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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,I like .best.,country music,light music,jazz,music,Rock music,classical music,pop music,What kind of music do you like best?,你最喜欢什么种类的音乐?,I like,that I can dance to,Unit 6,Period 1,Designed by Xu Benhua,A:What kind of music do you like best?,B:I like,pop,music,.,A:why?,B:Because I,can dance to,it,.,I like,misic,that,I,can dance to,.,Make a conversation,What kind of music do you like?,鲜花曾告诉我你怎样走过,大地知道你心中的每一个角落,甜蜜的梦啊谁都不会错过,终于迎来今天这欢聚时刻.,I enjoy music,that,has great lyrics.,有多少次挥汗如雨 伤痛着填满记忆 只因为始终相信 去拼搏才能胜利 总是在鼓舞自己 要成功就得努力,热血在赛场沸腾 巨人在东方升起 多少次挥汗如雨 伤痛着填满记忆 只因为始终相信 去拼搏才能胜利,has great lyrics,sing along with,I like,misic,that,I,can dance to,I like music,that,I can sing along with,.,dance to,A:What kind of music do you like best?,B:I like,pop,music,.,A:why?,B:Because It,is crazy,.,I like,misic,that,is crazy.,Make a conversation,crazy,nice,crazy,interesting,gentle,exciting,Free talk,I like,misic,that,is,relaxing,.,A:What kind of musicians do you like best?,B:I like,Mozart,.,A:why?,B:Because,he can write his own lyrics,.,I like,misician,w,h,o,can write his own lyrics.,Make a conversation,play all kinds of music,write his own lyrics,write his own music,sing clearly,I like,misician,w,h,o,can write his own lyrics.,Free talk,A:What kind of musical groups do you like best?,B:I like,Zero Band,.,A:why?,B:Because T,hey can encourage us.,I like,misical group,w,h,o,can encourage us.,Make a conversation,Zero Band,Beatles Bank,I like,misical group,t,h,at,can encourage us.,encourage us,has different musical style,A:What kind of music program do you like best?,B:I like,The same song,.,A:why?,B:Because it is,wet.,I like,music program,that,has pop songs,Make a conversation,challenge the microphone,the same song,I love remembering the words of songs,Good voice in Chia,I like,music program,that,has pop songs,A:What kind of weather do you like best?,B:I like,rainy days.,A:why?,B:Because it is,wet.,I like weather,that,is warm /sunny/warm,.,Make a conversation,sunny/hot,rainy/wet,I like weather,that,is,wet,.,cloudy/cool,snowy/cold,Free talk,A:What,.,do you like?,B:I like How about you?,A:I prefer ,Groupwork,I like,music,.,it isnt aloud.,I like,music,that,isnt,aloud,Summarize,先行词,关系词,定语从句,修饰先行词,I like,frineds,who,like,sports.,人,(n.)+,who,+,从句,物,(n.)+,that,+,从句,谓语动词的单复数,应与先行词保持一致,I prefer,shoes,that,are,cool.,I like a,pizza,that,is,really delicious.,I love,singers,who,are,beautiful.,I have,a friend,who,plays,sports.,定语从句并不难,先行词,很关键,物用that 人用who,差异之大英和汉,定语位置各不同,英语在后,汉(语)在前,中考考点“数”变化,单复一致,高分(出)现。,阅读下列句子,用,who/that,填空。,1.I have a,brother,_ likes soccer.,2.Tom doesn,t like,movies,_are too long and too scary.,3.We prefer,groups,_ play,loud and energetic songs.,4.,He likes,friends,_ often help each other.,who,that,that,who,Exercise,请将下列题中的两个句子用that/who合并成一个句子。,1,I like,music,.,The music,is loud and exciting.,_.,2.She loves,movies,.,The movies,are romantic.,_.,3.Tony likes,music,.He can dance to,the music.,_,4.We have,a good teacher,.,The teacher,is very beautiful,_,I like music,that is loud and exciting.,She loves movies that are romantic.,Tony likes music that he can dance to,.,We have a good teacher who is very beautifu,l.,have a try,Fill in the blanks,I prefer Li Yong who,_,so humor.,We prefer the program,s,that,_,interesting.,is,are,homework,A,组,:,假如你是班上的团支部书记,班级组织活动需要购买一些音乐光碟,购买之前你需要调查同学们所喜欢的音乐类型,把你的调查结果用书面的形式并运用本节课所学的知识汇总出来。不少于四种类型。,B,组,:,识记短语和,grammar focus,的句子。,


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