Unit 7Will people have robots15

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,八年级,(,上,),Unit 7,Will people have robots?,Section A 1a-1c,Be going to+V,Will+V,What,will,you,be,in the future?,I,will be,a teacher,.,What,will,you,be,in the future?,I,will be,a/an,a pilot,an engineer,A doctor,A basketball player,A painter,Where will you work?,I,will work,in,Hawaii,Beijing,Paris,Will,you,be,a/an?,Yes,I,will,.,No,I,wont,.Ill be,A doctor,A basketball player,A painter,Will,you,work,in?,Yes,I,will,.,Hawaii,Beijing,Paris,No,I,wont,.I,will work,in,Think about our future,future world,school life,daily life,science,city,How will the world be different in the,future,100 years from now?,People,will have,robots in their homes.,A:,Will,people,have,robots in their,homes?,B:,Yes,they,will,./No,they,wont,.,I think,I dont think,A:,Will,people,live to be,200 years old?B:Yes,they will./No,they wont.,live to be+,基数词 “活到多少岁”,People will live to be 200 years old.,I think,I dont think,People wont use money.,Everything will be free.,free,A:,Will,people use money?,B:,No,they wont.,Because everything will be free.,Kids wont go to school.They will,study at home on computers.,In 100 years,A:,Will,kids go to school,in,?,B:,No,they wont.,Because they will study at home,on computers.,In 100 years,Books will only be on computers,not on paper.,A:,Will,books only be on paper in?,B:,No,they wont.,Because they will be on,computers.,大胆畅想未来,lets predict our futures,感冒时,特殊的机器会照看你的鼻子。,After 100 years,special devices,will,automatically take care of your runny nose when you are ill.,如果你要去其他国家,你可以自己开车去。,After 100 years,if you want to go to another country,youll,be able to drive there.,四条腿的裤,子保证你随,时随地可以,休息。,After 100 years,the four-legged jeans,will,make sure you have a place to sit everywhere you go.,By the year 3000,you,wont,carry a backpack.It,will,carry you.,By the year 3000,cars,will,always have to stop for stop signs.,By the year 3000,your computer,will,punish you if you type something,nasty,(肮脏的),.,In the future,youll,save time by having a robot make you exercise while you sleep.,直升机式的帽子可以快速地带你到达目的地,衣服能自动换成时新样式,People,will have,robots in their homes.,Yeah!,in the future,Language Goal:,Make predictions,辨析:,family,house,和,home,family,指家、家庭、家人,不指住房,house,指居住的房屋、住宅,home,指同家人共同生活的地方,不一定含有,建筑物的意思。,可以是船上、窑洞或帐篷里的家庭组织。,These are my family.,这是我的家人。,This is my new house.,这是我的新居。,特别强调家里的氛围和环境。,home,在美语中指“住宅”=,house,谚语:,There is no place like home.,没有地方比得上家。,谚语:,East or west,home is best.,金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。,辨析:,every,和,each,Yes,there will.I think every home will,have a robot.,every,each,每个,着重指由一个一个所形成的全体,着重指全体中一个一个的个体,用于三个或三个以上的人或物,用于两个或两个以上的人或物,Every answer is right.,每个答案都是对的。,There are trees on each side of the road,.路的两边都有路。,will/shall,引导的一般将来时,:,一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或情况,最基本的结构:,will/shall+,动词原形,“主谓(宾)句型”的一般将来时:,肯定句:,主语,+will/shall+,动词原形,+,(宾语),+,其他成份,People will have robots in their homes.,否定句:,在,will/shall,的后面加,not,即可。,will not=wont,People will not(wont)have robots in their homes.,一般疑问句:,把,will/shall,提到句子主语之前,结尾变问号。,Will people have robots in their homes?,特殊疑问句:,特殊疑问词,+will+,主语,+,动词原形,+,其他成份?,When will people have robots in their homes?,Kids wont go to school.,Kids will study at home on computers.,1a How will the world be different 100 years,from now?Read these predictions.Check,()A(for agree)or D(for disagree).,1.People will have robots in their homes.,_A _D,2.People wont use money.Everything will,be free.,_A _D,6.People will live to be 200 years old.,_A _D,3.Books will only be on computers,not on paper.,_A _D,4.Kids wont go to school.Theyll study at,home on computers.,_A _D,5.There will only be one country.,_A _D,1b Listen and circle questions you hear in 1a.,People will have robots in their homes.,People wont use money.Everything will be free.,Books will only be on computers,not on paper.,Kids wont go to school.Theyll study at home on computers.,There will only be one country.,People will live to be 200 years old.,B1:,Do you think people will have robots in their,homes in 100 years?,B2:,Yes,I do.I saw a robot on TV,and it cleaned,the kitchen.,B1:,Well,I dont think people will use money.,B2:,Do you think everything will be free?,B1:,Yeah,probably.,B2:,I think there will be only one country.,Tapescript,B1:,Only one country in the whole world?Will,there be world peace?,B2:,I hope so.,B1:,I bet kids wont go to school.They will study,at home on computers.,B2:,Oh,I disagree.,B1:,You do?,B2:,Yeah,there will always be schools.,Tapescript,1c Ask and answer questions about the,predictions in 1a.,A:Will people use money in 100 years?,B:No,they won,t.everything will be free.,Will people live to be 200 years old?,A:Yes,they will.,“在,之后”的表达,“,in,与,after+,时间”都可表示“在,之后”。当它们用于,一般将来时态,时,,in,后接“时间段”,,after,后接“时间点”。,1.Hell come back in three years.,他三个小时以后回来。,2.Hell come back after three oclock.,他三点钟以后回来。,3,、不可数名词,意为“钱,金钱”。,可用:,much,some,any,a lot of,等修饰。,纸币,硬币,paper money,coin,small money,=,change,零钱,ready money,=,cash,现金,earn/make money,赚钱,bank money,把钱存入银行,save money,攒钱,5、live to be+,基数词+,yea


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