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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Extensive Reading 1,Stephanie 刘爽,Discussion,What do you know about Extensive Reading?What do you expect to learn?,What is Extensive Reading?,Extensive reading,for,pleasure and general understanding,Intensive reading,accurate reading for detailed understanding,Why do extensive reading?,It can,provide,massive comprehensible input.,It can,consolidate,previously learned language.,It,leads to,improvement in writing.,It,teaches,us about the culture of the target language users.,It can,enhance,our general language competence.,It,helps to build,confidence.,It can motivate us to read more.,How much should we read?,If we have an hour to read a day,we should read at least 25 pages a day.If we only have,half an hour,to spend on reading,then we need to read,at least 10 pages.,Read as,widely,as possible,and as,much,as possible,as,enjoyably,as possible.,What kind of materials are suitable?,Choosing materials which are at least,98%,comprehensible,.There should be,very little new vocabulary,and,very little new grammar,.One or two new words per page and one new sentence structure per section would be ideal.,The more interesting,the texts are,the more we will like reading,and the sooner we will start doing voluntary reading on our own.,Book List,1、,简爱,Jane Eyre,2、雾都孤儿,Oliver Twist,3、傲慢与偏见,Pride&Prejudice,4、苔丝,Tess of the D Urbervilles,5、远大前程,Great Expectations,6、大卫科波菲尔,David Copperfield,7、谁动了我的奶酪,Who Moved My Cheese,8、远离尘嚣,Far from the Madding Crowd,9、双城记,Tale of Two Cities,10、格列佛游记,Gullivers Travels,Teaching requirements&plan,1.Participate in class actively&creatively,2.Preview and review lessons in time,3.Finish all the assignments,4.Persist in self-study,Outline,New lessons,1.Reading skills:Previewing(1),2.,Love,3.Exercises,4.,Summary&assignments,Reading Skills,Previewing,It means looking ahead and checking for information in advance.,Steps to preview a textbook:,Read the,title,of the book.,Read the,table of contents,.,Read the,preface,.,Read briefly the,index,glossary,appendix,bibliography,and,other special supplements,.,Unit 11.Text Love,Thought,questions,1.,How many parts do you divide this text into?,2.,Whats the main idea of this text?,3.,Why does the father change his attitude towards,snakes?,4.,What does the author mean by using the word,“love”?,5.,What revelations do you have about this story?,11,12,Jesse Hilton Stuart,(1907 1984)was,an American writer,who is known for writing short stories,poetry,and novels about Southern Appalachia,pleitj.,About the Author:Jesse Stuart,1.3 Part 1:Retelling,What does Part 1 tell?,It mainly tells about,the fathers smart dog,Bob,killing a poor female snake,who is pregnant with eggs and does not appear vicious or ferocious.Both the father and the son,are deeply struck by the violent death of the mother snake,.The father,who hates snakes,feels somewhat regretful,about his sicking his dog at the innocent snake.,13,Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(,Paragragh 1,)The cows kept coming through the chestnut oaks on the cliff and,running over,the young corn.They bit off the tips of the corn and trampled down the stubble.,牛群不断地从悬崖上的板栗橡树林中跑过来,,横穿过玉米苗田,。他们咬掉玉米苗尖,继而踩倒幼苗。,over,prep,.from one side of sth to the other;across sth,从一边到另一边;穿越,They ran over the grass.,14,Collie:柯利牧羊犬、苏格兰牧羊犬,a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(,Para 2,)We heard a ground squirrel,whistle,down over the bluff among the dead treetops at the clearings edge.,whistle,vi.,to move,quickly,making a high,sound,e.g.,The wind whistled down,the chimney.,从悬崖上空地边缘的枯萎的,树梢里传来了一只地松鼠的,叫声,。,我们听到了一只地松鼠,迅速,窜下,16,What does the verb,whistle,mean?,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(,Para 2,)He lifted up a young stalk of corn.This,has been,a dry spring and the corn has kept well in the earth.,17,Why does the writer suddenly turn to the use of the present perfect tense?,The latter is used to explain the former.,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(,Para 2,)This has been a dry spring and the corn has,kept well,in the earth where the grain has sprouted.,今年春天很干燥,发芽的玉米长势还不错。,今年春天很干燥,,玉米粒发芽的土里,有些,玉米粒子还保存完好。,18,酌情添加的字眼,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(,Para 3,)The dust flew,in tiny swirls,behind our feet.,我们身后扬起,一片,尘土。,脚后跟扬起,一小圈一小圈的,尘土。,脚后跟扬起,一圈圈,尘土。,19,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.20-21)Bob was jumping and snapping at the snake so as to,make it strike and throw itself off guard.,鲍勃正在边跳边咬蛇,逼迫它反击,,进而使它,疏于防范。,鲍勃正在,反复,跳跃着,抓弄着那条蛇,,以,逼迫它反击,然后疏于防范。,20,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,(ll.25-26)A blacksnake is a harmless snake.It kills poison snakes.It kills the copperhead.,How do you understand the sentences?Does understanding them require you to have some knowledge of the fauna of North America?,21,1.3.2 Possible difficult words,phrases and sentences,Some speci


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