新概念英语第一册Lesson141 142课件

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L141-142 Sallys first train ride,萨莉第一次乘火车旅行,1.,excited,/,i,k,s,ai,t,i,d,/,a.,兴奋的,2.,get on,登上,3.,middle-aged,/,m,i,dl,ei,dd,/,a.,中年的,4.,opposite,/,p,z,i,t,/,prep.,在,对面,5.,curiously,/,kj,u,r,i,sl,i,/,ad,v,.,好奇地,单 词,6.,funny,/fni/,adj.,可笑的,滑稽的,7.,powder,/,p,au,d,/,n.,香粉,8.,compact,/,kmp,kt,/,n.,带镜的化妆盒,9.,kindly,/,k,ai,ndl,i,/,adv.,和蔼地,10.,ugly,/,gl,i,/,adj.,丑陋的,单 词,单 词,11.,amused,/,mj,u:,zd,/,adj.,有趣的,12.,smile,/,sm,ai,l,/,v.,微笑,13.,embarrassed,/,i,m,b,r,st,/,adj.,尴尬的,窘迫的,14.,worried,/,w,V,r,i,d,/,adj.,担心,担忧,15.,regularly,/,r,e,gj,u,l,l,i,/,adv.,经常地,定期地,单 词 拓 展,kindly,kind,curious,adv.,adj.,adj.,名前,adv.,动后,Can you do it?,1.Sally did not answer,but looked at her _.,副词修饰动词放后面,curiously,(curious),2.,She put away her compact and smiled,_,.,kindly,(kind),curiously,欣赏动画,How old is Sally?,Why did Sallys mother decide to take her by train?,Sally is four years old.,Because Sally had never travelled on a train before.,回答问题,Questions,Where did Sally sit?,Who got on the train?,回答问题,She sat near the window.,A middle-aged lady got on the train.,Why did the lady make up her face?,Did Sally think the lady was beautiful?,回答问题,Because she wanted to make herself beautiful.,No,she didnt.,How was the lady dressed?,What did the lady do?,回答问题,The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large,funny hat.,She opened her handbag and took out her powder,compact.Then she began to make up her face.,精 讲 课 文,Lesson 141 Sallys first train ride,Last week,my four-year-old daughter,Sally,was invited to a childrens party.,I decided to take her by train.,Sally was very excited,because she had never travelled,on a train before.,She sat near the window,and asked questions about everything she saw.,Suddenly,a middle-aged lady got on the train,and sat opposite Sally.,Hello,little girl,she said.,Sally did not answer,but looked at her curiously.,The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large,funny hat.,After the train had left the station,the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact.,She then began to make up her face.,Why are you doing that?Sally asked.,To make myself beautiful,the lady answered.,She put away her compact and smiled kindly.,But you are still ugly,Sally said.,Sally was amused,but I was very embarrassed!,1,Last week,my four-year-old daughter,Sally,was invited to a childrens party.,I decided to take her by train.,four-year-old daughter,四岁的女儿,数-单名做定语,eg.80岁的老人,an eighty-year-old man,invite sb.to,邀请某人去,sb.be invited(,过去分词,)to,被邀请去,2,I decided to take her by train.Sally was very excited,because she had never travelled on a train before.,She sat near the window,and asked questions about everything she saw.,3,decide to do sth.,决定做某事,4,take,“,带,”,/,by,+交通工具:乘坐,.,5,and,连接两个并列句,前后时态保持一致,8,I decided to take her by train.,Sally was very excited,because she had never,travelled on a train before.,She sat near the window,and asked questions about everything she saw.,7,定语从句,travel on a train,坐火车旅行,ask questions about,问关于,的问题,缺宾,关系词省略,饰人用,ed,,饰物,ing,6,sb.be excited,/,sth.be exciting,Suddenly,a middle-aged lady got on the train,and sat opposite Sally.Hello,little girl,she said.,Sally did not answer,but looked at her curiously.,The lady was dressed in,a blue coat and a large,funny hat.,a middle-aged lady,一个中年妇女,be dressed in.,穿着,.,9,10,After the train had left the station,the lady opened,her handbag and took out her powder compact.,She then began to make up her face.,过去完成时,after,+,过完,take out,拿出,.,11,powder compact,粉盒,12,13,begin to do sth.,开始做某事,make up ones face,化妆,14,14,Why are you doing that?Sally asked.,To make myself beautiful,the lady answered.,She put away her compact and smiled kindly.,But you are still ugly,Sally said.,Sally was amused,but I was very embarrassed!,put away,收拾好,15,to do,不定式,意思是,“,目的是.,”,精 讲 语 法,Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.,She invited Charlotte and me to dinner,L139,L115,主 语,主动语态,主语是动作的发出者,谓动,宾语,Sally was invited to a childrens party.,被动语态,主语是动作的承受者,被邀请去,.,Someone invited Sally to a party,last,week.,Sally was invited to,a,party last week.,被动语态的结构:,动作的承受者,+,be done,+(,by,+,动作的发出者,)+,其它,be,体现时态,done,体现语态,被动语态基本结构:,be done,先定时态,be,再定语态,done,Be done,欣赏视频,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,一天一苹果,医生远离我。,The apple _ _by me every day.,先定时态,be,Be done,is,再定语态,done,eaten,一现被动:主+am/is/are+done+by+.,The apple _ _by me every day.,先定时态,be,Be done,is,再定语态,done,eaten,一现被动:主+am/is/are+done+by+.,yesterday,was,一,过,被动:主+,was/were,+done+by+.,The apple _ _ _by me now.,先定时态,be,Be done,is,再定语态,done,eaten,现进被动:主+am/is/are+being+done+by+.,am/is/are+V-ing,ing,b,e,一现被动:主+am/is/are+done+by+.,一,过,被动:主+,was/were,+done+by+.,现进被动:主+am/is/are+being+done+by+.,过,进被动:主+,was/were,+being+done+by+.,The apple _ _ _by me by now.,先定时态,be,Be done,has,再定语态,done,eaten,现完被动:主+have/has+been+done+by+.,have/has+done,been,一现被动:主+am/is/are+done+by+.,一,过,被动:主+,was/were,+done+by+.,现进被动:主+am/is/are+being+done+by+.,过,进被动:主+,was/were,+being+done+by+.,现完被动:主+have/has+been+done+by+.,过,完被动:主+,had,+been+done+by+.,The apple _ _ _by me tomorrow.,先定时态,be,Be done,will,再定语


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