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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中考总复习,-,阅读理解,D,试题及答题技巧分析,主要内容:,1.,阅读理解,D,在中考中的地位和作用,2.,阅读理解,D,的文章类型及特点。,3.,阅读理解,D,的试题类型及特点。,4.,答题技巧分析,阅读理解,D,的文体特点及结构特征。,类型:科普类文章,话题内容:天文、地理、医学、建筑、物理、,环境、气候等。,体裁:说明文,结构特征:逻辑性强、层次分明、段落清晰,语言:准确、无感情色彩,句式较长,结构,较复杂,难句较多,语法分析较困难。,阅读理解,D,的试题类型及特点。,46,题:猜词,47,题:细节考察,48,题:读图,49,题:判断句子正误,50,题:主旨,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,-,解释猜词法,例如:,The typewriter has a,carriage,which holds and moves the,paper.,carriage:,夹送纸张的装置,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,-,正反对比猜词法,例如:,I think theyre,impolite,. They,should stand up and receive the,gift with,courtesy,.,courtesy,:有礼貌地,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,-,比较猜词法,例如:,Animals have different living,habits.,Some like to look for,food at daytime,and sleep at,night,but,some like to sleep at,daytime and,prowl,at night.,prowl,:寻找食物,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,-,因果关系猜词法,例如:,We were unable to get enough,money and,therefore,we had to,abandon,the project.,abandon,:放弃,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,-,同义词猜词法,例如:,There was a lot of,traffic,on the,roads. Yet lots of,vehicles,on,the roads have caused safety,environmental and energy,problems.,vehicles,:车辆,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,-,背景知识猜词法,例如:,When,a doctor does and operation,on a patient, he usually gives an,anesthetic,to make him,unconscious, because he does not,want his patient to feel pain or to,know what is happening to him.,anesthetic,:麻醉剂,unconscious,:,无知觉的,答题技巧,-,如何猜词,局部代入法,-,构词法猜词法,例如:,With a history of more than 2,000,years, some parts of the Great Wall,are now in ruins or have even,disappear,.,disappear:,消失,局部代入法的种类:,解释猜词法,正反对比猜词法,比较猜词法,因果关系猜词法,同义词猜词法,背景知识猜词法,构词法猜词法,2008,中考,But the top, which is called,crest, keeps,moving.,( )48. The underlined word “crest” in,the passage means _in,Chinese.,A.,波峰,B.,波谷,C.,波长,A,解释猜词法,2009,市模,As the warmer air,expands,,,a low pressure (,压力,) forms near the top of the mountain,( )46,The underlined word“expands,in the passage means“_” in,Chinese,A,沉淀,B,膨胀,C,爆炸,B,背景知识猜词法,2010,市模,The two pictures can be made into a 3D picture. However, we cant see,stereoscopic,effect on the photos or on TV, thats because what we see on them is always on the same surface (,表面,).,( )46. The underlined word “stereoscopic”,in the passage means “_”in,Chinese.,A.,平面的,B.,立体的,C.,放大的,正反对比猜词法,B,2010,中考,Surface skin cells fit together closely with no,gaps,between them,( )46,The underlined word “gaps” in,the passage means “_”in,Chinese,A,突起,B,条纹,C,缝隙,C,同义词猜词法,2006,中考,Nowadays more and more people care about the exploration,(开采),of the natural,resources, such as oil.,( ),46.The word “resources” in the,passage means,.,A.,资源,B.,现象,C.,商品,解释猜词法,A,答题技巧,-,如何选图,图文结合法,常识判断法,找茬排除法,答题技巧,-,如何选图,排序类,( ) 48. When the flood comes,can describe the,working steps of the MOSE gates.,(,11,中考),Before the gates are in use, they are under the sea and full of water. When the flood comes, the water in the gates will be poured out, and then the gate will be filled with air. So the gates can go up with the sea water.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序),图文结合法,( ) 48. When the flood comes,can describe the,working steps of the MOSE gates.,(,11,中考),Before,the gates are in use,they are under the sea and full of water,. When the flood comes, the water in the gates will be poured out, and,then the gate will be filled with air,. So the gates can,go up,with the sea water.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序),B,( ) 48. When the flood comes,can describe the,working steps of the MOSE gates.,(,11,中考),Before,the gates are in use,they are under the sea and full of water,. When the flood comes, the water in the gates will be poured out, and,then the gate will be filled with air,. So the gates can,go up,with the sea water.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序)常,识判断法,B,( ) 48. When the flood comes,can describe the,working steps of the MOSE gates.,(,11,中考),答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序),找茬排除法,B,( )48Skin cells heal cuts in three steps_ is the right,order,(10,中考),Aabc,Bbca,Cacb,First,,,the cells near the cut get bigger and move into the gap,Next,,,these bigger cells meet in the middle,They form a new layer(,层,)of skin cells,Finally,,,new cells will grow until the gap disappears completely,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序),图文结合法,( )48Skin cells heal cuts in three steps_ is the right,order,(10,中考),Aabc,Bbca,Cacb,First,,,the cells near the cut get,bigger,and move into the gap,Next,,,these bigger cells,meet in the middle,They form a new layer(,层,)of skin cells,Finally,,,new cells will,grow until the gap disappears,completely,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序,),B,( )48Skin cells heal cuts in three steps_ is the right,order,(10,中考),Aabc,Bbca,Cacb,First,,,the cells near the cut get,bigger,and,move into,the gap,Next,,,these bigger cells,meet in the middle,They form a new layer(,层,)of skin cells,Finally,,,new cells will,grow until the gap disappears,completely,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序)常,识判断法,B,( ),47. Match (与相匹配) the sentences with the,pictures and choose the right answer.,(08,中考),(1) The basketball moves up to the top with the wave.,(2) The wave continues and leaves the basketball behind.,(3) When the wind blows, a wave comes from behind the basketball.