教育精品:宾语从句 (2)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中考总复习系列之,宾语从句,Peter,Lisa,1.Is the earth far from Mars?(Do you know),P:,Do you know,2.Have earth men visited Mars?(Do you know),L:,I dont think(that)earth men have visited Mars.,If/whether the earth far from Mars.?,L:,I think(that)the earth is far from Mars.,P:,Do you know,If/whether earth men have visited Mars?,3.How many moons does Earth have?(Do you know),L:,I,think(that,)it has only one.,P:,Do you know,how many moons Earth has?,4.What,colour,does Earth appear?,P:,Do you know,what,colour,Earth appears?,L:,I think it(that)appears,biue,.,定义:,简单的说,宾语从句就是一个或是几个从句充当主句中的宾语成分。,知识梳理,一、连词(引导词),1.,当宾语从句是陈述句时(包括肯定句和否定 句),连词由,that,引导,因为,that,在从句中不作任何成分,也没有任何具体意思,因此在口语或非正式文体中常省略。,I,think(that)the earth is far from Mars.,Lisa doesnt think(that)earth men have visited Mars.,知识梳理,2,.,当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,由连词,whether,或,if,引导(口语中常用,if,),,因为,if/whether,翻译成:,“,是否,”,,具有一定的意义,所以不能省略,Peter wants to know,if/whether,the earth is far from Mars.,Peter doesnt know,if/whether,earth men have visited Mars.,知识梳理,3.,当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,由连接代词(,what,who,whom,which,whose,),或连接副词(,when,where,how,why,),引导,因为连接代词,或连接副词在从句中担任一定的句子成分,具,有一定的意义,所以不可以省略。,Do you know how many moons Earth has?,Do you know what,colour,Earth appears?,知识梳理,Lisa knows Peter comes tomorrow.,2.Peter didnt know if/whether earth men has visited Mars.,3.Lisa wondered what time Peter came the next day.,4.Peter has decided that he would learn English well.,5.Lisa told Peter that light travelled faster than sound.,6.Peter asks Lisa if she goes fishing when she is free.,will come,had,would come,will,travels,will go,二、时态,1.,如果主句是现在的时态(包括一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等),I know he lives here .,I know he lived here ten years ago.,I have heard that he will come tomorrow.,知识梳理,2.,如果主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),那么从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时),I knew who lived here.,I saw she was talking with her mother.,He asked whether his father would come back,tomorrow.,He said that he had seen it,.,知识梳理,3.,当从句是客观真理,定义,公理,定理时用一般现在时。,The teacher said that the sun travels,around the earth.,知识梳理,1.His brother asks when,will he go to,the library.,His brother asks when,he will go to,the library.,I dont know what,does he want to,buy.,I dont know what,he wants to,buy.,3.Can you tell me who,are we going to,meet?,Can you tell me who,we are going to,meet?,4.We want to know if/whether,does he know,French.,We want to know if/whether,he knows,French.,5.They re not sure if/whether,will they go to,Canada in summer.,They re not sure if/whether,they will go to,Canada in summer,.,6.Peter doesnt know,what the matter is.,Peter doesnt know,what is the matter.,三、语序,宾语从句的语序用陈述语序:,连接词,+,主语,+,谓语,+,其他成分,知识梳理,1,could/would,是委婉语气,而不是过去式,因此宾语从句的时态根据实际情况用不同时态。,注意事项,Could you please tell me where we show our,tickets?,Could you tell us which gate we have to go to?,Would you like to know when he will come back?,2.,如果主句的谓语动词是,ask,时,连词不可能是,that,;,如果主句的谓语动词是,say,时,连词用,that,She says(that)she will leave a message on,his desk.,He said(that)he was going to take care of,the child.,He asks if I like playing the piano.,You may ask the man over there how you,can get to the bus station.,如果主句是,be not sure(certain),时,从句也不能用,that;,而主句如果是,Are you sure(certain),时,从句只能用,that.,Im not sure if/whether the earth appears blue.,Im not certain how far the Mars is from the earth.,Are you sure(that)the Mars has two moons,?,3.,如果从句中含有,or,或,or not,时,只能用,whether,而不用,if,Could you tell me,whether,thats a fast,train,or not,?,Do you know,whether,he is right,or not,?,I dont care,whether,hell stay here,or not,.,主 句,从 句,一般将来时态,一般现在时态,祈使句,含有情态动词,Do you know if _back next week?If he _ back,please let me know.,A.he comes,will come B.will he come,comes,C.he will come,comes D.he will come,will come,4.,连词,if,和,when,在不同从句中的区别:,C,I dont know when he _(come).I cant wait here any more.When he _(come),would you please ask him to call me?,will come,comes,5.,连词,+,宾语从句 连词,+to do,I dont know what I shall do next.,I dont know what to do next.,She didnt decide which one she would choose.,She didnt decide which one to choose.,Please tell me whom youll give the letter to.,Please tell me whom to give the letter to,.,宾语从句中考题练兵:,一、单项选择,()1.I dont think he will come here on time,?(,重庆,),A.wont he B.will he C.does he D.is he,()2.Will you please tell me,?(,上海,),A.where,Pudong,Airport is,B.how far,Pudong,Airport was,C.how can we get to,Pudong,Airport,D.when was,Pudong,Airport built,()3.Its not polite to ask people,in England.(,常州,),A.how much money they have got B.what the weather is like,C.what your city looks like D.how old are they,()4.I wonder if he,tonight.If he,Ill let you know.(,扬州,),A.will come;will come B.comes;comes,C.will come;comes D.comes;will come,B,A,A,C,()5.I cant say,I want to see him again.We havent seen,each other for nearly three years.(,镇江,),A.how long B.how soon C.how often D.how much,()6.Mr.Green told me that he,on a trip next Sunday.(,通化,),A.are going B.was going C.will go D.would going,(,),7.Our geog


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