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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和完善适应社会主义市场经济体制的事业单位工作人员聘用制度,保障用人单位和职工的合法权益,Unit 1 How do you study for a test?,初中人教版九年级英语第一轮复习,four skills,listening skills,speaking skills,reading skills,writing skills,improve,the four skills,How to learn English well?,Talk Show,How,do you,improve,your,listening skills,?,we learn,by-,watch,ing English,movies,listen,ing,to tapes,enjoy,ing,English songs,How,do you,improve,your,speaking skills,?I study,by-,Join,ing,the English Corner,practic,ing,speak,ing,English,practic,ing,conversation,s with foreigners,reading,aloud and quickly,How,do you,improve,your,reading skills,?,I study,by-,keep,ing,a diary,find,ing,a pen pal,How,do you,improve,your,writing skills,?,I study,by-,重点词组和句子复习,向某人求助,ask sb _ help,制作抽认卡,make _,对,.,激动 get,_ _,太.而不能 _,玩的开心,have _,演讲技能,_ skill,结束说英语,end up _ English,口语,_ English,嘲笑,laugh _,for,flashcards,excited,tooto,fun/have a good time,speaking,speaking,spoken,at,about,重点短语,:,练习说英语,practice _ English,大声朗读,read,_,犯错误,make _,首先,_ of all,有乐趣做,have fun_,看英文节目,_ English programs,摘笔记,_ notes,做某事有困难,have _ in _ sth,查字典,look _,the dictionary,另一件事,_ thing,处理,_ with,speaking,aloud,mistakes,first,doing,watch,take,trouble,up,another,deal,doing,in,重点短语,:,重点短语,:,以,.,开始结束,过后,喜欢学英语,在,上花费,(,时间、金钱,),查字典,有困难做,to begin,with,/end with,later on,enjoy,learning,English,spend,on/doing,look,up,in,a dictionary,have trouble,doing.,1.I cant usually get my _(,发音,)right.,2.She often make _(,错误,)in the tests.,3.Can you speak _(,慢地,),?,I cant follow you.,4.I cant tell you,its a _(,秘密,),。,5.His brother is a _ (,军人,),。,6.How do you_(,应付,)your problems?,7.My mother always _(,将,视为,)me as a child.,8.Are you _,(,害怕,),to speak in class?,9.Unless we have no problems,we can _,(,容易,)become unhappy.,10.When he heard the news,he got very _(,兴奋,).,pronunciation,mistakes,slowly,secret,soldier,deal with,regards,afraid,easily,excited,词汇练习,用适当的词型填空,I had lots of trouble _ a solution to the,problem.(find),2.My _ English is very poor,Im afraid to _ English.(speak),3.I study English by _ flashcard.(make),4.The best way _ English is to use it.(learn),5.I find it is important _new words.(,记忆,),6._ English is very difficult.(,学习,),7.Yao Ming practices _basketball every day.(,打,),8.You should practice your _.(,发音,),9.I want some _ about learning English.(,建议,),10.Reading more books is _ to students.(help),11.Everyone wants to be a good _.(learn),12.I can understand what he said _.(,完整,),finding,spoken,speak,making,to learn,to memorize,Learning,playing,pronunciation,suggestions,helpful,learner,completely,词汇练习,()1.Reading is a great way _ a language.,A.of learn,B.to learn,C.learning,D to learning,().Lucy thinks that _ English movies,isn,t a good way.,A.watch B.watched,C.,watching D to watching,().When we practice English speaking,we often end up _in Chinese.,A.speak,B.spoken,C.speaking,D.speaks,B,C,C,().He didnt know the matter.,I didnt know it,_,A.too B.also C.either D.neither,()5.He has trouble_to the top of the mountain.,A.gets B.to get C.got D.getting,().-How do you study_a test?,-I study_,working_a group.,A.for,in,with B.for,by,at,C.for,by,with D.of,in,by,C,D,C,(),7.,When we meet some new words,we,d better_in a dictionary.,A.look out them B.look them out,C.look them up D.look up them,()8,._,a 100%successful,operation(,手术),nothing can save him from the,illness,.,A.Until B.Even C.Unless D.Or,(,)9.Her son failed English test,again.,She,felt very _.,A.frustrating,B.frustrated,C.boring,D,.,annoy,()10 My mom want you to watch me _ the piano.,A.playing B.play C.to play D,.,to playing,C,B,B,C,中考 链接,(,)1.The art club is for members only.You can,t go in_you are a member.,A.unless B.because,C,.,if not,D,.,so,(,),2.-How did Jackie make a living after he left college?-,writing songs for a singer.,A.By B.With C.At D.In,()3.We should give the boy another chance _he has made some mistakes.,A.though B.when C.unless D.because,.,()4.Mr King is _ busy _ go to the concert.,A.enough,to B.so;that,C.such;that D.to,o,;to,()5.Zhou Libo is Shanghai,s favorite funny man.He is good at making people laugh.His lively shows were _ hot that tickets sold out in minutes.,(20,11,年),A.very B.too C.such D.so,()6.Usually John _ to school in his father,s beautiful car.,A.has taken B.is taking,C.is taken D.has been taken,()7.-Excuse me.Im looking for Be the Best of Yourself.,-Sorry.The book you ask for _ out.,A.is selling B.is sold,C.was selling D.will be sold,如何写提建议的短文,写此类短文时,最重要的是掌握常用的句型,在此基础上,再根据提供的情境,提示等,明确需要提的建议,最后由此展开适当合理的写作。,Im afraid that I cant agree with you.,Why not do?,Lets do,We should/must do,Its+adj.+for sb.to do sth.,You/we need,此类书面表达的中心内容是提意见或建议,语气应委婉,有礼貌;语言有条理性。,首先,应对提建议的对象所表述的观点表示赞同或委婉反对,,其次,在表达自己的想法,若没把握将全部内容逻辑性强的表述,可采取逐条列出自己的意见或建议,,最后,,应用总结性语言再一次陈述自己的观点。,Unit 1,为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“,How to be a good learner?”,为题的征文比赛,请你踊跃投稿。,How to be a good learner?,habit,way,get ready,listen,go over,homework,study in groups,help each other,work hard,do sports,其他,1-2,条,要求:,1.,必须用上所有的内容提示,语句通顺,书写规范;,2.,词数,100,


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