九年级英语 Unit 1-5 复习课件 人教新目标版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,期中复习,Unit 1,How do you study for a test?,I study by listening to cassettes.,I learn by studying with a group.,It improves my speaking skills.,Ive learned a lot that way.,-Do you learn English by reading aloud?,-Yes,I do.,Speaking and writing,1.Conversations,和你的朋友谈一谈学习中遇到的困难,,你们是怎样解决这些问题的?,你能给朋友提供更好的学习方法吗?,然后,把对话写下来。,2.Report,你的朋友由于某种原因,学习上遇到了,一些困难。请你在小组里向同学们谈谈,你,朋友的困难,然后向老师汇报你们,给这位朋友提出了哪些建议,。,并将讨论,的过程写下来。,(,要求:用第三人称写出你朋友学习上,遇到的困难,再写出每个同学,给他提出的建议。),3.Speech,下周班里准备开一次“英语学习经验,交流会“。请你在班会上谈谈你的学习,方法。并把你的讲话写下来。,I find learning difficult(easy),because,_,_,_,When I started,_,_,_,_,Beginning with:,Useful expressions:,I.Difficulties,1.I cant read fluently.,2.I cant spell some English words.,3.I cant understand spoken English.,4.I cant pronounce some of the words.,5.I make mistakes in Grammar.,6.I cant understand the words in,newspapers and magazines.,7.I dont get much writing practice.,II.Solutions,1.Maybe you should find a pen pal.,2.You can always write the new words,in your notebook and learn them at,home.,3.Why dont you join an English,language club?,4.You can write English diary,every day.,5.Listening can help.,6.They learnt by using English.,7.The best way to learn English,words is by reading English,magazines.,8.He thinks studying grammar is,a great way to learn a language.,9.Watching English movies isnt a,bad way.,10.Joining the English club is the best,way to improve your English.,1.always keep an English notebook.,2.often listen to English Cassettes.,3.sometimes write vocabulary lists.,4.never study grammar.,5.often ask the teacher questions.,6.watch English-language TV.,7.read English story-books.,8.read English magazines and papers.,9.listen to some English songs.,10.seldom ask an English tutor.,11.always learn by doing,sth,.,III.How do you study English?,always,often,usually,sometimes,never,seldom,IV.How does he(she)study?,(Talk about your friend.),1.always keep,s,an English notebook.,2.often listen,s,to English Cassettes.,3.write,s,vocabulary lists.,4.stud,ies,grammar.,5.ask,s,the teacher questions.,6.watch,es,English-language TV.,7.read,s,English story-books.,8.read,s,English magazines and papers.,9.listen,s,to some English songs.,10.ask,s,an English tutor.,11.learn,s,by doing,sth,.,Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,used to be,used to do,Appearance,Personality,tall strong,medium height,thin,heavy,blonde,curly,shy friendly,serious funny,honest quiet,outgoing easygoing,straight hair,short hair,curly hair,blond hair,medium build,used to do,used to have,be thin,be medium height,be a little bit quiet,be good-looking,used to be,What did you use to look like?,What did he use to look like?,What did you use to be like?,Did you use to play soccer?,Did you use to have short hair?,He used to study by writing.,Writing,1.,你们班里来了一位新的英语,老师,请你向老师介绍你的同桌,同学,说说他(她)进入中学以来,有哪些变化。帮助老师尽快地了解,每一个同学情况。,并把你的介绍写下来。,2.,写一写,.,进入中学以来,你个人的学习和生活等,,发生了哪些变化?,(,外表、性格、习惯,),What do you look like?,Im short.Im thin.,What do they look like?,Theyre medium height.,What does he look like?,Hes medium height.,What does she look like?,She is tall.She is thin.,Maybe useful expressions,She has short,straight hair.,She is very popular.,He has medium build.,My friend is thin and medium height.,She has short,blond,curly hair.,She is good looking but she s a little,bit quiet.,She loves to tell jokes.,Shes short and a little bit heavy.,She never stops talking.,He likes reading and playing chess.,For breakfast she likes,eggs,milk,bread,oranges,For lunch he like,hamburgers,carrots,and ice cream,French fries,salad,For dinner he has,chicken,broccoli,dessert,tomatoes,Hobbies,He likes playing,(basketball,football,soccer ball,guitar,trumpet,drum,piano,violin),She likes dancing.(singing,),Unit 3,Teenagers should be allowed to,choose their own clothes.,A:I think students,should be allowed,to,do homework with friends.,B:I disagree.They talk instead of,doing homework.,A:Sixteen-year-olds,should not be,allowed,to drive.,B:I agree.They arent serious,enough at that age.,A:Do you think sixteen-year-olds,should be allowed to,work at night?,B:No,I dont.,Writing,1.,每个学校都有校规校纪,阅读以下条款,,哪些是你们学校的校规校纪,请选出来。,A),Students should not be allowed,to,be late for school.,B)Sixteen-year-olds should not be,allowed to drive.,C),Students should be allowed,to watch TV after dinner.,D)Students should not be allowed,to,smoke.,E)Students should not be allowed to,sleep in class.,F)Students should not be allowed to,listen to music in class.,G)Students should be allowed to join,all kinds of clubs.,H)Students should not be allowed to,eat in class.,I)Students should be allowed to help,do some housework.,J)Students should not be allowed to,run in the corridor.,2.,初三,(1),班全体同学要为本班制定班规,请你为,他们提几条班规,.,Examples:,1)Students should be allowed to,have lunch in the school,dinning-room.,2)Students should not be allowed,to wear slippers,at school.,3),3.,不同的家庭有不同的家规,和同学们,谈谈自己家里的家规。,1,)写出你们的对话。,2,)写出你自己的家规。,Unit 4 What would you do?,A:What would you do if you won a


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