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序),图文结合法,C,( ),47. Match (与相匹配) the sentences with the,pictures and choose the right answer.,(08,中考),(1) The basketball moves up to the top with the wave.,(2) The wave continues and leaves the basketball behind.,(3) When the wind blows, a wave comes from behind the basketball.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(排序),找茬排除法,C,答题技巧,-,如何选图,识图类,( )48. Picture,_,shows how stereoscopic effect is made in,the right way.,(10,模拟),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,And then, these scenes are actually shown at the same time by two filter projectors (,放映机,) that are placed on the left and right side of the 3D movie theater. Now what we need is 3D glasses which also have red and blue filters. The red filter of 3D glasses can make red light less or even disappear so that we can see the scenes the blue filter projector gives, meantime the blue filter of 3D glasses works in the same way, too.,( )48. Picture,_,shows how stereoscopic effect is made in,the right way.,(10,模拟),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),And then, these scenes are actually shown at the same time by,two filter projectors (,放映机,),that are placed on the left and right side of the 3D movie theater. Now what we need is 3D glasses which also have red and blue filters.,The red filter of 3D glasses can make red light less or even disappear so that we can see the scenes the blue filter projector gives, meantime the blue filter of 3D glasses works in the same way, too.,A,( )48. Picture,_,shows how stereoscopic effect is made in,the right way.,(10,模拟),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),找茬排除法,A,( )48. Picture_ shows how the iPhones,touchscreen works.(11,市模),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,When the screen is touched, the charge (,电荷,) from the human body can affect the charge from the capacitive screen which is behind the surface screen, and pull a small amount of charge of the touch point, creating a voltage (,电压,) hill, then the charge from four corners of the capacitive screen runs to the voltage hill.,( )48. Picture_ shows how the iPhones,touchscreen works.(11,市模),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),When the screen is touched, the charge (,电荷,) from the human body can affect the charge from,the capacitive screen which is behind the surface screen, and pull a small amount of charge of the touch point, creating a voltage (,电压,) hill, then,the charge from four corners of the capacitive screen runs to,the voltage,hill.,B,( )48. Picture_ shows how the iPhones,touchscreen works.(11,市模),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),找茬排除法,B,( )49_ shows the circle of mountain breezes in the,right way,(09,市模),During the night,,,the breezes blow oppositely(,反向的,),The air along the mountain sides begins to cool quickly without sunshine,As the air there cools,,,it begins to go down,,,causing a mountain breeze,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,( )49_ shows the circle of mountain breezes in the,right way,(09,市模),During,the night,,,the breezes blow oppositely(,反向的,),The air along the mountain sides,begins to cool quickly without sunshine,As the air there cools,,,it begins to,go down,,,causing a mountain breeze,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),A,( )49_ shows the circle of mountain breezes in the,right way,(09,市模),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),找茬排除法,A,( )48,Picture _shows how E1 Nin6 causes a,drought in Australia,(09,中考,),During an E1 Nino weather pattern, the winds change,direction,They blow from,west to east,across the Pacific Ocean,The storms no longer move across Australia,So Australia gets very little rain during E1 Nino,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,( )48,Picture _shows how E1 Nin6 causes a,drought in Australia,(09,中考,),During an E1 Nino weather pattern, the winds change,direction,They blow from,west to east,across the Pacific Ocean,The storms no longer move across Australia,So Australia gets very little rain during E1 Nino,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),B,( )49. _shows low tides and high tides in the right,way.,(08,模拟),When the Moon is,overhead, forming a high tide,.,At the same time,the oceans on the opposite(,另一面的,) side of the Earth making another high tide,as the Earth is pulled toward the Moon,.