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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,汉英字典,犯错,一个拼写错误,把,误当做,一个聪明的女孩,把,赠送给某人,对,感到遗憾,一份小礼物,想让某人做某事,9,10.,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,告诉某人做某事,告诉某人不要做某事,决定做某事,要某人做某事,使某人做某事,让某人做某事,打印一份信,灌满水,spell,过去式、过去分词,18,10/15/2024,Review,1.,您要同她谈话吗?,2.,我要她到我办公室来。,3.,告诉她马上就来。,4.,你只打了一个,L,。,5.,这封信里错误百出。,10/15/2024,Review,6.,我想让你纠正这个错误。,7.,叫他不要错过这班火车。,8.,我不想让你受伤。,9.,我决定开车去学校。,10.,告诉他们去听收音机。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,汉英字典,犯错,一个拼写错误,把,误当做,一个聪明的女孩,把,赠送给某人,对,感到遗憾,一份小礼物,想让某人做某事,9,Chinese-English dictionary,make a mistake,a spelling mistake,mistake for ,an intelligent girl,present sth. to sb.,present sb. with sth.,be sorry about sth.,a little present,want sb. to do sth.,10.,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,告诉某人做某事,告诉某人不要做某事,决定做某事,要某人做某事,使某人做某事,让某人做某事,打印一份信,灌满水,spell,过去式、过去分词,18,tell sb. to do sth.,tell sb. not to do sth.,decide to do sth.,ask sb. to do sth.,make sb. do sth.,let sb. do sth.,type a letter,be full of water,spelt spelt,10/15/2024,Review,1.,您要同她谈话吗?,Do you want to speak to her?,2.,我要她到我办公室来。,I,want her to come to my office.,3.,告诉她马上就来。,Tell her to come at once.,4.,你只打了一个,L,。,Youve typed it with only one L.,5.,这封信里错误百出。,This letter is full of mistakes.,10/15/2024,Review,6.,我想让你纠正这个错误。,7.,叫他不要错过这班火车。,8.,我不想让你受伤。,9.,我决定开车去学校。,10.,告诉他们去听收音机。,I,want you to correct the mistake,Tell him not to miss the train.,I dont want you to hurt yourself.,I decided to drive to school.,Tell them to listen to the radio.,Lesson 107,Its too small.,New words and expressions,madam mdm n.,夫人,女士,(对妇女的尊称),smart sma:t adj.,漂亮的,as well,同样,suit su:t v.,适于,pretty priti adj.,漂亮的,either,-,用在否定句中,表示“也不,”,I dont know what profession would,suit,me.,我不知道什么职业适合我干。,suit & fit,都可以指衣服合适,fit,指衣物尺寸大小合身,suit,指衣物颜色、款式、质地适合,穿起来协调、好看,This dress,fit,s her well.,This dress,sui,ts her well.,Blue,sui,ts me.,形容词、副词,形容词用于描绘人或事物的特征的词。,形容词的用法,修饰名词,表示名词的属性。在句子中充当表语、定语和宾补。,1),用作,定语,修饰,名词或代词,:,He lives a,happy,life.,I have a,good,friend.,2),用作,表语,放在,动词,be,后,也可以放在其他一些特殊的,系动词,后面,:,The story,is,interesting,.,She,looks,young,.,3),做,宾语补足语,对句子的宾语进行补充说明,We should keep,our classroom,clean,.,副词的用法,表示,行为和状态的特征,,作,状语,,在句子中修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,甚至是整个句子,还能作,表语、定语和宾补,。,He studies English,hard,.,His handwriting is,very,good.,He writes,very,carefully.,Sometimes,he walks to school.,Class is,over,.,The weather,here,is very hot.,I found the boy,over there,.,做状语修饰,v.,状语修饰,adj.,做状语修饰,adv.,状语修饰整句,.,做表语,作定语,做宾补,形容词副词的比较级和最高级,Yao Ming is Jordan (is).,Jordan is,tall,.,Yao Ming is,tall,er,.,Jordan,2.26m,1.98m,tall,er than,Look and say,Liu Yifei is thin.,Xiaoming is,thinner than,Liu Yifei (is).,Mike is,the thinnest,of all,funny,fun,nier,the fun,ni,est,Geyou is funny.,Zhao Benshan is,funnier than,Geyou (is).,Pan Changjiang is,the funnies,t,of them .,1.,形容词和副词等级的构成,1),规则变化,构 成 方 法,原 级,比 较 级,最 高 级,单音节词和少数多音节词,1),一般在词尾加,er,或,est,2),以字母,e,结尾的词,加,r,或,st,3),重读闭音节词以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾,先双写辅音字母;再加,er,或,est,4),以“辅音字母,+y”,结尾的双音节词,先改“,y,”,为“,i”,再加,er,或,est,多音节词和部分双音节词,5),在多音节词和部分双音节词前加,more,或,most,cold,cold,er,cold,est,fast,fast,er,fast,est,nice,nice,r,nice,st,large,large,r,large,st,big,big,ger,big,gest,hot,hot,ter,hot,test,easy,eas,ier,eas,iest,early,earl,ier,earl,iest,tired,more,tired,most,tired,easily,more,easily,most,easily,原级,比较级,最高级,1.,形容词和副词等级的构成,2),不规则变化,good / well,better,best,ill/bad / badly,worse,worst,many / much,more,most,little,less,least,far,farther,farthest,further,furthest,old,older,elder,oldest,eldest,注:,farther,指距离更远,:,I jump,farther,than Tom.,further,指抽象的,程度深的,.,I want to,study English further,.,older,一般指年龄大小,:,My father is,older,than my mother.,elder,指长幼关系,(,一般修饰名词作定语,);,My,elder brother,is a driver.,练一练,原级,比较级,最高级,happy,easily,hard,large,thin,little,many,badly,happ,ier,happ,iest,more,easily,most,easily,hard,er,hard,est,large,r,large,st,thin,ner,thin,nest,less,least,more,most,worse,worst,2.,原级比较,as + adj./adv.,原级,as,表示:,和,一样,你和我一样大。,You are _,I (am),.,as old as,否定:,not +as/so+ adj./adv.,原级,as,表示 :,不及,你没有我大。,You are _,I (am),.,not as/so old as,练一练,你的字典和我的一样大。,Your dictionary is,as big as,mine,.,你的字典不如我的大。,Your dictionary is,not as/so big as,mine,.,2.,原级比较,as + adj./adv.,原级,as,表示:,和,一样,否定:,not +as/so+ adj./adv.,原级,as,表示 :,不及,他跑得和我一样快。,He runs _,I/me,.,as fast as,他跑得不及我快。,He _ run _ I/me.,doesnt,as/so fast as,练一练,Tom,和,Mary,舞跳得一样漂亮。,Tom dances as beautifully as Mary.,Tom,舞蹈跳得不如,Mary.,Tom doesnt dance as/so beautifully as Mary.,中考连接:,I dont believe the young man,could run _ fast _ 20,kilometers an hour.,as, as,as, like,much, as,so, like,A,Jim doesnt sing _ the other,boys and girls in his class.,so good as,as good like,as well like,so well as,D,as,much,+,不可数名词,+as,,,as,many,+,可数名词复数,as,表示:,和,一样多,Bob read as _ books as Mary.,There is as _ water in this bottle as in that bottle.,many,much,当,as as,中间有,名词,时,采用以下格式,as,much,+,不可数名词,+as,,,as,many,+,可数名词复数,as,表示:,和,一样多,我的苹果和你一样多。,Tom,吃的鱼肉和,Mary,一样多。,I have as many apples as you.,Tom ate as much fish as Mary.,练一练,adj./adv.,的比较级,than,表示:,在某方面超过,我比汤姆要高。,I am _ Tom (is).,你看起来比以前年轻。,You look _ before.,3.,比较级结构,taller than,younger than,中考连接:,As the 2010 Asian Games get,closer, Guangzhou is becoming,_ than ever.,beautiful,most beautiful,more beautiful,almost beautiful,C,Im,twelve,. My friend is,ten,.,Im,not,_ _,as,my friend.,My friend is,not,_ _,as,I /me.,Im _,than,my friend.,My friend is _,than,I am.,older,younger,so/as young,so/as old,同义句:,Unit 1 is easy. Unit 6 is difficult.,Unit 1 is not _ _ as Unit 6.,Unit 6 is not _ _ as Unit 1.,Unit 6 is _ _ than Unit 1.,Unit 1 is _ _ than Unit 6.,so/as difficult,less difficult,more difficult,so/as easy,对于多音节词来说,表示,不如,还可以用,less +adj./adv.,的原级,than,同义句:,Tom,舞蹈跳得不如,Mary,漂亮,.,Tom doesnt dance as/so beautifully as Mary.,Tom dances less beautifully than Mary.,练一练,注意:,1).,以,-er,结尾和特殊变化,的形容词副词比较级前面,不能加,more,2).,as as,之间必须用形容词和副词,原级,He is more taller than I. (,T or F,),I can write more better than he.,(,T or F,),I run as faster as she. (,T or F,),fast,3).,比较级前可用,much, far, a lot, a little, even,等,表示程度,不能使用,very, quite. very,和,quite,修饰原形。,She sings _ better than the others.,她比别人要唱得好得多。,far/even/much/a lot,Now I read _ faster than before.,我现在读得比以前要快一点。,a little,注意:,中考连接:,-Do you like western food?,-No. The food of our country is_ than,that of western countries.,rather good,much better,more better,not so good,B,4).,比较的对象要一致,一般说来同等的两个事物才能比较,.,The weather of Beijing is colder than Shanghai.,(T or F),that of,His English is better than anyone else in his class.,(T or F),elses,中考连接:,It is much colder in Jiling than,_ in Jiangsu.,A. one,B. that,C. it,D. those,B,5).,比较时,句子主语,不能包括在比较对象的范围之内,。