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24,th,Winter Olympic Games,will be held,in Beijing and Zhangjiakou,China,in 2022.,The Olympic Games,are held every,four years on a regular basis.,The 31rst Olympic Games,were held,in Brazil in 2016.,The 24,th,Winter Olympic Games,will be held,in Beijing and Zhangjiakou,China,in 2022.,The Passive Voice,被动语态,The 24,th,Winter Olympic Games,will be held,in Beijing and Zhangjiakou,China,in 2022.,The Future Passive Voice,一般将来时被动语态,学习目标,1.,掌握一般将来时被动语态的用法,2.,掌握一般将来时被动的结构,3.,能在交际中正确使用一般将来时的被动语态,The 24,th,Winter Olympic Games,will be held,in Beijing and Zhangjiakou,China,in 2022.,Smoking,will not be permitted,at all in any of the stadiums.,Will,the 24,th,Winter Olympic Games,be held,in Beijing?,一般将来时被动语态表示将要发生的,_,动作。,Meaning and structures,被动,A new poster _(design)next week in order to advertise the coming Olympics.,Liu Xiang _(choose)for the Chinese team at the Athens Olympic Games and won a gold medal.,Tomorrow the two athletes _(send)to Australia for swimming training in preparation for the next Olympic Games.,Women _(allow)to compete in the modern Olympic Games.,No smoking will be allowed in the stadium.If you _(discover),you will be fined.,Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words,will be designed,was chosen,will be sent,are allowed,are discovered,1,Rules for the Olympic Games,Nobody will be allow to enter the stadium without a ticket.,Children will not,allowed to make a noise and upset the competitors.If they do,they will be took away from the stadium.,Cheating by athletes will not be excused.They will be told to leave and will be punishing.,You are a volunteer for the Olympics and you are asked to check if the rules are properly written.,allowed,be,taken,punished,Olympic torch,奥运火炬,Olympic fire,奥运圣火,the torch relay,火炬传递,A Bridge between The Ancient and The Modern Olympic Games,Hello!Im the torch that lights the Olympic fire and starts every modern Olympic Games.,I always begin my journey from Olympia in Greece where the ancient Games _ first _(hold).I _ usually _(light)by the sun there and _(carry)by many runners from different countries.Many people come to watch as I travel through their countries to the host city.However,only the best athletes carry me!Its a great honour and many athletes hope to get the chance to do so.The greatest honour is to be the last athlete who carries me into the stadium where the Games _(hold).The last athlete gets the opportunity to light the Olympic fire.That fire will burn for the whole period of the Games and it _ (not put)out until the Games end.It is a wonderful experience to be a bridge between the ancient and Olympic Games.Long may the Olympics continue.,were held,am lit,carried,will be held,will not be put,A Bridge between The Ancient and The Modern Olympic Games,为了节约费用,,2008,年奥运会场馆,将再次利用。北京只需新建一个场馆,张家口将建五个场馆。开幕式和闭幕式将在鸟巢(,Bird Nest,)举行。所有场馆比赛后将被用作,运动员训练比赛、大众,锻炼,、会展,(,exhibition,),及其他活动场地,Stadiums and Gymnasiums,Bird Nest,National Indoor Stadium,Water Cube,冬奥会前,两个新机场将在北京和张家口建成。京张高铁和几条地铁线正在建设中,,2019,年将完工。因此,运动员们可以利用便利的交通。,Transportation,Jing Zhan high-speed railway,subway line,地铁线,airport,Promotion of winter sports,推广冰雪运动,为了让更多人了解冬奥会,将会举办一系列冬奥会知识竞赛和演讲比赛。在学校,更多的冰场(,ice rink,)将会被建设以便学生可以学习冰雪运动。一些冰雪运动课程也将会开设,(start),Translation,所有场馆比赛后将被用作,运动员训练比赛、大众,锻炼,、会展,(,exhibition,),及其他活动场地,。,京张高铁和几条地铁线正在建设中,,2019,年将完工。,为了让更多人了解冬奥会,将会举办一系列冬奥会知识竞赛和演讲比赛。,所有场馆比赛后将被用作,运动员训练比赛、大众,锻炼,、会展,(,exhibition,),及其他活动场地,。,After the games,all the stadiums,will be used for,competitions and training for athletes,taking exercise for the public,exhibitions and other activities.,京张高铁和几条地铁线正在建设中,,2019,年将完工。,The Jing Zhang high-speed railway and several subway lines are being built and they,will be completed,in 2019.,为了让更多人了解冬奥会,将会举办一系列冬奥会知识竞赛和演讲比赛。,In order to make more people know about the winter Olympics,a series of winter Olympic knowledge competitions and speaking competitions,will be held,.,Dialogue,Your America friend,Mary,is visiting you.She is interested in the 24,th,wither Olympic Games and wants to kno


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