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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Family life,(Vocabulary),personal=private/own adj.,个人的,me,daughter,son,Who are the people in the family tree?,They,are my_.,grandparents,parents,uncle aunt,brother,daughter,/dt/,n.,女儿,=,someone,s,female,child,Family tree,族谱,cousins,adj.,女性的,My family members,Can you introduce your family?,Personal report,There are _ people in my family.They are my _.,I love all my family very much.,We,have a close,relationship,(,关系亲密,),and we always,support each other(,互相支持,),.,relationship,n.,(,人、团体或国家间的,),关系,relation,n.,(,事物之间的,),关系;亲戚,relative n.,亲戚,Q:Who makes most of the,decisions,in your family?,A:_ makes decisions in our family.For example,he/she,decides,my.,decision n.,决定,decide,v.,决定,decide,to do sth.,决定做某事,make a decision to do sth.,Q:Do your parents,set,rules,for you?,A:Yes,they do.For example,.,/No,they dont.Because.,“,I dont think all of what parents have done for us is wrong.In fact,they,make rules,to help us.We are young,but not serious enough to do everything well.My parents are also strict with me.They dont allow me to do many things.,However,I understand why they are like that.They are trying to lead me to a healthy and correct way to grow healthily.,What do you think?”,-,摘自双语报第,4,期,A,篇阅读,set rules,=make rules,v.,定规则,What kind of person is your,?,I,suppose,my(grand)father/brother is a _ man/boy because he always_.,busy,hard-working,patient,kind,strict,fashionable,gentle,intelligent,optimistic,I,suppose,my(grand)mother/sister is a _ lady/girl because she always_.,fashionable,adj.,流行的,;,时髦的,=,popular,(反义词),unfashionable,fashion,n.,时尚,;,流行款式,adj.,乐观的,suppose=think,v.,认为,watching films,cooking,meal,s,going shopping,talking and,sharing,taking trips,My family often spend time _ together.,meal,n.,一顿饭,cook/prepare meals,做饭,have a meal,吃饭,havefor meals,正餐吃,share,v,.分享,/,e,/,share sth.with sb.,和某人分享某物,sports meeting,basketball match,speech competition,the New Year Art Show,parent-teacher meeting,Do your family take part in your school,events?,event,/,vent,/,n.,公开活动,=activity,区别:,even adv.,甚至,preparing meals,tidying my bedroom,folding clothes,I often,help,with,the housework,s,uch as _.,Do you often,help with,the housework?,mopping the floor,washing the dishes,iron,ing clothes,iron,/,an,/,v.,熨,;,熨,n.,熨斗,;,铁,washing clothes,help with the housework=help do the housework,Do you ever,.,Yes,No,prepare meals?,wash the dishes?,wash clothes?,iron clothes?,tidy your bedroom?,Do you do any other,type,s of housework?,I,f,so,what are they?,In,groups,ask the questions below.,(P43),type,/,tap,/n.,类型,;,种类,a type of=a kind/sort of,一种,type v.,打字,typist n.,打字员,Report your groups results to the class.,(P43),Examples:(,用一般现在时,),There are,4 students in my group.,1 student,prepares,meals.,3 students,dont prepare,meals.,.,Do you ever,.,Yes,No,prepare meals?,wash the dishes?,wash clothes?,iron clothes?,tidy your bedroom?,Do you do any,other types,of housework?,I,f,so,what are they?,TV set,washing machine,fridge,air conditioner,possessions,n.,个人财产,;,私人物品,/,pzen,/,possess,v.,拥有,持有,Q:What possessions do you have in your family?,A:In my family,we have many,possessions,like_.,Vocabulary,exercise 1,Match the words with their English meaning.(,英英释义连线,),1.daughter,2.fashionable,3.meal,4.share,5.type,6.suppose,7.possession,8.relationship,9.event,10.personal,someones female child,the way in which two people or two groups feel about each other,popular,an occasion when you eat food,for example breakfast,have or use something with others,activity,think,kind,things that you own or have,own,女儿,关系,流行的,一顿饭,分享,公开活动,认为,种类,个人财产,Answers:15 a c d e h 610 g i b f j,个人的,Fill the blanks with proper words.,Vocabulary,exercise 2,1.It,s time to make a _(decide),go abroad or not?,2.The _(fashion)clothes cost the girls so much.,3.This is my own _(person)things.You can,t decide for me.,4.Do you do other _(type)of housework?,5.About 2000 athletes will compete in 60 _(event)in the next Olympics.,6.It,s necessary for teachers _(set)rules for students.,7.My dad has already _(decide)to give up smoking,.,decision,fashionable,personal,types,events,to set,decided,Its adj.for sb.to do sth.,对某人来说,做某事是怎样的,Fill the blanks with proper phrases.,1.In order to _,parents and children should communicate a lot.,2.We are a family so we need to _ when are in trouble.,3.My mum enjoys _ in her free time and her dishes are probably the best in the world.,4.Why not _ at my home today?Let me cook for you!,5.People in Southern China usually _ rice _.,6.It is not my personal room.I _ it _ my younger sister.,7.I teach him,Maths,.In return,he _ my English.,8.What _ music do you like-pop or classical(,古典音乐,),?,have a close relationship,support each other,cook/prepare meals,have a meal,have for meals,share,sth,.with sb.,help with housework,a type of,have a close relationship,support each other,cook,ing,meals,have a meal,have,for meals,share,with,help,s,with,type of,Vocabulary,exercise 3,2,5,6,Do 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