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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,在XX市选派工作总结分析表彰暨选派干部到村任职欢送大会上的致辞,为认真总结我市选派工作经验,隆重表彰全市第三批选派工作先进典型,欢送第四批选派干部奔赴新的工作岗位,市委决定召开这次大会。今天的会议不仅是一次总结会、表彰会、欢送会,更是一次深入学习沈浩同志先进事迹,鼓劲加压、谋求选派工作更大成效的会议。刚才,会议表彰了一批选派工作先进单位、优秀选派干部和选派工作先进工作者,并安排不同类型的代表分别作了典型发言。在此,我代表市委向三年多来坚持工作在农村第一线的选派干部致以诚挚的问候!向多年来关心、支持、帮助选派工作和选派干部的各级党组织表示衷心的感谢!向受表彰的先进单位和先进个人表示热烈的祝贺!向即将投身新农村建设第一线的第四批选派干部表示亲切的慰问!下面,我就选派工作讲几点意见,供大家参考。,一、认真总结我市选派工作的成功经验,进一步推动选派工作深入开展,XX年10月,我市第三批共选派了159名优秀年轻党员干部到乡镇、村任职,任期三年。其:省选派的7名干部在全市7个新农村建设示范乡镇任党委副书记,市选派的152名干部在新农村建设示范村或相对落后村任党组织书记或,第一书记。,三年来,市委、,Listening and speaking:,Penfriends from different countries,Writing:,A letter to your penfriend,Welcome to our class!,The 2016 Olympic Games,What does it make you think of?,Did you watch the Olympic games on TV?,People from different countries take part in it.,Where are they from?(Name some countries.),Phelps,Fu Yuanhui,Li Zongwei,Fuyuan Ai,What do we call people from,China,?,We call them_.,Chinese,Where are they from?,We call people from,Canada,Canadian(s),the UK,/,Britain,British,the USA/America,American(s),China,Chinese,We call people from,Australia,Australian(s),Japan,Japanese,India,Indian(s),Is Brazil,near,or,far away from,China?,Brazil is far away from China.,Is Japan,near,or,far away from,China?,Japan is near China.,_is(,near,/,far away from),China.,Have you,visited these countries before?,Have you,read about these countries before?,If we want to learn something about those countries,visit them,read about them,?,?,?,Think and say,penfriend,use,watch,see,chat,Phelps,Fu Yuanhui,Li Zongwei,Fuyuan,Ai,Lang Ping,American,Chinese,Malaysian,Japanese,Chinese,Penfriends,International,Who,would they like to write to?,What,would they like to know about her?,Would you like to write to a penfriend in another country?What would you like to know about your penfriend?,Id like to write to,Fu Yuanhui.,Id like to know her _,and _.,Id like to write to,Fu Yuanhui,too.,Id like to know her _,_.,Id,also like,to write to,Fu Yuanhui.,Id like to know her _,_.,What,would they like to know about her?,Phelps,Fu Yuanhui,Li Zongwei,Fuyuan,Ai,Lang Ping,American,Chinese,Malaysian,Japanese,Chinese,Penfriends,International,Who would you like to write to?,What would you like to know about your penfriend?,I would like to write to _.,Id like to know his/her_ and _,What did she tell,us?,Hello,everyone.,My name is,Fu Yuanhui,.I am,a girl,from,Zhejiang,Hangzhou.,I am,Chinese,.I am,twenty,years old.There are,three people,in my family,.,They are,my father,my mother and me.,My favourite sports is,swimming and I am good at it.,I like,sing,ing,watch,ing,cartoons,and play,ing,with little dogs.,I would like to be,your penfriend,.,Please tell me about yourself.,Sex,Age,Nationality,School,Interests,Favourite,food/drinks,Favourite subjects,Family,Pet,Introduce yourself,I am a boy/girl.,I amyears old.,I am.;I am/come from,I go to/study inSchool.,I like/love/enjoy doing.,There arepeople in my family.,They are,I have a His name is,My favourite,is/are,Introduce yourself to your penfriend,10 September,I am a lady from Shanghai.,I am Chinese.I am forty years old.There are three people in my family.They are my husband,my son and me.All of us like sports.We often talk about sports in our free time.,I teach English in Gaoqiao Middle School.,Our school is like a garden with flowers and trees.Its very beautiful.I like teaching students because they are lovely.,I hope to hear from you.Please write soon and tell me,about yourself.,Yours,Jane,A letter to Langping,I also like running,watching films and reading books.,My favorite film is Star Wars because it is exciting.My dream is to be a great teacher in the future.,Dear Langping:,I saw you at the Rio Olympic Games.,I like you very much.I would like to be your penfriend.,I am a lady from Shanghai.,I am Chinese.I am forty years old.There are three people in my family.They are my husband,my son and me.All of us like sports.We often talk about sports in our free time,.,A,I teach English in Gaoqiao Middle School.,Our school is like a garden with flowers and trees.Its very beautiful.I like teaching students because they are lovely,.,B,I also like running,watching films and,reading books.My favorite film is Star Wars because it is excIting.My dream is to be a great teacher in the future,.,C,Personal,Information,Family life,School life,Interests,Favourite,dream,Would you like to write to,Them,?,I would like to write to,Phelps,How many can you get?,the layout,(格式),of the letter,:,_,personal information,(sex,age,nationality):,_,Some information:,family life,_,school life,_,interests,_,More Information:_,Key sentences,(I would like to/My favorite/I like):_,Good handwriting:_,You can get _stars,A Letter to my penfriend,21 September,Dear_,I saw you at the Rio Olympic Games.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Yours,_.,Share and evaluate(,评价),Give to your classmates!,More friends,more happiness,Homework:,Polish your letter to make it much better,


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