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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,John Milton,(16081674,),He remained outside both Donnes and Jonsons influence,Paradise Lost,takes its place in western literature along with Homers,Illiad,and,Odyssey,Virgils,Aneid,伊尼伊德,and Dantes,Divine Comedy,and in English literature with,Beowulf,and Spensers,Fairie Queene.,1.John Miltons Times,1642-1649:English Civil War,King/Anglican Clergy vs.Parliament(dominated by Puritans),Protestant Revolution(Death of King Charles I),1649-1660:No British King,1649-1653:Commonwealth,1653-1658:Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell,1660:Restoration(of King Charles II),2.Miltons,Religion,1).,Milton believed that each individual Christian should be his own church,without any establishment to encumber him.,2).,In his later years,Milton came to view all organized Christian churches,whether Anglican,Catholic or Presbyterian,as an obstacle to true faith.,3.His revolutionary career,1).Pamphleteering in the cause of religious and civil liberty in 1641-60.,2).Appointed Latin Secretary to Cromwells Council of State in 1649.,3).Censor and editor of the Commonwealth paper,Mercurius Politicu,in 1651.Latin,Defense of the People of England,.,4).Totally blind in 1652 and imprisoned for a short time after the restoration and then retired to private life.,4.Miltons literary career,1625-1640:short poems:,LAllegro,and,Il,Penseroso,(1632),Comus,(1634,宴会欢乐之神,),and,Lycidas,(1638),1640-1660:pamphlets and tracts:,Areopagitica,(1644,论出版自由,);,The Defense of the English People,(1650);,The 2nd Defense of the English People,(1650).,1660-1674:,Paradise Lost,(1667),Paradise,Regained,(1671),and,Samson,Agonistes,(1671).,1).Miltons Works of His Early Days,Poems written in Cambridge and at Horton:,a.,On the Morning of Christs Nativity,基督诞生晨颂,first important work,b.,LAllegro,快乐的人,Penseroso,幽思的人,c.,Comus,科玛斯,a mask,假面剧,in blank verse,d.,Lycidas,利西达斯,expressing the pathos(,哀颂,)of his friend Edward Kings premature death,twin lyrical poems,Rhyme:abbacdeec,2).Works of his adult years:,a.pamphlets on religious reform,Of Reformation in England,论英国改革,b.pamphlets on marriage and divorce:,Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce,离婚的戒律与学说,c.Areopagitica,论出版自由,a prose work for the freedom of the press,d.Defence of the English People,为英国人民声辩,A pamphlet against the divine right of the king.,People made the king,so the king should do everything for the people.,e.The Second Defence of the English People,再为英国人民声辩,An answer to the productions against the Commonwealth.,Fight for the liberty of the nations in the world and recover their lost liberty.,3).Miltons works of old age,a.,Paradise Lost,b.,Paradise Regained,c.,Samson Agonistes,5.,Paradise Lost,(1667),1).Overview of,Paradise Lost,_ Miltons masterpiece.,_ A long epic in 12 books.,_ taken from the Old Testament.,_ Major characters:Satan,God,Archangel,Adam,Eve,_ It is about Satans rebellion against God and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.,The creation,The rebellion of Satan and his fellow angels,Their defeat and expulsion from Heaven,Creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve,Satan in hell plotting against God,Satans temptation of Eve,Departure of Adam and Eve from Eden,2).The Story of,Paradise Lost,Paradise Lost,Leading Up to the Beginning,At the beginning of poem,war in Heaven has been over for two weeks;,For nine days,Satan and those who fought God alongside him have been lying in Hell,stunned at the outcome;,The first character to move is Satan,who begins by speaking to Beelzebub;,Starts to sort of rally his troops.,At the center of the conflict between human love and spiritual duty lies,Miltons fundamental concern with freedom and choice,;the freedom to submit to Gods prohibition on eating the apple and the choice of disobedience made for love.,Eve,seduced by Satans rhetoric and her own confused ambition,falls into sin through innocent credulity.Adam falls by consciously choosing human love rather than obeying God,.This is the error wherein his greatness lies.,In the fall of man Adam discovered his full humanity,.But mans fall is the sequel to another and more stupendous tragedy,the fall of the angels.By lifting his argument to that plane,Milton raises the problem of evil in a more intractable form.,Milton held that God created all things out of Himself,including evil.There was evil in Heaven before Satan rebelled:Pride,Lust,Wrath,and Avarice were there,.,3).Themes:,a revolt against Gods authority,At the exaltation of the Son these forces erupted and were cast forth.But God suffered them to escape from Hell and infect the Earth.And then the tragedy was re-enacted,but with a difference “Man shall find grace”.But he must lay hold of it by an act of free-will.The freedom of the will is the keystone of Miltons creed.His poem attempts to convince us that the unquestionable truth of Biblical revelation means that an all-knowing God was just in allowing Adam and Eve to be tempted and,of their free will,to choose sin and its inevitable punishment.And,thereby,it opens t


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