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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,集装箱理货常用语,1.大副,船上有多少只,20,尺、,40,尺集装箱?,Chief Officer,how many 20container and 40container are there on board?,2.,船上有加载集装箱吗?,Are there any additional containers on board?,3.,请把重箱装在空箱下面。,Please load the loaded vans(full container)under the empty vans.,4.,大副,这只集装箱超长一米,超宽一点三米。,Chief Officer,this container is over length 1 meter and over-wide 1.3 meter.,5.,那些集装箱需要翻舱?,Which container need be reloaded?,6.,贝位图准备好了吗?,Have you got the Bay plan ready?,7.,这航次我们要装运多少空箱?,How many empty vans shall we carry this time?,8.,所有重箱都在前方堆场吗?,Are all the loaded vans available on the marshalling yard?,9.,一人在船边工作,检查外表状况,核对箱号;另一人在甲板上工作,检查箱顶,记录箱子的实际积载位置。,One tallyman work at ships side,examining the apparent condition and checking the container number and seal number;another works on deck,inspecting the containers top and jotting down its actual stowage.,10.,码头上我们有二辆装卸桥吊。,We have only two,portainers,on the wharf.,在,11.,你们是怎样把集装箱转运到船边的?是跨运车还是叉车?,How do you transfer the vans to the ships side?Do you use straddle carriers or forklifts?,12.,我们通常用集卡来运集装箱。,We usually use container trucks and chassis to transfer containers.,13.,我们装运了一些特殊的集装箱,它们是,30,只冷冻集装箱,,24,只框架集装箱里装有大件。,We have carried some special containers,that is,30 reefer containers and 24 flat rack containers with heavy lifts in them.,14.,在卸冷冻集之装箱之前,不要忘了切断电源。,Dont forget to cut off the electricity supply before discharging the reefer containers.,15.,船上所有的集装箱情况良好,因为它们已经过特殊地捆扎。,All the containers are in good order on board,because they had been specially lashed.,16.,我们发现两只集装箱铅封失落,一只集装箱严重擦损,请签字。,We found two vans with their seals missing and one van badly bruised.Please sign it.,17.,本装卸公司是一个现代化的集装箱码头。,This stevedoring company is a modernized container terminal.,18.,本公司向来自各地的客户提供最优质的服务。,Our company offers service of the utmost quality to customers from all of the world.,19.,你们集装箱码头有货运站吗?,Do you have a CFS in your container terminal?,20.,贵船装有多少整箱和拼箱?在装货港或航行中有集装箱残损?,How many,FCLs,and,LCLs,are there on board?And was any of the contains damaged at 1the loading port or during the voyage?,21.,贵船装有多少箱位?这次在上海卸多少箱?计划装多少箱,?,How many,TEUs,are there in your ship?How many containers will be discharged in Shanghai and how many do your plan to load?,22.,我们每条作业线每工班可卸集装箱约,250,箱,.,We can discharge container about 250 moves each working shift.,23.,我们码头的装卸效率是相当高的,桥吊完成一个集装箱周期时间约平均为,2,分钟,The handling efficiency of our port is rather high.The quay crane completes the cycle in a time average of about 2.5 minutes per container.,24.,大付,残损集装箱是卸上岸,还是留在船上让你检查,?,Chief,should the damaged container be discharged ashore or laid a side on board for your inspection?,25.,这个集装箱将卸在码头前沿,以检查外表损伤情况,.,This container will be discharged at the apron of the wharf to check whether it is in apparent good order or damaged.,26.,卸船的空箱较多,这是集装箱残损记录,请签字,.,There are many empty containers in discharging.Here is the damaged container record.Please sign it.,27.,如发现残损集装箱,我与当班付联系可以吗,?,If any damaged container be found,can I contact the Duty officer for it?,28.,在卸集装箱过程,我们发现,3,舱内有,1,只残损箱,.,显然,擦伤是原残,请认定事实并签字好吗,?,During discharging,we found one damaged container in hatch no.3.Obviously,the bruise is original damage.Would you please certify the fact and sign?,29.,这个集装箱的铅封已经失落,我们不能接收,只得退关,.,The seal of this container is lost,so we cant accept it.,30.,我们将拆除甲板上集装箱间的绑扎物,马上开始卸船了。,We,ll,untie the lashings between the containers on deck.Discharging will begin at once.,31.,请在积载图上标明本船的确安全水尺和满载后的前后吃水。,Please mark the safety draft scale and fore and aft full draft of the vessel in the stowage plan.,32.,这些出舱翻舱的集装箱必须先卸上岸去。,These shifting and reloading containers should be discharged to shore first.,33.,对不起,大副。我发现有一只平板箱上的货物件数同进口舱单上所列明的不相符合。,Im sorry,Chief.I found theres one platform container where packages on the container load list do not conform to those on the inward manifest.,34.,这些集装箱箱号与船图上不符,是否混装或错装?,The number of these containers disagrees with those shown on the plan.Is it possible that they have been mixed up or misplaced?,35.,大副,我发现,25,贝位一些集装箱在装货港混装了。请随我一起去核实一下。,Chief,I found that some containers in Bay No.25 have been mixed up at the loading port.Please follow me to check them.,36.,在,20,贝位上的集装箱与船图不符,多(少)了一箱,请你解释一下。,These containers in No.20 disagree with your stowage plan with one overloaded(short landed).Explain it please.,37.,3,舱的隔槽有些变形,请你去看一下。,The slot in hatch No.3 has been some deformed.Please go there and have a look.,38.,修复隔槽需要多少时间?,How long will it take to repair the slot?,39.,请你通知当班人员将所有冷藏集装箱的插座拔掉。,15,点左右卸船结束,何时装船请等待通知。,Please inform Duty Officer to take off the electric sockets for all reefer containers.,40.,We,ll,finish discharging at about 15:00 pm,Please await our information as to where we,ll,begin loading.,41.,配载计划员正在编制装船积载图,请稍等片刻。,The stowage planner is compiling the loading plan.Please wait a moment.,42.,我们正在等卸支线驳的中转集装箱转装到本航次上。,We are waiting for the transshipment containers from the feeder barge being loaded to this voyage.,43.,货主告诉我们,他的一个集装箱必须退关。因此,我们正在寻找该集装箱。,The shipper told us,one of his con


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