,Dialogue,Simplicity,Relevance,I get it,I heard it,The Pyramid,22,C.L.E.A.R. Communication Provides,C, Context,L, Links to the Receiver,E, Examples,A, Analogies,R, Representative Pictures,23,Understanding - Dialogue,Reflective Listening Consists Of,Listening with a non-judgmental attitude,Listening for the purpose of understanding the topic from the speakers point of view,Stating in your own words your understanding of both the content and the feelings being expressed,24,Reflective Listening Is Helpful When,The emotional component of the message seems significant,The issues are of great importance to the speaker,You are prepared to invest the necessary time and energy,Understanding - Dialogue,25,Listen Actively,Stay neutral; avoid judging the speakers style or message.,Give complete attention to the speaker and be prepared to spend as much time as they need.,Listen for ideas, not just for facts.,Watch non-verbal communication.,Understanding - Dialogue,26,Understanding - Dialogue,Listen actively,Use silence to let both sides mentally review what has been said and where the discussion is going.,Listen empathetically. Show through facial expressions that you are understanding the persons words and emotions.,Use questions to clarify or to check understanding.,27,When Reflecting,Be brief,Use your own words,Tell what core themes you are hearing,Tell what emotion you are hearing (when possible),Understanding - Dialogue,28,Dialogue - Effective Questioning,Open,Cannot be answered by simple, 1- or 2-word answers,What is your plan for improving quality in the plant?,Closed,Answered with short, simple answers; meant for confirmation not information gathering,Do you think we should hire this candidate?,Leading,Suggests desired answer in the question,Dont you agree this is the best idea?,29,AWARENESS,UNDERSTANDING,BELIEF,Consistency,Evidence,Clarity,Dialogue,Simplicity,Relevance,I buy it,I get it,I heard it,The Johnson Pyramid,30,Belief,Evidence,External Reference Points,Internal Logic,Consistency,What you do = What you say,Consistency over time,31,AWARENESS,UNDERSTANDING,BELIEF,COMMITMENT,Trust,Involvement,Consistency,Evidence,Clarity,Dialogue,Simplicity,Relevance,I want to make it happen,I buy it,I get it,I heard it,The Johnson Pyramid,32,Downsizing in SCJ,33,Historical background,Headcount reduced by approx. 1000 employees from 1992 to 2001,1999: 89 employees via non renewal of employment contracts,From 1992-1997: approximately 800,employees returned to the joint venture partner with generous separation package, and partner dealt in 1997 with the indefinite employment contract.,1995 Early retirement program stipulated by government impacted around 130 employees,34,Background of SCJ Factory Consolidation Project,CURRENT STATUS:,Separate business locations with administrative office in Pudong and manufacturing plant in Nanda,OBJECTIVES,COST SAVINGS,Gross profit improvement, resulting from,headcount reduction,increasing productivity and eliminating of contract manufacturing fees. Other savings include a reduction in average working capital and avoiding building/utility upgrades.,PRODUCTIVITY,doubled product maker output/ a single building layout versus 19 buildings,CAPACITY,The new factory resolves peak production capacity issues and will cover China five-year growth projections.,S/H/E Compliance,35,Organizational Objectives,Improve efficiency and organizational health,No major disruptions of business,Remaining workforce committed and motivated,Resolve headcount reduction,in accordance with labor law,in line with principles of our company philosophy of This We Believe,by increasing flexibility of workforce, and,improving age structure,reducing headcount by 11% via 2 projects,36,Background of Work Force,Turnover zero,Average age of company 38.7,Number of employees over age of 40:,Operations: 56%,Administration: 70%,Over 60% of employees have indefinite employment contract,37,Who Will Be Impacted?,Job eliminated-,Contract Termination,Employee displaced,Unaffected employee,Wait-for Retirement,Contract Expiration -,Non-renewal,Employee,38,Our Strategies To Reduce Headcount,Natural Attrition,Non renewal of definite employment contracts,Wait for retirement program,New Indefinite Contract Termination,Contingency Old Indefinite Buyout,Transfer,39,Thorough Preparation Before Actual Individual Communication,Involve enablers (i.e. trade union, Labor Bureau and partner),Learn from best practice in the market,Consider corporate culture,Look at multiple scenarios,Identify potential opinion leaders,40,Our Strategy,Contract Non-renewal,employees whose contract expires 01/02 will not be renewed,separation package:,competitive separation package plus outplacement support including training assistance,41,Waiting for Retirement,Target group:,Employees with up to 5 years to official retirement by October 31, 2002.,Offered to all eligible employees. Few employees are identified as being critical to the organization and encouraged to stay with SCJ for a certain period.,Market practice:,Mainly used by SOE, but has been used recently by few JVs with longer presence in China to solve the problem of aging workforce and low production efficiency,Proposed package:,Percentage of base salary,different percentage for staff/ manager and workers,State required benefits plus some selected company benefits,Our Strategy,42,New Indefinite Contract Termination,Selected based on number of impacted positions,List of criterion,Last 3 years performance rating with more,weight on recent years,Practical learning ability,Family situation,Education was not added but can be if,policy is in place,Our Strategy,43,1.,Old Indefinite,Contract Buyout:,Competitive Separation package plus outplacement support including training assistance,Has to be mutually agreed,In case employees do not accept buyout,2. Offer “special pool program”,Managed by HR, Employee will be allocated to projects where needed,Readjust salary 1.0 times city minimum,= 445 RMB monthly,In case employees do not accept special pool,3. Terminate employment contract,Possible Strategy,44,Individual Employee Meetings,Difficult and emotional,Conducted in a tense atmosphere,Stakes are high,Managers are expected to continue to run the business,Reactions are generally predictable,Outcomes are manageable,An ending and a new beginning,45,Contingency Plan,For passive protest,Damaging company property,In the event employees harms himself,In the event harms other employees,Security control of IS system,Provide media training,Prepare key messages and media statements,46,Initiating the change: Unfreeze/ Mobilize,Set Direction / Create will and desire to,change:,Explanation that new skills are required to work in new factory. Who cannot improve may have to leave. (08/00),General manager letter stating strategies and reasons for change ( 5/01),47,Initiating the change: Unfreeze/ Mobilize,Build confidence and energy,Communicate, Communicate, Communicate,Communi leader and change management training with all managers,Specific training with managers whose subordinates are impacted,Take one on one time with impacted individual. Listen to concerns but do not address or respond at meeting,Acknowledge that denial and immobilization is part of the process and people will get over it,Apply policy consistently. Do not open up for negotiation.,48,Building Momentum: Realize/Reinforce,Secure shift in behavior,Recognize you are half there if employees start to bargain,Provide incentive to make a decision to gain critical mass and pull through,Provide answer to all outstanding question raised,Embed in the organization,Execute flawlessly,Deliver on what has been agreed,49,Building Momentum: Realize/Reinforce,Strive for continuos improvement,Employees,accept that separation packages are not negotiable,acknowledge that there is no life time employment,understand continuos skill improvement is needed,performance does matter,50,Key Learnings,Plan communication carefully and timely.,If you have more than one program do it sequentially,Rumors are unavoidable so make good use of it.,Gain support from relevant parties via early sharing of plans,Identify opinion leader, separate if needed.,51,Key Learnings,Handle meetings only on a one on one basis. Refuse to talk to groups.,Apply programs consistently. Packages are not negotiable.,Gain critical mass in order to pull program through.,Better plan for contingency,52,Thank you for listening,Ulrike KaepplerHR Director - SC Johnson Greater China,53,


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