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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,第二次课主要内容:,一、独立写作评分标准,二、独立写作的语言运用(第一部分),三、独立写作题型分类(按提问方式分类),一、,独立写作评分标准,5,分,1 Effectively addresses the topic and task by a clear opinion,2 Well organized and well developed,Appropriate explanations,exemplifications and details,3 Unity,progression and coherence,4 Displays consistent facility in the use of language,demonstrating syntactic variety,appropriate word choice and idiomaticity,5 Minor lexical or grammatical errors,1 effectively addresses the topic and task,内容:切题,2 well organized and well developed,using,appropriate,explanations,exemplifications,and,details,展开充分:解释、例证、细节。,specificnot general,concretenot abstract,有教育意义的电影值得看。因为他们总能鼓舞人们或改变人们对生活的态度。,当幸福来敲门,给人们上了一课,那就是如果一个人能坚持梦想并持续努力,总有一天会取得成功。传记电影,莫扎特,向观众展示了一场音乐盛宴,以及一个天才在他所热爱的事业中的坚持和热情。所以,有教育意义的电影是值得花时间看的。,有教育意义的,电影,值得,看。,educative,worth doing sth.,因为他们总能,鼓舞,人们或,改变人们,对生活的,态度,。,inspire,change ones attitude towards life,当幸福来敲门,给人们上了一课,那就是如果一个人能,坚持梦想,并,持续努力,,总有一天会取得成功。,The Pursuit of Happiness,stick to the dream,continue with great effort,传记,电影,莫扎特,向观众展示了一场,音乐盛宴,,以及一个,天才,在他所热爱的,事业,中的,坚持,和,热情,。,biographical,Mozart,musical banquet,genius,persistence,passion,cause,所以,有教育意义的电影是,值得,花时间看的。,be worth doing sth.,有教育意义的电影值得看。因为他们总能鼓舞人们或改变人们对生活的态度。,当幸福来敲门,给人们上了一课,那就是如果一个人能坚持梦想并持续努力,总有一天会取得成功。传记电影,莫扎特,向观众展示了一场音乐盛宴,以及一个天才在他所热爱的事业中的坚持和热情。所以,有教育意义的电影是值得花时间看的。,Movies with educational purpose are worth watching.It is because they can always inspire people or change their attitude towards life.,The Pursuit of Happiness,tells a lesson that if one can stick to the dream and continue with great effort,he/she will finally succeed one day.Also,the biographical movie,Amadeus Mozart,presents watchers a musical banquet,as well as a genius persistence and passion in the cause he loves.So,educative movies are worth spending time.,3 unity,progression and coherence,统一、连贯,Savings are quite important for all families.A plenty of money in the bank account can help us get through emergencies and accidents.I have a friend named Victor.He is really a handsome boy with over 1.8 meter height.Also,his physical condition is so admirable for everyone.His family kept a good habit of depositing money into bank account each month.Last year,he was involved in a horrible accident in the rush hour.He injured terribly and a large amount of money was immediately required to get an operation.Most of their familys deposit was put into use and however,he got through this nightmare.He feels so grateful for the habit of saving money.This incident makes me realize how significant deposits are.(127 words),Savings are quite important for all families.A plenty of money in the bank account can help us get through emergencies and accidents.I have a friend named Victor.,He is really a handsome boy with over 1.8 meter height.Also,his physical condition is so admirable for everyone.,His family kept a good habit of depositing money into bank account each month.Last year,he was involved in a horrible accident in the rush hour.He injured terribly and a large amount of money was immediately required to get an operation.Most of their familys deposit was put into use and,however,therefore,he got through this nightmare.He feels so grateful for the habit of saving money.This incident makes me realize how significant deposits are.(127 words),4 syntactic variety,appropriate word choice and idiomaticity,句式,多样,用词,恰当,表达,地道,5,m,inor lexical or grammatical errors,可以容忍少量小错,4,分,Though some points may not be fully elaborated,Generally well and well,Though it may contain occasional redundancy,digression,or unclear connections,Occasional noticeable minor,3,分,Somewhat developed explanations,Though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured,Lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning,Accurate but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary,2,分,Limited development in response to the topic and task;,Inadequate organization or connection of ideas;,Inappropriate or insufficient exemplifications,explanations,or details to support or illustrate generalizations in response to the task;,A noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms;,An accumulation of errors in sentence structure and/or usage.,1,分,Serious,disorganization,or,underdevelopment;,Little,or,no,detail,or,irrelevant,specific,or,questionable,responsiveness,to,the,task;,Serious and frequent errors in sentence structure or usage.,0,分,Merely copies words from the topic,rejects the topic,or is otherwise not connected to the topic,is written in a foreign language,consists of keystroke characters,or is blank,二、独立写作的语言运用(第一部分),Section1,用词合理,Section2,句式多样,Section3,表达地道,独立写作语言运用的误区:,低频词越多越好,句子越长越好,文章字数越多越好,Section 1,用词合理,低频词的合适搭配较少,使用时要注意准确合理。不恰当的低频词的使用破坏语言的一致性。,change VS.transform,influence VS.repercussion,for instance VS.for paragon,change VS.transform,例句:,After changing,the bed sheet,I would fall asleep quickly.,(换床单),Industrialization transformed,the world,.,(改变世界),(difference VS.big difference),程度不同,influence VS.reper


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