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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,The creatures on the verge of extinction,制作人:余拥军 顾铭 王弟东 杨一帆,Let us give a helping hand to them,1,The Sumatran rhinocerous(白犀牛),Morphological characteristics,According to introducing,white rhino and not white,but rather blue gray or grayish brown,white rhinoceros names is Afrikaans wide a translation error caused by.White rhino runs north and south two subspecies.Southern white rhinoceros live mainly in the South Africa reserve,while the northern white rhino now only in Congo(gold)the Garamba National Park to see.,Appearance:large volum,e,Causes of extinction,:the northern white rhino in southern Africa and the white rhinoceros in the genes exist bigger difference,they have worked in the large population of Uganda,but as a result of local government lack of protection and gradually disappear.In Gualanba National Park,the number of them was in the nineteen eighties later reached 35,in 2003 April 30,thereafter there have only been 6 killed,4 new born,last month,and there are only 2 were killed,and nearly a thousand elephants were,Bai Xiniu North-survival situation,hinocerous,Congo Gualanba(Garamba)National Park has the worlds only less than 25 northern white rhinos,northern white rhinos will likely be in earth disappear completely.,Distribution range,:,Gualanba National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo border,as the original building is the original intention of going to the park to apply to become one of the world natural heritage,so the builders spare no effort,made a large area of grass and trees.Gualanba National Park has many rare animal,such as the forest elephant,gaur and chimpanzee.Of course,the most precious animal also count the number of less than 25 northern white rhinos,.,Population status,A,s a result of local government lack of protection and gradually disappear.In Gualanba National Park,the number of them was in the nineteen eighties later reached 35,in 2003 April 30,thereafter there have only been 6 killed,4 new born,last month,and there are only 2 were killed,and nearly a thousand elephants were killed.,Although Ivory rhinoceros horn and other transactions in was banned worldwide,but still be in full swing in the black market,Yemen has specialized rhinoceros horn market,where the rhinoceros horn handle dagger made numerous buyers and sellers is the focus of attention,is a symbol of identity.,The Sumatran tiger,(,苏门答腊虎),Resource:,The Sumatran tiger is a tiger subspecies in a minimal,their small size allows them to quickly pass through the jungle.,Morphological characteristics,:,The weight of male female 100-150kg,weight 75-100kg,around the face of the buccal longer hair,beard and long,systemic yellow goose.,The Sumatran tiger has all tigers most dark fur,its black stripe striped significantly,the interval between stripes is very small,and often is a pair,of front legs are also arranged,with stripes.,Living habit:,Sumatra island life range is tropical rainforest.The main food is sambar,wild boar,porcupine,crocodile,rhinoceros and elephant calves and young.Different from life in the plains of cheetahs and lions,rainforest in the Sumatran tiger must rely on latent attack prey.3,The lactation period of about 56 months,the cubs in the first 8 weeks of totally dependent on breast milk for students,approximately 6 months after a female tiger cubs started to teach their hunting skills,around the age of 2 living independently,4 years of age of sexual maturity,wild Sumatran tigers long life of 15 years,the longest lifespan in captivity for 20 year,s.,Cause for extinction:,1,habitat destruction:due to the Indonesian Sinar Mas Group APP on the Sumatran tiger forest survival to hackle denudation,resulting in a significant loss of Sumatran tiger habitat,which has made them at the verge of extinction.,2,excessive hunting:in Sumatra,tiger hunting behavior has been very rampant.In the local street,can be seen everywhere,such as tiger,tiger tiger tiger claw products sold.The huge pressure,and also makes people tiger conflict further increase.,The Sumatran tiger-protection actio,n:,Roadside support tiger sign in activities in the community formed a wide range of the profound effect of the destruction of the rainforests,Sinar Mas Group action is widely spread,voice of justice is more and more powerful,the protecting tigers rising to new heights.,3,YangtzeRiverDolphin,(白鳍豚),general description:,It is endemic to China and rare aquatic mammals,have water the panda,is perhaps the worlds most endangered cetaceans animal.In the Yangtze River about life in the 25000000 years of the baiji,Miocene and Pliocene restoration since ancient relict organisms.,Morphological characteristics,:,The body was spindle,the bare skin of hairless body,with long,it has been in existence for 25000000 years,like social,audio-visual organs severely degraded,sonar system is particularly sensitive,can detect and identify objects in the water.It is a constant temperature of animal,lung


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