,He studies harder than any student in his class.,(T or F),other,He studies harder than (all) the students in his class.,(T or F),other,He studies harder than anyone in his class.,(T or F),else,*,比较级,+ than +,any,other +,单,数名词,*,比较级,+ than +,(all),the,other +,复,数名词,中考连接:,China is larger than _ in Asia.,any country,any other countries,any other country,other country,C,The moon is closer to us than _ star. (,any, any other,),any,China is larger than _ country in Africa. (,any, any other,),any,China is larger than _ countries in Asia. (,all the, all the other,),all the other,练一练,6).,在比较级中,用,that,代替上述出现过的,不可数名词或单数名词,,用,those,代替上述出现过的,复数名词。,The water in the glass is cleaner than _ in the river.,杯子里的水比河里的要干净。,I like these pictures better than _ on the wall.,和墙上的画相比,我更喜欢这些。,that,those,用括号内形容词和副词的适当形式填空,1.Jack isnt so _ (clever) as John.,2.Tom works as _ (hard) as Mary.,3.Its _ (hot) today than yesterday.,4.This park looks much _ (good) than that one.,5. This dress is beautiful. That one is even _ (beautiful).,6. I cant run as fast as you. You run _ (fast) than I.,7. This student is _ (careful) than any other student.,clever,hard,hotter,better,more beautiful,faster,more careful,改错,:,1. His computer is cheaper than I.,2. Bill is taller than any boy in his class.,3. Mary sings better than any other boy in her class.,4. Jim is very older than his sister.,I,mine,any boy,any other boy,any boy,any,other boy,very,much,5. Its more bigger than a chicken.,6. My classroom is bigger than you.,7. The girl is very taller.,much,yours,tall,4.,比较级的特殊用法,1,),the +,比较级,+ of the two,表示:,两者中较,的一个,He is _ (old),of the two boys,.,the older,Mary,是这两个学生中更认真的一位。,Mary is,the more careful of,the,two students.,He is _( young) of the,twins.,the younger,用词的适当形式填空,4.,比较级的特殊用法,2,),less +(,多音节词,),原级,+ than,= not as/so+,原级,as,不及,Jim,doesnt,do it,as carefully as,Mary.,Jim does _ than Mary.,Mary does _ than Jim.,less carefully,more carefully,这部电影没有那部电影有趣。,This film is,not as/so interesting as,that one.,This film is,less interesting than,that one.,3). the +,比较级,+(,句子,),,,the,比较级,+(,句子,),表示:越,就越,你越粗心,犯的错误就越多。,The _ you are, the _ mistakes you will make.,more careless,more,他越忙越高兴。,The busier,he is,the happier,he feels.,越多越好。,The more, the better,.,中考连接:,The _ you eat, the _ you will be.,more, fat,most, fatter,more, fatter,most, fat,C,4.,比较级,+and+,比较级,表示:越来越,他跑得越来越快。,He ran _.,faster and faster,这个城市变得越来越漂亮。,The city has become,_.,more and more beautiful,当形容词或副词为,多音节,时,必须用,more and more +,原级,你的英语越来越好了。,Your English is getting,better and better.,现在学英语的人越来越多了,。,Now,more and more,people are learning English.,中考连接:,Now, people think that Guangzhou,is becoming _.,more beautiful and more beautiful,more and more clean,more and more beautiful,clean and clean,C,I work _ in order to(,为了,) pass,the coming exam.,more and more hard,harder and harder,hardest and hardest,hard and hard,B,5).,比较,A,、,B,两事物,询问哪一个较,时:,Which / Who +,比较级, A or B,?,Which,T-shirt is,nicer, this one or that one?,谁更认真,,Mary,还是,Tom,?,Who,is,more careful, Mary or Kate?,谁更高,,Tim,还是,Tom?,Who is,taller, Tim,or,Tom?,6).,表示“大,3,岁”,“长,2,米”时,要用,数量词,+,比较级,He is _ than I.,他比我大三岁。,three years older,The bridge is _ than that one.,这条桥比那条长两米。,two meters longer,7),倍数:两倍,twice,三倍,three times,四倍,four times,倍数,asas,这本书是那本书的,3,倍厚。,This book is _,as,that one.,three times as thick,twice thicker,The book is _,than,that one.,倍数比较级,than,7),倍数:两倍,twice,三倍,three times,四倍,four times,倍数,asas,我们的学校比你们的学校大三倍。