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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,8B Chapters 57,课堂复习(一),重点词汇,1.strict,adj.,严格的,;,严厉的;严谨的,精确的;完全的,She is very strict with her students.,她对学生非常严格。,He promised to keep it a strict secret.,他发誓对此事绝对保密。,【,搭配,】,be strict with,sb,.,对某人严格要求,His father is strict with him.,他父亲对他严格要求。,be strict in,sth,.,对某事严格要求,We should be strict in(doing)our work.,对工作我们应该严格要,求。,2.while,conj.,当的时候,;,和,同时;然而,;,虽然,n.,一段时间,She listened closely while he read the newspaper.,他读报时,她听,得很仔细。,I like tea while she likes coffee.,我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。,While I like the,colour,of the hat,I do not like its style.,虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的样式。,Ill be back in a while.,我一会儿就回来。,【,辨析,】,when&while,when,和,while,都可以用来引导时间状语从句,表示“当,的,时候”,具体区别是:,while,一般用于进行时态;,when,则说明从句的动作和主句的动,作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生的。,While his father is watching TV,his mother is cooking in the,kitchen.,当他父亲在看电视时,他母亲在厨房做饭。,When I saw her in the street,she was talking on the phone.,我在,街上看到她时,她正在打电话。,3.support,vt,.,支撑,;,支持;忍受,;,抚养,;,为,提供证据,They supported Communist Party of China(CPC).,他们支持中,国共产党。,He has a large family to support.,他要抚养一大家人。,Can you give some examples to support your idea?,你能举几个,例子来证实你的想法吗,?,【,同根词,】,supporter,n.,支持者,;,拥护者,;,援助者,Who is the supporter of the family?,谁是养活全家的人?,4.personal,adj.,私人的,;,本人的,a personal letter,一封私人信件,Its my personal affair.,这是我的私事。,【,同根词,】,person,n.,人,A strange person is asking to see you.,有个陌生人想见你。,personality,n.,人格,品格,;,个性,性格,His personality left a deep impression on us.,他的人品给我们留,下了深刻的印象。,She has a strong personality.,她性格坚强。,5.appointment,n.,(,尤指正式的,),约会,(+with),;约见;任命,;,职位,I have an appointment with him in the evening.,今晚我与他有个,约会。,The appointment of a new headmaster was reported in the,newspaper.,报上报道了任命一位新校长的消息。,I accepted the appointment as chairman.,我同意担任主席一职。,【,搭配,】,make an appointment with,sb,.,与某人订约见,I have an appointment with the dentist at seven.,我约了牙医今,晚七点会面。,6.manage,vt,.,管理;经营;控制;,(,与,can/be able to,连用,),设,法做到,vi.,管理;设法应付过去,He manages a hotel for his family.,他替家族经营一家旅馆。,She doesnt know how to manage her naughty children.,她不知,道怎样管好自己顽皮的孩子。,【,辨析,】,manage to do,sth,.&try to do,sth,.,manage to do,sth,.,的意思是成功地做到(了)某事,是有明确,结果的。,He managed to pass the exam.,他通过了考试。,=He was successful in passing the exam.,try to do,sth,.,强调努力做某事,但能不能成功,结果不太确定。,He tried to pass the exam.,他努力要通过考试。,=He did his best to pass the exam.,7.prepare,vt,.,准备;筹备;做,(,饭菜,),vi.,准备;预备,When we arrived home,our mother had already prepared dinner,for us.,当我们到家时,母亲已为我们准备好了晚餐。,【,搭配,】,prepare for,为,做准备,The students are busy preparing for the coming exam.,学生们正忙于准备即将到来的考试。,8.at a price,以很高的代价,They will help you,but at a price.,他们可以帮你,不过代价不,低。,【,拓展,】,at a price of,付出,的代价,Success came at a price of hard work.,成功是以努力工作为代价,的。,9.in place of,代替,Plastics are now often used in place of wood.,现在塑料经常被用,来代替木料。,=Plastics are now often used instead of wood.,【,拓展,】,take the place of,取代,代替,Tractors have taken the place of horses in the countryside.,在乡下,拖拉机代替了马匹。,10.give somebody a hand,帮助某人,=Would you please give me a hand to post this letter?,你能帮我,邮寄这封信吗?,=Would you please do me a,favour,to post this letter?,=Would you please help me to post this letter?,11.give up,让出,;,放弃,;,戒掉,He gave up his seat to an old woman.,他让座给一位老妇人。,I wish I could give up smoking.,我真希望自己能戒烟。,12.except,prep.,除,之外,We go there every day except Sunday.,除了星期天,我们每天都,去那儿。,【,辨析,】,except&besides,两者都可以表示“除了”的意思,但是,except,的意思是“除了,之外再没有”,表示一种排除关系;而,besides,是“除了,还,有,”,,表示一种累加关系。,Everyone is here except Tom,除了,Tom,没有人在这里了。,Besides Tom,Peter also didnt come.,除了,Tom,没来,,Peter,也没,来。,13.move,vt,.,使移动,;,使感动,(+to),;,vi.,移动,;,搬家,(+in/into/out/away),That chair is in the way,move it please.,那把椅子挡着路,请把,它移开。,be moved to tears,感动得流眼泪,They were moved by her story.,他们被她的故事打动。,14.marry,vt,.,娶,;,嫁,和,结婚,;,vi.,结婚,He is going to marry Lisa.,他将与丽萨结婚。,He didnt marry until he was forty.,他直到四十岁才结婚。,【,同根词,】,married,adj.,结了婚的,已婚的,Is she married or single?,她是否结婚了,?,When did he get married?,他什么时候结婚的?,They have been married for twenty years.,他们结婚有二十年,了。,=They got married twenty years ago.,=It is twenty years since they got married.,15.make fun of,取笑,They made fun of his funny hairstyle.=They laughed at his funny,hairstyle.,他们取笑他的怪发型。,16.go on,继续做;,(,时间,),过去;发生,If he goes on like this hell lose his job.,如果他继续这样下去,他,会丢掉这份工作的。,As time went on,he became impatient.,随着时间的推移,他逐渐,变得不耐烦了。,Whats going on here?,这儿发生什么事啦,?,【,辨析,】,go on doing,sth,.&go on to do,sth,.&go on with,sth,.,三者都可以表示“继续做某事”,但,go on doing,sth,.,是继续做同,一件事情;,go on to do,sth,.,是继续做另外一件事情;,go on,with,sth,.,就是继续做某件事,后面要加名词。,After he finished his,maths,exercises,he went on to do his,English exercises.,他做完数学练习后,接着做英语练习。,My sister went on shopping although she felt tired.,我姐姐虽然有,点累,但她还是继续购物。,First we read the passage again and again,and then we went on,with our homework.,我们先一遍又一遍地读这段文章,然后我们继续做作业。,17.spend,vt,.,花,(,钱,);,花,(,时间、精力,);,度过,;,vi.,花钱,I spent$25 on the book.,我花了,25,美元买了那本书。,They spent three months touring Europe.,他们花了三个月时间,周游欧洲。,How did you spend your holiday?,你是如何度过你的假期的?,【,搭配,】,spend,sth,.on,sth,.,在某事上用,花费,He sp


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