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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson37,The Westhaven Express,Express,going,sent or delivered quickly,(进行,传递或运送)迅速的,:,express delivery,快递,(2)fast train that stops at few stations,快车,:,the 8.00 am express to Nanjing,早上,8,点开往南京的快车,.,(3)service provided by the post office,railways,road services,etc for carrying goods quickly,(邮局,铁路,公路等部门提供的)快邮,速递,速运,:,send goods by express,特快货运,EMS express mail service,(4),sth(to sb)show or make known(a feeling,an opinion,etc)by words,looks,actions,etc,(用语言,神色,动作等)表示或表达(感情,意见等),:,客人们临走前表示了谢意,.,The guests expressed their thanks before leaving.,We have learnt to expect that trains will be punctual.After years of conditioning,most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables.,我们已经习惯于相信火车总是准点的。经过多年的适应,大多数人对火车时刻表产生了一种不可动摇的信念。,Punctual,If you are punctual,you do something or arrive somewhere at the right time and are not late.,a.,准时的,(=neither early nor late),be punctual in doing sth,在做。事方面相当准时,-In the modern society,we must be punctual in what we are doing.,be punctual to the minute,非常的准时,-He is a man who is punctual to the minute.,Punctually Unpunctual,Punctuality,Condition,sb/sth(to sth/to do sth)accustom sb/sth;train sb/sth(=Form a habit in),使某人,某事物,习惯,;,训练某人,-Society has conditioned each one of us.,这个社会已经使我们大家都适应了。,Be condition to,-Each one of us has been conditioned to society.,-the plants have been conditioned to the cold weather here.(plant,做主语,),-The cold weather has conditioned the plants here.(cold weather,做主语,),n.,条件,on condition that,在,条件下如果,on no condition,在任何情况下都不,(,用在句首句子必须采用倒装,),在任何情况下都不能迟到。,On no condition must you be late.,in good/bad condition,情况良好,(,不好,),keep faith with sb,对某人守信用,put ones faith in sth,对,有信心,词汇比较:,faith,深信不疑,信仰,(,比,belief,程度更重一些,),belief,可信赖,可接受,conviction,坚定的信念,trust,相信,依赖,credit,完全相信,-I have full credit in your ability to do this job.,have learnt to expect that,已经习惯于期待,-We have learnt to expect that all friends will be helpful in need of danger.,(1).,介词,of,后接动名词形式,意为:经过多年的适应,.,(2).Develop an unshakable faith in sth.,对于,形成了一种不可动摇的信念。,-Most of us have developed an unshakable faith in our teachers.,Ships may be delayed by storms;flights may be cancelled because of bad weather;but trains must be on time.,轮船船期可能因风暴而推延,飞机航班可能因恶劣天气而取消,唯有火车必然是准点的。,cancel v.,取消,-we have to cancel the appointment.,词汇比较:,Call off,取消,解除,(,可以替换,cancel),Abolish,废除,-The law was abolished.,Write off,注销,勾销,-Write off the name.,Cross out,划掉,-The word here is useless,please cross it out.,On time=punctual a.,准时的,Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway services.,只有非同寻常的大雪才可能暂时打乱铁路运行。,Exceptionally=unusual/uncommonly,used before an adjective or adverb to emphasize how strong or unusual the quality is:,不同寻常的,特别的,(,用于加强语气,),The weather,even for January,was exceptionally cold.,Dislocate,put(a bone)out of its proper position in a joint,关节使(骨头)脱位,:,dislocate ones ankle,wrist,etc,使脚踝,手腕等脱臼,a dislocated shoulder,脱了臼的肩膀,.,stop(a system,plan,etc)from working as it should;disrupt,扰乱(制度,计划等),:,大雾将飞机的班次搅乱了,.,Flights have been dislocated by the fog.,Dislocate railway services=put railway services out of order,It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong.,因此,一旦铁路上真出了问题,人们便不加思索地责备铁路当局。,Too.to,结构中,在,too,之前出现了,all,only,but,not,等词时,,to,后的从句就有肯定意义。,-One is never too old to learn.,活到老学到老。,The truth is that when mistakes occur,they are more likely to be ours than theirs.,事实上,差错很可能是我们自己,而不是铁路当局的。,Ours=our mistakes.Theirs=their mistakes.,句型:,be likely to do,有可能,-He is likely to arrive tomorrow evening.,-You are likely to get success if you work hard.,与,likely(,有可能的,),有关的句型:,1.,be likely to do,It is likely that,他及到达这里是有可能的。,-It is likely that he arrives here in time.,After,consulting,my railway timetable,I,noted with satisfaction,that there was an express train to Westhaven.,我查看了列车时刻表,满意地了解到有一趟去威斯特海温的快车。,After consulting,是介词,+,动名词构成的时间状语,,=after I had consulted my timetable.,After I,having consulted,my railway timetable,It went direct from my local station and the journey lasted a mere hour and seventeen minutes.,这是趟直达车,旅途总共才需,1,小时,17,分钟。,mere,nothing more than;no better or more important than,仅仅的,;,只不过,;,不超过,:,她只不过是个孩子,.,Shes a mere child.,When I boarded the train,I,could not help noticing,that,a great many,local people,got on as well,.At the time,this did not,strike,me,as,odd.,上车后,我不禁注意到许多当地人也上了车。一开始,我并不感到奇怪。,Strike sb as,sb(as sth)have an effect on sb;impress sb(in the way specified),对某人产生某种效果,;,(以某种方式)给某人留下印象,:,As,后面可以接分词,名词,形容词。,我觉得这个计划荒谬可笑,.,The plan strikes me as ridiculous.,The activity struck me as wasting time.,这次活动给我的印象就是浪费时间。,I reflected that there must be a great many people besides myself who wished to take advantage of this excellent service.,我想除我之外,想利用快车之便的也一定大有人在。,Reflect,sb/sth(in sth)(of a mirror,etc)make a visible image of sb/sth,(指镜子等)映出某人,某物,的影像,:,trees reflected in a window/lake,窗上,湖中,映出的树影,(on/upon sth)think deeply about,or remind oneself of,past events;consider,沉思或思忆(往事),;,思考,:,I nee


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