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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,最新错题整理,2018,年,5,月,1.I dont care what you say.I believe I could beat,you at chess _ day of the week.,A.some B.any C.each,2.-Can you follow your new American teacher in,class?,-Yes,he has no difficulty _.,A.making himself understood,B.to make himself understand,C.to make himself understood,南岗一模,A,A,3.The knee doesnt hurt any more,Im walking,_,already.,A.comfortable B.comfortably C.comfortablely,4.Ive always kept my private and,_ life,seperate.So I wont bring my personal feelings to,my job.,A.professional B.primary C.present,B,A,5.A:_ the matter?,B:Well,you must,_(,承诺,)not to tell others,about it.,A:Ok,I wont tell anyone else.,6.Linda is always an,_ girl.(,诚实的,),7.Most of the mothers had come and gone,_,off their cookies.(drop),8.We didnt even need those cookies.There,_,plenty of food to eat.(be),Whats,promise,honest,dropping,was,1.-Why are you here in the hospital,?,-An unexpected gas leak happened _ my,uncles last night and I have to look after him.,A.at B.to C.with,2._ into the habit of thinking in English,rather than _ from your own language,into English helps a lot to improve your English.,A.Getting,translating B.Get,translate,C.Getting,translate,香坊一模,A,A,3.-Why are you so upset?,-Ive _ all my pockets but I still cant find my key,to my bike.,A.found B.looked for C.searched,C,4.-Could you please tell me _?,-Its agreed that nobody lives alone.Its everyones,resposobility to help people in need.,A.what,water droplets to raise,meant,B.how we can get help through,water droplets to,raise,C.why more and more people pay attention to,water,droplets to raise,C,5.For all the Chinese,Februaty 22 is among the most,meaningful days,_ Wu Daqing took home the,first Olympic short-track gold medal at this years,PyongChang Olympics.,A.which B.that C.on which,C,6.A:I really like this shirt,but I am _,(恐怕),it is not my size.,B:Try it on first.If it is the wrong size,you can try,another one.,A:Oh,_ is the fitting room?,(哪里),afraid,where,7.He was skilled at clever plotting,and was treated,as a model for a lot of writers _(,包括,),Willian Somerset Maugham,O.Henry,Anton,Chekhov,Kate Chopin and Henry James.,including,1._ computers are now in common use all over,the world.In China nearly 60%of the families have,one at home.,A.Electronic B.Electricity C.Electric,2.-What do you think of Benson?,-He talks _ and does_in his class.He is,very hardworking.,A.less;more B.the most;less,C.the least;the most,道外一模,A,C,3.A:hi,Marcus.Theres a new movie at Wanda Cinema.,Would you like to go to see it with me?,B:Oh,Id love to,but Im afraid I,_.,(不能),A:Thats too bad.Then what are you busy with tonight?,B:Nothing much.I cant go out anywhere for four,weeks.,A:Why?What_?,(发生),cant,happened,4._,_,(care)much about how they dress,shouldnt be a big concern for students.,5.They will always be _,_,_(remind)of what,students should or shouldnt do.,Caring,reminded,1.In order to stop the temperature from rising too,much,there will be mirrors around the earth to _,sunshine back into space.,A.recall B.reduce C.reflect,押宝卷一,A,2.-It seems that the students nowadays know much,more than what we knew at the same age.,-Of course.That is because more and more,convenient modern methods_ education,much easier.,A.are used to making B.are used to make,C.used to make,B,3.A:What are you doing at home?,B:Im _,_,_(,预习,)Mondays lessons.,A:Well,are you _,_,_,_,_(,独自,)at home?,B:Yes,but why?,4.He saw some workers _,_,_(work)in their,machines to dig the soil which was ever covered,with grass and trees.,previewing,alone,working,1.If a machine is carrying too much weight,it,wont run_,so forget your weight,like,worries and fears.,A.usually B.normally C.comfortably,2.Chinas plan _ some nuclear power stations,on seas is really surprising for western courtries.,A.building B.to build C.build,押宝卷二,B,B,3.BYD is one of the car brands_ China and now has,become famous and popular in the world.,A.which are belonged to B.that belong to,C.which belongs to,B,4.She is _,_,_(understand)and intelligent,and she never gives up improving herself.,5.A mothers_,_,_(responsible)should not,only care for children but she should also set a good,example for her children,encourage them and,teach them how to behave themselves and make,efforts.,understanding,responsibilities,1.American Indians lived in America_ Europeans,found it,so as a matter of fact,they are the real,local people.,A.since B.before C.until,押宝卷三,B,2.After many years_,_,_(tourist)around the world,he has almost traveled all famous places of interest,of the world.,tours,1.China _ the hugest radio telescope of the world,FAST,to explore space since 20 years ago.,A.has begun to work on B.has worked on,C.kept working on,押宝卷四,B,2.-Its a pity that no life can live for ever.,-No.I hear that a kind of jellyfish can keep,living by replacing old parts_new ones.,A.through B.to C.with,3.Scientists were so shocked at the discovery of,the water on the moon_they doubted the,truth.,A.which B.that C.what,C,B,3.B:Ive been here j


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