,Our school is,four times as large as,yours.,倍数比较级,than,Our school is,three times larger than,yours.,中考连接:,-My house cost me 800,000 yuan.,-Oh, its so expensive. Its three,times _ mine.,as many as,as much as,as little as,less than,B,Our classroom is four times as,_ as theirs. That means,their classroom is _ smaller,than ours.,big, three times,small, four times,big, three time,small, four time,A,形容词和副词,比较级和最高级的用法,10/15/2024,Liu Xiang is tall,er than,Pan Changjiang.,Yao Ming is,the,tall,est,of the three.,10/15/2024,The green skirt is nice,r,than,the blue one.,The yellow skirt is,the,nice,st,of all .,10/15/2024,Jim is happ,ier,than,Mary .,John is,the,happ,iest,of the three/,in our class.,10/15/2024,fast,The train is fast,er,than,the car!,The plane is the fast,est,of the three/of all,.,10/15/2024,The mooncake is,large,.,This mooncake is,larger,than that one.,It is,the,largest,of,all.,10/15/2024,The moon is,big,.,The earth is _than,the moon.,The sun is _of all.,bigger,the biggest,10/15/2024,Li Yong is,funny,.,Ted is_,than Li Yong.,Panchangjiang is _ of all .,funnier,the funniest,10/15/2024,120,000 yuan,5,000 yuan,The car is _of all.,The motorcycle is _than the bike.,The bike is,expensive,.,500 yuan,more expensive,the most expensive,形容词、副词的最高级,1) A+be,动词,+,the,+ adj.,最高级 ,in(,范围,),of/among (,同类,),2) A+,实义动词,+,(the),adv.,最高级 ,in(,范围,),of/among(,同类,),Mary is,the tallest,girl _,her class,/ _,the three,.,Bill reads,most clearly,_,all the students,.,in,of/amomg,of/among,所有书中这本书是最有趣的。,The book is,the most interesting of all,.,在班上她最早到校。,She comes to school,(the) earliest,in the class.,练一练,中考连接:,Kate did _ among all the,students in the exam.,more carefully,most carefully,more careful,most careful,B,中考连接:,( ),Mary writes _ in her class.,most beautifully,more beautifully,most beautiful,more beautiful,=Mary writes more beautifully than in _her class.,=Mary writes more beautifully than in _her class.,A,the other students,any other student,注意:,This the best film,I have (ever) seen,.,1) A + be,动词,+,the,+ adj.,最高级 ,sb. +,has/have + (ever) +done,这是我看过最棒的电影。,这是他读过最有趣的书。,This is the most interesting book,he has ever read.,Bill is the tallest in our class.,Bill is _ than _ _ student in our class.,Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.,Shanghai is _ _ _ in China.,taller,any other,the largest city,注意:,2),最高级和比较级可以进行同义句互换,练一练:,She is _ (nice) girl I have seen.,This is the most delicious dinner _,I have had,I had,I am having,I will have,the nicest,A,3,),one of the +,形容词最高级,+,名词复数表示,“最,之一”,他是班里最高的学生之一,.,He is _ in the class.,one of the tallest student,s,长江是世界上最长的河流之一。,The Yangtze River is,one of the longest,rivers,in the world.,Tim is one of _ in his class.,the best student,the good students,the better student,the best students,D,4) the +,序数词,+,形容词最高级,+,名词 第,最,它是世界上第二高的建筑物,.,It is _ building in the world.,the second tallest,长江是世界上第三长河流。,The Yangtze River is,the third longest river,in the world.,5),比较,A,、,B,、,C,三事物,询问哪一个最,时:,Which / Who +,最高级,A,B or C,?,Which,T-shirt is,the,nicest, the white one, the green one or the yellow one?,你最喜欢什么?牛奶、咖啡还是可乐?,Which do you like best, milk, coffee or cola?,6).,最高级前可用,by far,来修饰,表示程度,She is _ the tallest in class.,她是班上最最高的一个人。,by far,I am by far _ in my family.,我是家里最认真的一个人。