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,( )49. _shows low tides and high tides in the right,way.,(08,模拟),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),When the Moon is,overhead, forming a high tide,.,At the same time,the oceans on the opposite(,另一面的,) side of the Earth making another high tide,as the Earth is pulled toward the Moon,.,B,( )49. _shows low tides and high tides in the right,way.,(08,模拟),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),找茬排除法,B,( )48. Picture _ tells us how harmful chemicals,pollute our environment.,(,12,中考),When people drive their cars, fumes which are most made up of CO2, NO2 and SO2 are given off. After the gases get into the air, they may mix with clouds.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,( )48. Picture _ tells us how harmful chemicals,pollute our environment.,(,12,中考),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),When people drive their,cars, fumes which are most made up of,CO2, NO2 and SO2,are given off. After the gases get into the air, they may mix with clouds.,A,( )48. Picture _ tells us how harmful chemicals,pollute our environment.,(,12,中考),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),找茬排除法,A,( ) 48. Picture _ shows the right features of,different particulate matters.,(,12,市模),PM 10 particulates like dust and dirt PM 2.5 particulates are made up smoke, metal, liquid dropsHowever, PM0.1particulates are some tiny chemical material like C or N .,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,( ) 48. Picture _ shows the right features of,different particulate matters.,(,12,市模),PM 10,particulates like,dust and dirt,PM 2.5,particulates are made up,smoke, metal, liquid drops,However,PM0.1,particulates are some tiny chemical material like,C or N,.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),A,( ) 48. Picture _ shows the right features of,different particulate matters.,(,12,市模),答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),找茬排除法,A,( )46. _shows the man-made things in space in the,correct way.,(2007,中考),About,30%,of these are satellites(,卫星,),10%,are spaceships, and the rest are space junk.,答题技巧,-,如何选图(识图类),图文结合法,C,答题技巧,-,如何找中心,过渡句判定法,首尾呼应判定法,主题句判定法,过渡句判定法,When we have small cuts in the skin(,皮肤,),,,something strange may happen,The cuts are able to heal(,痊愈,) themselves in a couple of days,How does this happen? Read on,,,and you will find out the secret,( )50,The best title for this passage should be _,A,HOW SKIN CELLS HEAL CUT,B,THE IMPORTANCE OF SKIN,C,HOW TO PROTECT OUR FINGERS,2010,中考,A,首尾呼应判定法,Scientists think that a weather pattern(,形式,)called E,l,Nino(,厄尔尼诺现象,)caused the drought(,干旱,)in Australia,E1 Nin6 causes different weather in different parts of the world,It causes a lot of rain and floods in some places,It causes droughts in other places,Droughts can badly affect people and the land,E1 Nin6 lasts about a year,The Australian drought of 1982-1983 affected thousands of people and animals,The drought cost the country over$3,000,,,000,,,000,It was a reminder(,提示,)to Australians of how the weather could change their lives,( )50,Whats the main idea of the passage?,A,A drought happened in South America,B,E1 Nino caused a great drought in Australia,C,Australia got much rain during E1 Nino.,2009,中考,B,主题句判定法,2007,中考,As space science develops,,,man has learned more and more about space. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous.,While working in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success,.,Scientists have found out that radiation(,辐射,)is the greatest danger to spacemen in space.,When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of radiation from the sun and the stars, which is bad for their health. The damage(,危害,)done by radiation wont be discovered until their children or ever grandchildren are born. Some special medicine may work a little, but not really helpful medicine.,Space junk(,垃圾,) is also thought a great danger to spacemen.,Its reported that there are 9,000 man-made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites(,卫星,),10% are spaceships, and the rest are space junk. An explosion(,爆炸,) in 1996 made a cloud of 300,000,fragments, each at least 4mm in size, and even a small piece of these knocked against a spaceship window and did some damage. Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger all the time. They are working on helpful ways to do with space junk.,Although space is really dangerous, it interests everyone on the earth.,In the near future, it may become usual for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should care for space and do something to help improve the space environment.,( )50,The best title(,标题,) of the,passage is_.,A,Space Radiation,B,Space Danger,C,Space Junk,主题句判定法,2007,中考,B,1.句子中原因状语从句因果关系的变化。,2.选项中only,all 等表范围的词的变化。,3.数字的变化,4.形容词、副词正反义词的变化,e.g. different=not the same,something- nothing,5. 时间变化,e.g. day-night,6. 位置变化 e.g. on the top-mountian,valley,答题技巧,-,如何,判断正误,


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