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houses.,简单句:只含一个主谓结构的句子。,主语:,n.,谓语:,v.,宾语:,n.,并列句:主谓结构主谓结构(或更多主谓结构,),并列,并列,(之间用,and,but,or,等词连接),复合句:主谓结构主谓结构(或更多主谓结构,),有主从之分,从句做句子的某一(些)成分,Sentence patterns,1.What is your lifestyle?Do you have a good habit?,As to me,I think my lifestyle is healthy,I always get up and go to bed in a strict regulation.Thanks to my good habit,I am healthy and energetic.Therefore,my good habit plays a very important part in our daily life.As a saying goes,health is better than wealth.Frankly speaking,I really benefit a lot from my good habit,.,Step 2 Discussion,2.What do you think of other peoples habits around you?Are they healthy or unhealthy?,It is generally believed that different people have different habits.Some people are addicted to habits like drinking and smoking,while others pay special attention to healthy diet and never taste things like alcohol and cigarettes.I have many friends who are overweight,besides,they are not willing to do exercise,so I think their lifestyle and habit are not good enough.,3.Do you agree that a bad habit has something to do with disease?,I couldnt agree more,a bad beginning makes a bad ending.It goes without saying that there is close relationship between personal habits and public health.On one hand,good habits serve as the necessary basis of public health,that is to say,without good habits,public health cant be assured.On the other hand,catching disease is the natural result brought by dirty habits,like AIDS,SARS,H1N1 flu and so on.,4.As an old saying goes,a fall into a pit,a gain in your wit.Do we learn a lesson from the H1N1?,The saying is absolutely right.As we all know,H1N1 has affected our lives seriously,and it even affects our recovering economy.However,such diseases are not rare in human history,so it is not necessary to fear;especially we have learned lessons from the battle with SARS several years ago.The public knew the importance of changing their unhealthy habits and customs and developing good ones.The government learned how to deal with emergencies from the SARS spread.Medical staff got lots of experience in analyzing,saving lives and stopping transmission.,【,写作内容,】,健康问题越来越受到关注。在现代社会里如,何保持健康呢?请看医学专家的建议:,研究显示,每天锻炼绝对是有必要的。锻炼能增强心脏功能,减少心脏病的机会,并且能帮助降低血压。这就是为何越来越多的人积极参与各种锻炼。其次,已经得到证明的是人们吃的东西影响健康,。,专家建议人们少吃点盐、糖和肉,但是应该多吃点新鲜蔬菜、水果和鱼,因为这些富含对人体很重要的营养素和维他命。再者,抽烟喝酒没什么好处,改掉像抽烟喝酒这样的坏习惯也是一个保持健康的好方法。,Step 4 Writing,首句已经给出:,Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health.But how to keep healthy,?,【,任务分析,】,此文是一篇有关如何保持健康的几条建议,,因此时态以一般现在时为主,而语态同时可,运用主动和被动两种。还可以运用,it,作形式主,语的句型,如,“,Its+adj/n.to do”,。,【,写作要求,】,只能使用,5,个句子表达全部内容。,【,评分标准,】,句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。,【,信息组合与翻译,】,研究显示,每天锻炼绝对是有必要的。锻炼能增强心脏功能,减少心脏病的机会,并且能帮助降低血压。,_,2.,这就是为何越来越多的人积极参与各种锻炼。,_,First,Research shows that it is absolutely necessary to,take some exercise every day because it can strengthen,the heart,reduce the chance of heart attack,and help,lower blood pressure.,Thats why more and more people are,taking an active part in various,kinds of exercises.,3.,其次,已经得到证明的是人们吃的东西影响健康。,_,4.,专家建议人们少吃点盐、糖和肉,但是应该多吃点新鲜蔬菜、水果和鱼,因为这些富含对人体很重要的营养素和维他命。,_,_,Besides,it has been proved that what people,eat affects their health.,As a result,people are advised to eat less salt,sugar,and meat,but more fresh vegetables,fruits,and fish,as they are rich in nutritional elements,and vitamins,which are important,to the body.,5.,再者,抽烟喝酒没什么好处,改掉像抽烟喝酒这样的坏习惯也是一个保持健康的好方法。,_,【,句子衔接,】,这篇文章是介绍如何保持健康,可以用,as for,(至于,)、,as is known to all,、,according to the experts,、,Thats why Its said that/Its,good(necessary/a good idea)to do,等引出话题。也可以用,besides,whats more,but,as a,result,等表示递进,,转折或因果关系。,Whats more,its no good smoking and drinking,alcohol,so getting rid of bad habits like smoking and,drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy.,What makes the passage more beautiful?,variety(,句式多样化,),fullness,(内容充实完整),conciseness,(简洁),elegance,(优雅),Step5.Beautifying,【,连句成篇,】,First,according to research,it is absolutely,necessary to take some exercise every day,because it can strengthen the heart,reduce the,chance of heart attack,and help lower blood,pressure.Thats why more and more people,are becoming


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