(,careful),the most careful,注意:,1.China is _ (large) country in Asia.,2. Of all the girls she draws _ (well).,3. English is one of _ (interesting) subjects.,4. This student is _ (careful) than any other student.,5. Which is _ (easy), English, Chinese or Maths?,(the) best,the most interesting,more careful,the easiest,the largest,练一练:,1. Li Ling is the youngest of our class.,2. Li Fen draws better of the two girls.,3. He is the tallest in the three boys.,in,the better,of,改错:,4. Mr. Green is my the best teacher.,5. Jim is one of the tallest boy in our class.,6. John runs is the fastest of all.,7. My father is get up earlier than my mother.,去掉,the,boys,去掉,is,改为:,gets,P220,练习,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,warmer,cooler,wetter,later,easier,larger,Lesson 107,Its too small.,10/15/2024,What do you do on weekends?,Do you like go shopping?,Listen and answer the questions:,What kind of dress does the lady want?,10/15/2024,Listening,1,.,Pair work.,2. Acting.,Listen to the story and answer:,What kind of dress does the lady want?,10/15/2024,Asking and,answering,10/15/2024,1.Is the blue dress lovely?,2.Why doesnt the lady want it?,3.Does she try the green dress as well?,4.What the matter with the green dress?,5.Does the lady think the blue dress is prettier than the green one?,6.Why cant the assistant get the lady a blue dress of her size?,10/15/2024,1.Is the blue dress lovely?,Yes, it is .,2.Why doesnt the lady want it?,Because its too small for her.,3.Does she try the green dress as well?,Yes, she does.,4.What the matter with the green dress?,Its too small for her and the color doesnt suit her.,5.Does the lady think the blue dress is prettier than the green one?,Yes, she does.,6.Why cant the assistant get the lady a blue dress of her size?,Because the blue dress is the largest one in the shop.,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,2.,10/15/2024,3,10/15/2024,1). too + adj.+ for sb,对,来说,太,The shoes are too small for me.,这鞋子对我来说太小了。,这个问题对我们来说太难了。,The question is too hard for us.,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,3,),Its too + adj.+ for sb+ to do,对某人来说做,太,Its too hard for me to answer the question.,对我来说回答这个问题太难了。,对小孩来说爬这座山太累了。,Its too tiring for a child to climb the mountain.,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,今年这种短裙很流行。,This year this kind of skirt is in fashion.,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,6.,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,7,I dont like the color, either.,I dont like the dress, either.,either,“也”,用于否定句中,我也不喜欢这件连衣裙。,10/15/2024,8,It doesnt suit me at all.,我一点也不喜欢他。,at all,根本,not at all,根本不,I do,nt,like him,at all,.,她一点也不胖。,She is,nt,fat,at all,.,10/15/2024,9.,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,10.,10/15/2024,10/15/2024,Can you say something about it?,Do, you ,like ,this dress?,like colour,lovely dress,Yes, but too, small, for me,What about , this one,It is ,lovely,dress,smart,And, short skirt, in fashion,Do,you ,want ,try it,10/15/2024,I ,afraid ,this green dress,too small for you,smaller blue one,Madam:I not ,like th,e,color,it , not suit me ,at all,I like blue,prettier,10/15/2024,could, you ,show, another blue,dress?,I want a dress, like that one,But, it must, my size,I ,afraid,I not have, larger,It is, largest, in our shop,10/15/2024,homework,复习笔记比较级最高级、本课单词、词组,熟读课文并背诵,周三检查。,抄单词,4,英,1,中,词组,2,英,1,中,并默写。,完成书,220,练习、练习册、一课一练。,


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